My ratings are based on enjoyment unless something objective about the show has a large effect on the show as a whole. If the anime has a 10, it likely made me feel emotionally attached to it. Reason for high ratings on most anime is I tend to drop anime I have no interest in on episode 1 and just don't put them on my drop list; I tend to only finish shows to really pique my interest as well.
Rating Meanings:
10: Was emotionally moved or laughed my ass off. Generally, go above and beyond my expectations. Will rewatch at the drop of a hat.
9: Very enjoyable and had me completely invested in the show. Some parts dropped the score such as slow archs or a few characters pissing me off. Aside from these small issues, an excellent show.
8: Had a great time watching, but didn't leave a huge impact. By all means, these shows are still great, I just found myself taking my time with these shows and not feeling the need to watch the next episode.
7: Kept me somewhat interested and are still decently good, but there was a lot of glaring factors that bring down the score.
6: Some is goodish, but there are still big issues that bring it down. I will finish these shows but will likely be sidetracked easily.
5: The lowest rating you will see on my completed list. This type of anime kept me interested enough to finish it, but it was a struggle.
4: Kept me somewhat interested, but just couldn't finish it. Likely a lot of issues that made me just not care or were too distracting.
3: These anime tend to annoy me and has characters that will make me want to just turn off the computer and go to bed.
2: Really bad, almost unwatchable but for some reason kept me from throwing up.
1: Basically offensive to me, and that is saying something. If an anime get's a 1 by me then it is a true feat.
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