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Days: 48.3
Mean Score: 6.34
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Arashi no Yoru ni
Arashi no Yoru ni
Mar 31, 2012 7:18 AM
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Arashi no Yoru ni: Himitsu no Tomodachi
Arashi no Yoru ni: Himitsu no Tomodachi
Mar 31, 2012 7:17 AM
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Kuroko no Basket
Kuroko no Basket
Mar 31, 2012 7:17 AM
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Days: 15.2
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Alive: Saishuu Shinkateki Shounen
Alive: Saishuu Shinkateki Shounen
Jul 27, 2012 9:22 AM
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Vampire Juujikai
Vampire Juujikai
Jul 27, 2012 9:21 AM
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Kimi no Knife
Kimi no Knife
Jul 27, 2012 9:21 AM
Reading -/71 · Scored -

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Frebby Aug 31, 2023 8:12 PM
Lum_moroboshi Mar 15, 2021 3:09 PM
Skoki Jul 5, 2010 2:37 PM
oh wow, ive been so sick and prioritized with university lately. i hope you'll excuse my absence.
yes, I'm glad I got into the uni of my choice too. I won't be moving out though. Not yet. I think it's too much of a hassle but I definitely want to in 2-3 years. Maybe in the middle of uni. I think, for me that would be appropriate so I'll hope for the best then.

How did your current course go that you had to pass in order to get set for the uni of your choice? I hope things went well.

Lol, yea a lot has changed for me. I'm just taking it one day at a time you know? I can't believe so much has changed over the past year and I didn't plan any of it which is interesting. I think i'll just continue to take things as they come.

How is everything going for you in the love department? I hope things are not confusing for you anymore!

The animes I've been keeping up with are K-On 2 and Kaichou wa Maid-sama. Those two are the ones I've been watching and I love them so far. Even though some parts of the manga were left out I really enjoy watching them. What do you think of Kaichou wa Maid-sama? and how about that anime called 'Bakuman' ? I haven't heard of it but I'm sure you've been keeping track of it since its one of your fav mangas turned anime series ;)

I'll hopefully get out in august to go travel but things are still being planned right now. I'll let you know how it goes :)

Right now I've discovered an anime called 'Uraboku' which seems interesting. You can search it here on MAL and see what its about and check it out if it suits your interests. I've been really under the weather so I'll be going to lie down for a bit now and hopefully summer will get better. Its a blistering 40+ degrees here in Canada, how about you in England?
Skoki Apr 2, 2010 6:21 PM
i know i suck for not being here for such a long time!
omg but so much has happened in my life i dont even know where to start! >.<

Well basically i've been studying like MAD and i've gotten into the University of my choice! I just got accepted a few days ago and I still can't believe it! Over the past few months I've gotten a bf <3 My first and right now I honestly believe the only one I'll ever have :) I'm finishing high school in a few months and my graduation is in june omg it's coming up soon I can't believe it >.<
And I've finally gotten enough time to get back into watching anime. A favorite manga of mine for a really really really long time has actually become an anime series! OMG i saw it today and went 'EEEEEEEEEEE!' LOL Its called 'Kaichou wa Maid-sama' You should check it out because I definitly recommend it! Oh, plus I'm 18 now which means I'm finally legal and I'm coming to Europe in the summer for a visit so I might come to England! Its insaaaaaaaane! I absolutely can't believe how much has changed. But don't worry, my anime and manga tastes are still the same.

And from today I've started watching Kaichou wa maid-sama the anime series and it's really the only one I'm focusing on. What animes are you really keeping your eyes on these days? And omg, how are yoooooooou? So sorry that I've been away from MAL for so long again! How's life? and I'll be working on my list these days since its practically all wrong lol.
buta_hill Jan 14, 2010 3:26 AM
Your welcome~
Glad you like it.
Skoki Nov 1, 2009 3:12 PM
Wow, yeah I've been pretty busy xD
But I'm glad you understand since its my last year and all. So much work to do and then life kicks in as well, its just crazy you know?

