~Zodiac: Aries/Horse
~Favorite Food: Pizza, cookies (love sugar *-*) & lasagna
~I'm very weird O.o
~My favorite movie: Howl's Moving Castle,Sleepy Hollow...
~I love ♥ J music
~My favorite artist: Gustav Klimt
~I love cats ♥ (they are so cute<3)
~Favorite games: All Zelda Series ♥ FF and Devil May Cry ^^ (Dante is so hot *¬*)
~Game Plataform: Nintendo wii, 64, DS, advance, PS2, PS1, PS3 xbox360,GC, Wii U.
~Current Residence:Under my bed *w*
She♥~†Lastfm link†~
~My other loves xD~
†My Otaku Level†
All Comments (51) Comments
I've seen on you profile (nicely build btw) that you're playing SSBB.
I got it too but I'm still too much used to the handling of SSBM that SSBB just irrtates me when I'm playing it.
What does your sig look like?
are those role playing games?
Ok! Thanks! I will feed your pokemon too!
whats up? =3
i like the ed kitten :P