I started reading manga 5 years ago... But nothing serious... Last year,when I started again, I realized that it is an art that I would like to follow and "get to know" better... I plan to read as many manga as I can and see as many as anime as well.... What's more I hope I will draw manga for life... :PP
happy to be a member... :D
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p.s. βλεπω Death Note, δεν ξερω αν το προσεξες!!?? xP
Eida oti exoume 73.1% anime compatibility!! nice one ~-^
exei plaka padws...:D:D
(re opa, exw teleiwsei ena anime prin apo sena!!!YEAH!!!)
ax se fagane ta ghpeda!!! mila mas mila mas!! :D:D:D:D
bokura ga ita ends @ 80 something (thats what i hear)but i dont think anyone scaned or translated them yet.so when i know ill tell ya,kay??
i also had a hard time finding it so here you go :D
ends @ 46
for the next chapters:
ends @ 55
for the next chapters:
ends @ 58.1 special
& here's a summary for chapter 59
Hope you enjoy!!!
try reading the manga after it gets more intresting = 0 seriously...
oh btw what i did after i watched the anime i just started at the chapter where the last episode left off so its like watching the anime but reading it...LOL
if that made any sense XD
i only did that because theres no 2nd season