All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 111.6
Mean Score:
- Watching13
- Completed417
- On-Hold120
- Dropped121
- Plan to Watch341
- Total Entries1,012
- Rewatched0
- Episodes6,807
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 21.6
Mean Score:
- Total Entries106
- Reread0
- Chapters2,790
- Volumes399
All Comments (87) Comments
which is kind of sad because I've liked it for so long, but maybe I'll suddenly get into it again.
hmm, I mean, email is probably best I guess?
the only other site I get on a lot is gaiaonline.
It's been awhile~ How have you been?
I still really don't get on here much anymore because my interest in anime/manga and stuff has been slowly slipping. ; n;
I don't get on here too much anymore, I kind of stopped reading and watching stuff for awhile. ; n;
but I've been slowly getting back into it because I missed it~
but I've been good, kind of busy too. ):
how have you been, aside from busy?
People tend to be busy this time of year because of that kind of stuff. ):
i'm terrible at studying. everything else suddenly becomes much more interesting when i have to. > __>;;
That sounds so, so good. @ __@
Was it yummy?
At first I thought that you meant that you had drawn a picture of a cake or something.
it's possible~
he probably wouldn't tell anyone if he did though. xD
He doesn't look 30 to me. xD
Though I shouldn't be surprised that he's so popular. xD
How old is he now? o:
It is kind of exciting. (:
( though I replied to this a day late, oops )
Blech, stalkers. Is there any way you can get them to stop somehow? ):
I hate that, they automatically think that they're the same. - __-;
I don't know anyone irl that likes anime, most of my friends online don't even like it that much. ):
I really don't want to, I'm sorry. ):
I've had one before for a short while and I don't really like it.
I'm a really private person ( plus I don't like the people I know irl xD )