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Tongari Boushi no Atelier
Tongari Boushi no Atelier
Jan 31, 7:52 PM
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Sakamoto Days
Sakamoto Days
Jan 31, 7:40 PM
Watching 4/11 · Scored -
Kusuriya no Hitorigoto 2nd Season
Kusuriya no Hitorigoto 2nd Season
Jan 31, 7:40 PM
Watching 3/24 · Scored -
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Jan 13, 2024 10:05 PM
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Girl Crush
Girl Crush
Sep 8, 2023 9:52 AM
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Chainsaw Man
Chainsaw Man
Sep 1, 2023 9:12 PM
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Fantasymelon Feb 20, 7:09 PM
Thank you!! It's good to be talking to you again.
To be honest, January was one of the worst months of my life LOL. But things have been better again this month. I think things can ONLY get better after everything that happened in January.
I finally continued watching S3 of eupho!! I'm watching it with a friend, we finished episodes 3-6 today! I definitely feel it's a little fast paced but it's still fantastic! I'm going to miss these characters sooooo much when we finish, but I am planning on reading the novels next, especially year 2 since it was so rushed in the anime. It's reassuring to hear you think S3 ended on a high note.
I still haven't seen look back!!! I deeply regret not being able to see it in theaters!!! I hope I can finally watch it soon.
Oh man arcane S2... I have so much to say about that, but S1 was one of my favorite things EVER fir three whole years, and S2 was one of the biggest disappoints I've ever seen. Act 1 was fantastic but it fell off the rails unbelievably hard after that. I'd be here all day if I voiced all my complaints but yeah.... it's such a shame. The biggest, but most visually beautiful, disappointment ever.
In terms of video games, I played mouthwashing last month which I absolutely loved!! thematically rich and wild experience, I definitely recommend playing it completely blind if you haven't already. I've also been playing a lot of fantasy life, a childhood favorite of mine, in preparation for the sequel coming out in a few months! Lovely and charming game, I definitely recommended it if you can get your hands on that game. I cant believe we're finally getting a sequel for it over a decade later.

OOOOOH LOVE BULLET!!! I absolutely adore this series!!! I found out about it last year because it was on the brink of being cancelled and a campaign to save it went viral on twitter. Thank goodness it seems to have worked, with the first volume for going out of stock and needed to be reprinted multiple times, because no joke, love bullet has genuinely one of the greatest first volumes of any manga I've ever read!!! The concept is simple but compelling and the art style is adorable and the characters are so immediately loveable and interesting. I actually cried reading the first volume because the emotions of the story were so hard hitting. There's so many theories in the fandom already that make me so excited for the future of the series. I can't recommend this series enough, especially since its only around 10 chapters so far! You're in for a treat.

for the stuff at the top of my list, last month I watched alien stage and I've relapsed into my milgram brainrot after the S3 reveal. I don't know if you've heard of either of those, or even the medium they are? They're both a series of music videos that tell a narrative through their lyrics and visuals, and use music as a meta(?) / in universe aspect of the story. I definitely recommend both!! If you want to watch them let me know and I can provide with a playlist of the watch order + bonus content such as canon minicomics for alien stage and transcripts of conversations the cast in milgram have on the website that really enhance both stories. For milgram in particular having the watch order is a godsend since most people unfortunately don't know there's also voice dramas you need to listen to and thus only get half the story. But yeah I love both of those series dearly, if you watch them just be prepared to be emotionally devasted by them lol.

For actual anime, I watched the colors within last month which I really enjoyed! Beautiful movie as expected from Noako Yamada, she never misses lol. I also watched literally all of Dandadan last night, and anyone who knows me knows how I'm not a binge watcher 99.9 percent of the time which really says a lot for how much I enjoyed that anime lol. I started lycoris recoil today and liked the first episode a lot

My revue starlight brainrot also resurfaced in December so I've been obsessed with that series again lol. It's odd because I watched that series like two years ago, thought it was just ok (the show at least, I absolutely loved the movie epilogue) and moved on but then out of nowhere after seeing fan art for it on instagram I became obsessed with the series rewatched and its one of my favorites now??? shows how important rewatching stuff is because of tastes changing. I'm forcing a bunch of my friends to watch the series with me now LOL, infecting them with my revue starlight hyperfixation.... revue starlight hyperfixartion so bad it's got me wanting to draw fanart for it which is insane because I basically ONLY want to ever draw my OCs,,, my kids who live in my head I love them dearly

but anyway, I'm incredibly hyped for the witch hat anime!!! I need it now omg please I need it injected into my veins lmao.... that manga means the absolute world to me I think i might actually cry when I watch the first episode cause I'll be so happy
Fantasymelon Dec 27, 2024 4:24 PM
Oh my god you have nothing to apologize for in regards to late replies I'm so sorry I disappeared for most of the year LMAO

2024 was uuuuh *a lot*. Not necessarily in a bad way (most of the time). But I was incredibly busy for a lot of the year and executive dysfunction was kicking my ass LMAO.

