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Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka V: Houjou no Megami-hen
Jan 14, 2:35 AM
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I'll deffo finish mob psycho eventually. Once I'm back to anime I was just planning on rewatching a few shows that I haven't seen in a while. I have mob on hold for that reason, haven't dropped it!
In all honestly I started watching anime again just around a year ago, and don't have an abundance of fantasy anime to compare frieren with. While I try to look at things objectively to some extent, my list is mostly rated based on my enjoyment of the show. I just really liked frieren. A mistake a lot of people make is they go into a show with their preconceived expectations, and be full of disappointment when it doesn't deliver on that mark. Of course when a show is the highest rated on mal it's easy to do that, but for me, frieren is more of a feel-good show to sink into rather than a critical juggernaut.
now none of this is to say i dont think it was done well. heres some stuff i liked:
[the artwork was gorgeous, the score was so memorable, the world feels so alive and connected, the characters feel very real and easy to connect with, the team can piss off for entire episodes, but it never feels like filler. every single episode was pretty heartwarming, the action was well done, and animated incredibly, the pacing i find is great]
for me, frieren is anime that gets all the basics right. if the narrative didn't satisfy you, thats completely normal. It's not like it left a giant life-changing impression on me either. I just loved watching it all 30 episodes through, which is why I think of it so highly. at the end of the day i'm a very casual viewer.