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Mar 2, 10:45 PM
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Vampire Hunter D
Vampire Hunter D
Feb 25, 1:07 AM
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Dec 22, 2024 6:20 AM
Completed 12/12 · Scored -
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Angou Gakuen no Iroha
Angou Gakuen no Iroha
Mar 6, 4:05 PM
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Mar 6, 3:37 PM
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Candy & Cigarettes
Candy & Cigarettes
Mar 6, 3:37 PM
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PieCat Jun 10, 2022 8:35 PM
sip sama-sama, banyak scanlator yg upload disana, jadi kalo cari judul obsecure mungkin bakalan ketemu
PieCat Jun 6, 2022 10:42 PM
Biasa baca di mangadex, enak bisa tracking update chapternya, tapi buat judul2 shinen jump bisanya baca di mangaplus
-Dayyo- Sep 19, 2019 11:01 AM
Yeah I'm growing, but still having a hard time with self advertisement :3
-Dayyo- Sep 18, 2019 2:20 AM
I know Artstation, but everyone is too pro there :D
There's so many talented artists there that it makes me cry rather then motivate me so for now until I'm pro enough to go there I'll stick with Deviant Art:
See for yourself, I'm not ready to upload to that site :D
-Dayyo- Sep 17, 2019 3:36 AM
Yeah the style itself is hard to appreciate. I remember first hearing one song from Animals as Leaders and I was thinking "What's this, they are all over the place, It's a mess" but after a few songs I got used to it, discovered hints of jazz, heard the skilled guitar plays and noticed the structure of the changing time signatures and started the appreciate it :3
I probably fell for the style because I'm a guitar player and I always admired guitar heavy genres, with complex composition :3

I haven't heard of Elephant Gym before, but I listened into a album of theirs just now and I liked it so I think I'll seek out more of their stuff in the very near future :D (Thanks for the recommendation)
-Dayyo- Sep 16, 2019 5:25 AM
You aren't wrong! I indeed listen to a lot of progressive metal lately, because it's good for drawing :3
I mostly listen to Animals as Leaders, Chon, Covet, Scale the Summit, Plini and stuff like that :3
I'm not really familliar with hybrid metal genres but I hear a few before and I didn't dislike them :3
-Dayyo- Sep 15, 2019 10:29 AM
Yeah :D
It's been a while!
How are you doing? How's life?
Hibbington Aug 10, 2019 9:21 AM
Alright, well I need you to post on the thread and I'll give you a link
Hibbington Aug 9, 2019 10:46 PM
Well, let's see...ahh zero XD.
If there was a time to try it was the beginning of the season. I'm not in that many servers anyways so I'll just keep it and maybe one day someone will join. It also might be the "Do I really want to be first" syndrome.
karambia Jul 29, 2019 5:15 PM
Ambo update di
Ntah cubo cek juolah the mirror tapi mbo raso alun beda jauh kualitas e
karambia Jul 29, 2019 7:18 AM
ya versi kawe lah...
haha, ntah versi yang ma nan jaleh indak remaster do. yang itu memang jaleh gambar e 1080p alah ado
karambia Feb 27, 2019 1:01 AM
Lah mahonor cito e ang kni ko ndak wkwk. Dirumah me ang patang tu? Ambo klw barulang lewat muko rumah ang me taruih sajak jalan e alah ba aspal tembus k plasma wkwk. Kok ka mbo singgahan sisypus ang rencana sagan lo mbo. Mbo d kampuang kini

Cubo cek website e. Itu ciek nan mbo ikuik an kini update2 film nyo jo mkvcage tu. Tapi ndak ado duo film angelopoulos nan ang cari mbo cek ptg. Kalau ndak namuah ang manunggu stek agak bara hari bia mbo cubo request an di kaskus teather.

They shall not grow old lah lai d mbo. Mantap jo lah soal e perspektif baru dek d warnai urang tu rekaman2 lamo tu. Film2 baru tahun otg alah ado d tu sado e nampak mbo
karambia Feb 26, 2019 3:19 PM
Yang landscape the mist lah mbo apuih. The travelling player nan ado nyoh. Ndak rancak resolusi e.
Dma ang kni?
kok ndak amuah torrent e, direct link nan uptobox e cubo
God Dec 18, 2018 12:21 PM
The book will be open.
Mkim Nov 24, 2018 5:07 AM
Don't be shy and tell me that it's true.
ouch yer got me
nay, tis just the essence of the otaku at work, y'know how passionate dorks can go on and on about the things they like, I was going to write more but I decided it started to look overwhelming so I decided against.

and perhaps some of their steamy doujin in n-hentai
that's fair too, I've seen people learn japanese, a new language, just to get access to more porn, all fair game in the world of jack

It's gonna take a while for me to get into scholar level like you, though, that's for sure.
I don't see myself anything near as that, I'm lazy to read some of the written works which goes more in depth into the characters, been a long time since I've meaning to read em and I'm sure I'm going to read the joke Alternative Facts in Eastern Utopia book (which is an parody to the whole fake news stuff that was happening) before any other more serious one because it sounds meme-y.

country's draconian rule of internet censorship
yeouch, I accidentally left the t out of the net on the wiki page link so it links to a 404 my bad

does this work
I'd rather use this site than any other ones, it's cleaner and wikia is a shithole of a site if there's alternatives to it
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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