But how have you been this year? Have you watched or read any new favorites? Without spoilers how did you like season 3 of eupho? Due to the reasons I mentioned before I practically watched and read nothing new for the most part RIP,,,, (other than love bullet my beloved <3) Really hoping I can get back to constantly reading and watching new animanga during 2025, I really miss it a lot and there's so much media I want to experience. I have a small list of anime and manga I want to either continue or start reading for 2025 that I'm excited for hopefully I'll actually be able to watch and read them this time lmao. And maybe this year I'll finally experience the VNs for both higurashi and umineko.
Have you checked out witch hat in the time I've been gone? sorry I have to ask lol.

But yeah!! I hope you've been doing well and had a great year!!
DinoPapiro Dec 7, 2024 9:54 AM
Hey!! Love your taste, Hibike, aot, vinland mob, chihayafuru... most of your top 10 to be honest... Was wondering if you have any good recommendations?
InstantRamenKing Jul 8, 2024 4:17 AM
Happy birthday
torasaburo Jul 7, 2024 9:21 AM
many happy returns :)
ADumbNut May 21, 2024 3:35 PM
Love your ange pfp too 😍
InstantRamenKing May 20, 2024 5:34 PM
Thanks for accepting my fr nice to meet u, been watching anything good lately?
ADumbNut May 20, 2024 3:53 PM
thanks for accepting the friend request! nice to meet you 😎
Fantasymelon Feb 14, 2024 12:52 PM
oh man, what do I *not* love about witch hat? The art is masterful and has some of the most beautiful and creative panel compositions i've ever seen a comic have, the story and world building is so fascinating, the characters are wonderful, it has one of my favorite magic systems ever, the themes and struggles the characters go through resonate so deeply with me on a personal level as a disabled artist, I could talk about everything I love about this series for hours. I didn't experience a lot of media last year due to burnout but it was easily the best media I experienced that year and one of the highlights of 2023 for me in general. it's in my top 5 manga now and the main character coco is one of my favorite protagonists ever, and it has one of my favorite casts in general now. I can't recommend it enough. I'm so excited for the anime adaptation but i really feel like the manga is still going to be the definitive experience because the panel composition is such an integral part of the experience.
anime and comics really are made for the fantasy genre, it's one of the reasons why live action doesn't interest me as much. I loooove complex high fantasy worlds full of magic like witch hat and kubera and that just doesn't work in live action 99% of the time.

I def will let you know when I get to the eupho movie! Right now me and my friends have watched to episode 8 on our rewatch. Rewatching has been such a wonderful experience, I think the last time I watched S1 and 2 was in 2019? I had forgotten about a lot scenes and character beats so it's almost like reexperiencing it for the first time again. It's so great to rewatch old favorites and remember why you fell in love with them in the first place.

did you see the news of look back getting an anime adaptation? I'm so ecstatic for it, other than chainsaw man it's my favorite fujimtoto work. I know that little one shot doesn't resonate with a lot people as deeply but as an artist that story resonates with me so personally, literally changed my life and how I view my art. I can't wait to see this story animated, buuut I'm also not prepared to be emotionally destroyed by it again, this time with sound and animation lmao. I really hope goodbye eri and fire punch can get adaptations as well one day
Fantasymelon Jan 31, 2024 8:13 AM
thank you!
aah fr about the return of fantasy manga, I feel isekai wore out its welcome years ago, and fantasy has been my favorite genre for my whole life so I'm absolutely loving the return of true fantasy anime. I felt this way towards witch hat atelier, magical series no pun intended lol, very impatient for the anime adaptation.

I've heard about how rushed the eupho movie was which partly why i still haven't watched it, I planning on doing a rewatch for the entire series with some internet friends starting this weekend tho, so I'll finally be watching it.

