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πΎπΌππππ π¬πΊπππΊ π²πππΌπΎ 2021
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All Comments (243) Comments
I know right! like i want to do that but then oh no it's a steam sale o h no and then i off and go get a ton more stuff and make the backlog issue worse (¬_¬") although imo it's nice just to see a backlog/plan to watch list as nothing more than potential future experiences i could have than a list of things i NEED to do at times, it's kind of freeing like that
thanks for that on the college stuff though, it's nice to know. i can't believe your teacher was so chill you could just watch anime that's awesome XD and you SHOLD'VE romanticized it that could've been your tragic backstory. "I was stuck in college in another world as a thief on the run"
it's kind of funny everyone always thinks i'm older everywhere, I was once even referred to as "the worlds first middle aged teenager"
although i had been more vague about age on MAL, especially back in the forums (eck yuck mal forums gag) being a teenager in there was rough so i'm glad i don't talk there anymore.
imo i think reading/watching the big three is like, a whole journey in and of itself. I think it's something I recommend only if you're suuper down and into shounens at this point because it's like, i didn't like bleach that much in the end. i could've spent all those volumes and all that time on other smaller series i could've enjoyed!!! but oh well lol.
as a TG update, been having a hard time getting into RE: it's like a whole other series altogether aarargha
and someone told me picross touch was a really good PC picross title so i've been really into playing it (despite how stupid the game makes me feel at times lmao. what am i even doing? i have no clue and i've messed everything up, but it's okay because i'll just keep shifting squares around until i win >:)
i also got super into stardew recently, i even wanted to really try playing modded but then i only got so far into the save before slowly dropping off of it π you also have disco elysium which is another big one on my backlog rn :o and yakuza 0. seeing this is like finding out we both shop at the same store, literally. it's so neat. i think the biggest hinder in playing games next to their price and finding time is also my laptop, it's good for a lotta stuff but it could be far better so i'm limited a lot on what i play atm (i would kill for a steam deck i'm jealous, i think my backlog would be history then with something portable LOL) may i have yours? i'll trade it for our cat, this is 100% real and not a scam
and YEP *that* BIG 3. its been a long journey and i've never been so psyched with myself in my manga reading journey, time to start reading another long running series! you will never see me again.
and hell yeah we have bondi beach, it's real, scary i know. i can confirm that i don't think there's much Japanese immersion there either from experience which is kind of a shame, it's really lacking in ramen restaurants smh
also i'm completely down for exchanging steam accounts, my friend code is 1424250587 (or just a link to it if you want https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199384516315/) although i have such a wacky issue with steam, it's like,
I can only choose between either playing games or animanga in one day after i finish my studies, and i don't have enough time in the day for both. but then i have this weird tug of war with myself where i'll be playing a game and thinking "oh no i haven't been keeping up with manga in ages !! i should be reading" but then the next day i'm reading and think to myself "what am i DOING!! i should be making an effort on all the games i own but haven't played yet!!"
it's like i can never win XD
so i haven't touched steam in a good while, like i brought kingdom hearts recently but i haven't even touched it because i've been trying to finish naruto and ahughaaghsa
but i did it!!! i finally completed the big three. so maybe i might have time this year!!! the year isn't over yet RAHHHGAAA
we don't celebrate halloween much down in australia either, but it's okay because i'll simply celebrate so hard to make up for all the people who dont >:)
i'm glad you're stealing my idea on tokyo ghoul too hehehe if you can do that that'd be fun since we could discuss TG together, while being menaces to society (if you can that is) and i'm wishing you luck on getting work!! it'll come i swear. maybe they're the ones too uneducated, i mean can a single one of those workplaces name the main character of naruto? i didn't think so.
funnily on the topic of learning JP i've been on and off of that for ages LMAO i've finally been able to make the efforts of studying daily a few months ago (although maybe my family would be arguing that i should be spending the time on studying something more important that could get me closer to a job π) so good luck on the journey as well !!
i've been a big fan of Halloween so im going all out this year !!! i'm going to re-read tokyo ghoul and finally pick up Re:, i honestly loved it thinking back on it so thank you for somehow motivating me to read TG a while back >:) i've got a whole playlist of music ready for it and everything.
we keep up and dying on each other for several months lmao, although whenever i see you on my friends list i often hope that you're doing well still.
I might be dropping the idea of working in a butchers for now though, my family has decided on moving sometime again soon to a more populated area. although the good news is that there'll be more work opportunity than in the country as it is thankfully.
the hard drive on my laptop ended up getting damaged and i had to get a new one, and none of my files were backed up i had to start all over again on so much stuff. then i just lost motivation with getting back to the anime and manga i was on for a while in general (on top of having to grind driving lessons) its been a bit hectic
i mean i don't think i've ever logged into mal with so many notifications before, a whole 16. i feel kind of sorry for all the people who commented happy birthday on my profile that i'm just seeing now π
although i did make an anilist! but i don't think i ended up being very active. i kind of forgot about it LMAO
I am glad to hear that the least has been going great for you, what have you been up to?
As a Barista? That sounds so cool! I want to ask you something, did you have to take a course for that or were you trained right there? I am sorry to hear it ended though.
Nice, not many people get married these days; I wish him the best.
Great, which manga are you adding to your collection? I have 2 volumes left to complete my Jigokuraku collection. I wanted to start one for Toiled Bound Hanako-kun, but I am not that invested. I will try to sell them on Marketplace.
In regards of anime, nothing new comes to my mind right now; maybe Bleach, especially the newer seasons, and Ousama Ranking. Radiant also has its charm, especially the second season.
Well, I do know Korean to some extent. I understand what my relatives are saying but when its time for me to speak my mind goes blank. I dont know if you have experience learning a new language since I assume English is your primary language, but it's such an annoying hurdle to get over. My mind just goes blank, but when someone says a word or sentence I instantly know what it means. I dont think I'll go to langauge school since I dont plan on living there, but I do plan on getting better in Korean and getting more confidence in it.
Isnt London like outrageously expensive? Man, I dont like big cities, no wonder you cant afford going overseas when you live in London. I usually dont go out travelling since I'm in the same boat with money... xd I've gone overseas twice in the last decade. When was the last time you were overseas and where did you go?
I celebrated I bit early with my parents and relatives, and it was a splendid and enjoyable celebration, thanks for asking.
Don´t worry, I still think of you as a friend, and whether out of the blue or not, I am always thankful and glad to hear from people who I enjoyed talking with, as well as the ones who take their time to congratulate me hahaha.
How have you been? Nice Takemichy profile picture.
Barista is a hard job, but it does come with a lot of fun stories to tell. I wish you the best of luck with job hunting so you can eventually afford going to Japan or wherever you like with the money you get. :D Also, congratulations to your brother!!! I have a part-time job at a supermarket and I'm really content working there. I've been happy in general because of it. But hey, it'll come crashing down soon enough xd