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Naruto Gaiden: Nanadaime Hokage to Akairo no Hanatsuzuki
Jul 15, 2015 8:27 PM
· Scored
All Comments (12) Comments
I laso wanna find out just what a sleigh beggy is.
Yeah there doesn't seem to be any shortage, it seems like a good show for binging, watching week to week is ok for some things but some stories just beg to be watched in a marathon.
Yeah it was pretty full on, I was just glad Nanachi showed up to save Riko's arm, I thought the backstory for Nanachi and Mitty was incredibly sad and when Reg had to kill Mitty it was heartbreaking to watch.
I heard that the production company is keen to make a new season and that if they adapt all of the remaining manga there may be just enough for a season 2 but that was just speculation, either way I can't wait until they eventually do follow up on the series.
I really can't wait to see more of the world they created in this show, I just have so many questions about it.
I think I will like Natsume based on what I have read and what people have told me, It is probably what I will check out soon when I look for something in the fantasy realm.
If you are interested in fantasy I would highly recommend Made in Abyss if you haven't seen it already, it has some of the best animation I have ever seen from a series and I think the story is amazing, I just finished it last night and I love it.
I still wanna go back and watch Sailor Moon from start to finish as I didn't see every episode, same with Samurai Pizza Cats.
I have heard really good things so I will probably check it out sooner rather than later, I binge a lot so if it grabs me I will probably do the same. :)
Thanks for the info I will check it out in that order then, I saw an OVA years ago and really liked it but I can only vaguely remember it now.
I am sad to hear that you haven't been getting much out of Assassination Classroom but I can certainly respect the fact that isn't gonna be everyone's cup of tea.
How are you finding Mahoutsukai no Yome and Natsume Yuujinchou?
I have heard they are somewhat similar and as I have been enjoying Mahoutsukai I was gonna start on Natsume.
I noticed the 92 adaptation of sailor moon on your top 10 list, this was the second anime I remember seeing as a kid on Cheez TV, so I definitely have a soft spot for it. :)
The first was Samurai Pizza Cats on Agro's Cartoon Connection but I barely remember that one.
Code Geuss is on my to watch list as is Rurouni Kenshin although I am confused about which order to watch that one in.
How are you liking Assassination Classroom so far?
It is in my top 10, I loved it.
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Hello there, friend!
We at the Australian & New Zealand Anime Club are proud to present... Our very first newsletter!
This community was founded on the 28th of January - 2015, and since that time we've come a very long way.
You are only reading this because YOU made it possible by being a very important piece of what makes this club what it is.
That said, we are happy to announce that we're coming close to reaching the 1,000 Member Milestone!
It's a wonderful thing to know that there are so many fellow Aussies and Kiwis who love Anime and we hope that we only continue to grow from here on out.
About the newsletter:
So you might ask, what's this newsletter all about?
Well, great question. We've scratched our heads a few times and figured that this newsletter will be dedicated to letting you know that we're active!
Despite the substantial growth of our club, there is still a handful of you that we still haven't had the pleasure of getting to know.
We want you to understand that this is a safe and fun club, but if you're shy then we're not going to force you to participate, this is simply to remind you that there is a place for everyone at this club, so if you ever warm up - come and say hi!
Here's what's happening right now:
We have a wide selection of club activities that you can participate in, from anime discussion to club games or casual conversation.
Anyone in the club is free to make up whatever thread they feel would interest people!
What we hopefully have planned for the future:
GFX Competitions, Giveaways, Club Member of the Month, Gaming Groups and more!
So, other than that, there isn't much to say this time around but hopefully the next time we have to do this, there is much more to look forward to.
We again are thankful to have you, and hope that you come and have some fun with us sometime soon.
- Yours truly,
The Australian & New Zealand Anime Club.
1. Get your NEW official member cards along with new member ID # HERE! Even if you received previous cards, the numbering system has been restarted and everyone can claim NEW ID #'s and NEW cards.
2. We have surpassed 4000 members!!! Get your 4000+ LE cards HERE! The thread will officially open on 01/12/12 Thursday ~8AM PST. They are available for a limited time, so get them fast!
Yo minna- san
--New Voting of the month is up -here-
how did you like and why or why not no reason for asking this just curious about how you feel please respond if you want ok also if you want to ask me a question look at my anime list and ask about one i am watching or have already seen and ask about if i like one or not if you want.