Oh that's right, I forgot about the chainsaw man movie! really excited for that since i looove reze arc, a little anxious tho since it won't be the same director, i didn't love every decision the anime that was made for S1's adaptation but for the most part i think the directing and vibes were phenomenal.
Fantasymelon Jan 19, 2024 5:10 PM
Everything is much better now thank you! I'm back in a decently productive state of mind. I think i just needed the year to end and start fresh you know?
Really glad to hear that your new job and city has been good also yeah i can definitely relate to not wanting to go outside because of the cold lmao

For seasonals i've started dungeon meshi and frieren which i'm loving so far! It's fun that two fantasy stories with very different tones and very different lead elf girls are airing together lol. I'm extremely excited for hibike euphonium S3 but also very nervous for it? I just hold S2 and its ending so so close to my heart, it means a lot to me and one of my favorite conclusions to any anime so its a little weird for it to be continued years later. I havent even watched the movie yet since S2's conclusion is that important to me.
I'm also excited for spice and wolf's reboot, I've read some of the novel series although i'm barely anywhere in it lol, and the original anime is extremely nostalgic to me. What about you?

I'll definitely let you know when i start umineko! It'll probably be a while since I still need to restart and finish higurashi but hopefully i can read/play it before the end of the year!
Fantasymelon Dec 28, 2023 1:40 PM
aaah I'm so sorry I accidently ghosted you for several months lmao, burnout hit me hard out of nowhere again so i went back to being a recluse for a while lol.
but I'm back! how was your year? A big goal for next year is to be more productive, i realized i've hardly watched any anime or played any video games over the year and I really miss doing what I love! hopefully i can fully escape this burnout and go back to all that.
I never got back to higurashi after burn out happened but hopefully i can get back to it soon. i still really want to play umineko eventually.
Fantasymelon Aug 13, 2023 8:56 PM
(Oh gosh sorry this is so late, I got busy/sidetracked with other things)
Yeah that’s fair. If you do ever decide to watch Vanitas, I hope you enjoy it! I really love that series for so many reasons, ofc I’m biased since it’s by the author of Pandora hearts lol.
I actually like Keichii quite a bit lol, he’s clever in his own way and seeing his downward spiral in the first arc has been fascinating. I actually haven’t touched higurashi since we talked since I want to start over with the PS3 version but I don’t want to re-expirence the beginning again immediately lol. After a little bit I’ll re-start.

Aah yes I love the little imperfections in Ryu’s art! There’s also a lot of details in the original sprites that aren’t in the PS3 models, like Battler’s fang and they honestly whitewashed him compared to the original and steam sprites :((. I also do like the larger builds he gave a lot of characters, it’s a bit of a shame the other sprites slim the characters down
AustinJackson22 Jul 29, 2023 6:42 AM
You're welcome. Which one is your favorite? 86, A Lull in the Sea, A Place Further Than The Universe, A Silent Voice, Akame ga Kill, Akudama Drive, Angel Beats, Bakemonogatari, Beyond the Boundary, Black Bullet, Bloom Into You, Chainsaw Man, Charlotte, Demon Slayer, Food Wars, Gangsta, Hinamatsuri, Horimiya, Hyouka, I Want To Eat Your Pancreas, Jujutsu Kaisen, K-ON, Kaguya-sama: Love is War, Komi Can't Communicate, Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions, Lycoris Recoil, My Dress-Up Darling, Orange, Overlord, Pokémon, Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai, Re:ZERO, School-Live, Shimoneta, Shirobako, Skip and Loafer, Snow White with the Red Hair, Spy x Family, The Promised Neverland, Toradora, Violet Evergarden, Weathering with You, Ya Boy Kongming, Your Name or Oshi No Ko
AustinJackson22 Jul 28, 2023 7:46 AM
I watched 86, A Lull in the Sea, A Place Further Than The Universe, A Silent Voice, Akame ga Kill, Akudama Drive, Angel Beats, Bakemonogatari, Beyond the Boundary, Black Bullet, Bloom Into You, Chainsaw Man, Charlotte, Demon Slayer, Food Wars, Gangsta, Hinamatsuri, Horimiya, Hyouka, I Want To Eat Your Pancreas, Jujutsu Kaisen, K-ON, Kaguya-sama: Love is War, Komi Can't Communicate, Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions, Lycoris Recoil, My Dress-Up Darling, Orange, Overlord, Pokémon, Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai, Re:ZERO, School-Live, Shimoneta, Shirobako, Skip and Loafer, Snow White with the Red Hair, Spy x Family, The Promised Neverland, Toradora, Violet Evergarden, Weathering with You, Ya Boy Kongming, Your Name and Oshi No Ko as well.

Thanks for friend request. Hope we get along
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