All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 73.9
Mean Score:
- Watching57
- Completed160
- On-Hold28
- Dropped22
- Plan to Watch1,541
- Total Entries1,808
- Rewatched20
- Episodes4,405
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 17.5
Mean Score:
- Total Entries110
- Reread6
- Chapters1,788
- Volumes276
All Comments (6) Comments
It has taken me a long time to organize which Anime's I recommend. I like to sort them by genres because we all go out and just watch or read a certain genre of media. I wanted to make it easier on others to find something they are looking for. After my main post I will most likely just do recommendations of random genres mash together. So... if you want to know my recommendations visit my blog in the link above in my info about me. Have a great Day!
Who else has collected or started collecting bento supplies? Is there a favorite you have of the items you would like to share on here?
I knew something was up. A forum says mal was hacked.
Why would someone hack mal?
That makes no sense to me at all!
Some are saying we may have to switch to something called hummingbird. I have never heard of hummingbird.
And I don't want to say goodbye to mal. I even have the app on my android phone. I use it everyday to update anime and manga.
Some others in the forum say the problem will be fixed and to be patient. Well I'm going to be! I want this problem fixed.
2 cool things happened that day:
One piece game for 3ds released
Hayao Miyazaki last film "the wind rises"
Saw movie: wow
Its kirito & asuna !
Tell me if you like it:
Cherry blossoms and Rabbits over Black