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Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka
Apr 22, 2015 6:06 PM
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PS - OMG, are you excited for all of these new Marvel movies coming out? Ragnarok, AoU, etc...
I'm really curious about your dress. Please show me! ^.^
And indeed, I'm quite happy at the moment. Things are going well for me. My boyfriend is the sweetest guy I ever met. He loves to hug me and tell me I'm beautiful and sweet. He's great. We do a lot of fun things together. :)
You're getting married? :O Wow! Congratulations! :) How nice. What kind of dress are you wearing? ^.^ It must be so nice to love someone so much you'd want to marry them. I'm happy for you!
I'm just busy with school, going to the gym, yoga, going to partys, meeting up with friends.. and dating a really nice guy! :3 I'm quite happy lately.
But I am honestly sohappy for you :-) it means both of you have passion, and I find that now-a-days that is a bit rare to have. It seems like people are together because it suits them, or is convenient. You will have to fill me on Bakuman though since I haven't seen that show -- and what characters we match XD
In terms of marriage. That is a tricky one. I mean I'd like to eventually, but I think it would require us to change a little bit. I haven't lived with him, but he's kind of a kid in his own ways -- which is fine on his own.. He likes his guy times, and he's a bit spontaneous with how he lives which can be a bit gross :p so he would need to get some skills. I might be a bit similar but I think at the moment I am just at my peak time in school though where I am at the point I have to make the choice on whether I should further my education or try so desperately to find a job (but that would be challenging) so my simple life choices haven't been my priority. I know for him that he is a bit afraid of serious commitment (he's fine with commitment), but the serious about is coming on a different level. I think he's definitely more freaked out because of his age, and expectations from other people + his friends from back home are married and have kids. I think he has that pressure in the back of his mind, and when I try to make a joke or something, it really freaks him a bit. SO I am not entirely sure. We are kind of more like best friends, and trying to survive in school together :p it's a bit complicated.
Haha the age thing. Well I have always been like that. I prefer older more mature men. At his age though, the guys are only at the same maturity level as women my age. So it's not very different. We are both on the same page though, like he isn't pushing to have kids, or marriage, and neither am I. So couples with that much of an age different has issues like these sometimes.
Wow. Yeah cosplaying is definitely tricky. The thing is I would be perfect for a a younger cosplay. I pull off a little kid well with my height, and my voice, but I have a very womanly body and I am pretty curvy SOOOO pitch that idea out the door. That would be slightly awkward for me. WOW the ones you sent me are so well done.
1) = almost super scary.
2) = they are very cute together!!!!
3) = geez I really thought that was the real Loki. That is honestly INSANE.
4) = this one is super super cute
5) = this is pretty good, but Drago isn't as intimidating here teehee :p
6) = Mass Effect.... INSANE how this one was pulled off.
7) = and I completely agree...
So when you cosplay do you do your own make-up and do you like make any of the clothes? That must take A LOT of time to do/learn how to do all that. :p
So what is this Dealer's room?? What happens in there?? You are making me curious now!!!
Hmmm in terms of cosplaying.. That would be so hard. I have to to think about Anime & video games now? :p
Video games = Edea the Sorceress from Final Fantasy VIII
Anime = this one is tough.. I mean I have favourite characters but I don't really want to ruin them XD maybe Saber from Fate/stay night Fate/Zero. ALTHOUGH I tried doing Alice in Wonderland for halloween and I don't pull blond that well. I'd have to be willing to wear contacts which I don't know if I can :S I also have a pretty pale complexion so that might work in my favour as well hah.
I absolutely love that story on how both of you met. It means that both of you are meant to be together.. I never really believed in the whole fate thing though. I am a sceptical of it. But it's so nice :-) and yeah my bf and I have been together for a little over a year as well. Although our circumstances are a bit more awkward. We are both finishing up school and so we kind of are more casual together.
Well my story is a bit lame. When I met him I really didn't take a second look at him. At the time I was actually interested in his lab research group and I forgot he was even in there. Basically what happened was that I was taking a chem course and he was TAing it, and at this time I stopped attending most DGDs (DGDs = class tutorials). He's a bit older than me, I'm 22 and he's 28, I'm finishing up my bachelor's while he s finishing up his PhD degree. Anyway what ended up happening was I became involved in my own research project and I was actually super interested in it, and I wanted to get an opinion of a grad student. Most grad students are really standoffish for you bothering them with extra stuff but he was the nicer one. Anyway I ended up emailing him a ton, and he became registered somehow to my gmail chat list. I ended up randomly chatting with him one day a few days before my birthday, and he actually missed his flight that day, and ONLY had a laptop. He was only able to talk on his laptop, and I ended up being the only one on, so he ended up casually chatting with me. Then we sort of hit it off? He's a pretty good guy but he's a stress ball, and I am too in my own way, so we are a different couple than most :p
I love that.. I want my life to be like that.. a date where we order pizza, and anime/video game it up :-) I like that lifestyle. I don't really care about always going out etc. Although he's definitely a bit more of a busy body than me. He loves going out to pubs with his guy friends, or going to parties with his friends etc. :p he feels bummish after awhile if he's always hanging inside.
But wow that is amazing... I love couple's cosplaying together. It seems like a lot of fun. I am considering trying to go to my first convention next year though as like a graduation present to myself. I keep having summer school so I never really get the time to do a lot of fun things :( but I really want to experience it. I don't cosplay :p I don't really have the money to costume pieces, or even the time to create something... I love the idea of it. I love looking at cosplays online.. the amount of time people put into it SO AMAZING. Have any favourites?
I remember how bad I wanted to play Bonne Voyage from the sims 2 but that is when my computer was exploding and couldn't handle the specs anymore (okay not literally exploding). It is disappointing to hear that World Adventures turned out to be a flop. I would definitely would like to see Night Life and College though :-) man you are getting me so excited.. If only I had a good computer to play it on though. But did you say your laptop ran smoothly with it? What type of laptop do you have for it. I might consider getting a new laptop since the one I have is getting beaten up badly.
Wow, you are moving to the states!!! That is crazy!!! How did you and your fiancee meet (unless that is too personal to say, you don't have to!), which state are you moving to? This must be exciting :-) well congratulations. I am happy that both of you share that. My boyfriend and I sort of share it, but it's a bit different. He is new to anime -- still a bit sceptical but I am introducing him to the many different genres. I think he liked some but others he felt indifferent on. Currently he is trying out Madoka -- he was curious about since he found out I loved it. BUT I don't know if he will feel the same way as I did since I think he might secretly make fun of the lolies. He likes the darker stuff I think. He really enjoyed Higurashi (one of my favourites), trying to get him into Psycho-pass, and Fate/Zero. But we will see. Do you have any recommendations?