Didn't get the StarClan reference but thats ok :)
LOL I thought I would only watch a few but some REALLY good animes came out and then I thought 'Oh no, another one that looks good' LOL! So yea now I'm upto 5 anime series, haha xDDD! I wish I could catch up with Umineko. I really really do but there doesn't seem to be any tiiiiime! Ugh, where does the time go? Its like morning and now I'm looking out my window and its already pitch dark and its only 6pm >.< *shakes fist*
Oh but today was Daylight Save (End Time) which means we get an hour back on our clocks =D! Hopefully I can get more done ;)

Aww yeah I hate it when torrents dls at 0.7 kbps! I feel like I'm dying waiting for it load. Haha I checked out Kampfer and didnt end up watching it ;P My fav anime so far has been Fairy Tail. I dunno why though, I just came across it and didn't even like the plot that much but its so addicting. For some unknown reason xD
And Yeah Nogizaka was a dissapointment, I think I might drop it soon :$

Well Miracle Train is about all these hot guys who are actually Tokyo stations. Subway stations to be exact. No yaoi. Which is actaully good because they pay A LOT of attention to their passangers who happen to be a woman per ep. Its about helping a woman in each ep with a specific problem and they ALL go out their way to please her :D Its really nice. I mean, can you imagine it? 5-6 amazingly hot guys waiting on you hand-and-foot? *drools* LOL ;)

ahahaha You don't need to be jealous, we haven't had any snow yet this year. I hope you find the time to do the few things you're thinking of this year and hopefully they'll be a success! All the best with that! I'm doing best to get high marks in math. Its the only 'hard' subject I have so I need to concentrate on it. Other than that, school's good =] Haha thank you sempai, very wise words.

You guys have a presentation and an interview? Wow! No we don't have anything like that. We just fill out paper work and pray we get it, lol. But I think its pretty cool because you guys have more face-to-face work while we don't. Don't worry I'm sure you'll get accepted into uni. *crosses fingers for u and me ;) *
haha a MAL party! That will be one to remember! Maybe we could go crazy with commenting on each others profiles like crazy xDDD Something like 10 different congrats messages.. so look out for those! ;) haha !
Skoki Oct 3, 2009 6:41 PM
Yupp!! I'm aliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiive! haha :D
Woah you totally summarized my whole year in a sentence! Thats awsome xD
I'll try to have as much fun as I can if the damn teachers will let us *shakes fist*

This year is our last year and our last chance to get good marks. You're lucky you're taking that one year course, we can't. Its basically high school -> uni or college
lol! Its a shame it has to be this year. I wish we still had grade 13 it would be so frickin sick.

Just one ep of K-On left? You should finish it then! lol but with ur bf of course when you two have the time ;) and there's an ova OMG i'm so going to add it to my plan to watch! thank you!

Yeah busy with studying but I've decided to watch 2 anime series and see how they play out. If they're a waste of time I'll just drop them. You're going to watch 11? OMG that would be too much for me >.< Good luck though! and think positive! (Y)
haha actually I've heard "stella" before! I think it was a movie. So don't worry you didn't just make it up out of nowhere :P and now that you mention it, K-On was like the only good anime this year eh? oh well. I'm looking forward to the 2nd season of nagisa =] Thats a must watch! Any anime you're especially looking forward to?

Umineko. I actually need to catch up on it. So far like 5 eps behind lol xD This is what grade 12 does to you... *sigh* Maybe I'll watch Higurashi one day. Maaaaaybe. ;)

Omg! The lazy syndrome! I've gone through it too! lol I once had absolutely NOTHING to do one summer and just couldn't seem to do anything so thats when I went through the lazy syndrome. I'm glad you got that 1 year course. It should be nice to have something to do and its very responsible of you keeping your studies in check like that. Its nice! I'm thinking of taking extra courses in uni to keep myself busy. They have like classes in the afternoons after lectures and stuff so we'll see if I take some. Well since I'm in grade 12 and its our last year, they make us apply for uni in january which is right in the middle of year so by june we get a letter saying if we got accepted and since june is the last month of school that gives us 2 months to prepare for uni and then uni starts in september. Thats how it is for us and hopefully I'll get that acceptance letter for the uni i'm applying to ...hopefully! *crosses fingers*

And I love winter too! I totally get what you mean! The snow is especially beautiful and just crawling under the covers and wrapping blankets to keep you warm is the best. It feels so niiiiice~! oh and the hot chocolate too of course ;) How could I forget that? xD 2010 is daunting isn't it? Makes me feel like I have to really accomplish something this year. Do you get the same feeling?
Skoki Oct 3, 2009 12:56 PM
Hi! OMG it feels like its been a hundred years!! >.< So sorry for not replying
Its my final year in high school and things have been super super busy
Of course I forgive you but will you forgive me? So sorry again!

lol you haven't finished k-on yet? Thats alright. I haven't watching any anime recently either. None actually. But then I saw had some new anime shows starting up so i had time to check them out and i think i'll be watching a few. Summer was alright. Actually I was missing my friends and wanted to get back to school. haha! Now that I'm back I'm really glad. How about you? Have was summer '09? Looking forward to winter?

I'll try to come back here more often =)
Juniperarrow Aug 14, 2009 1:55 PM

お久しぶりね (Hi, long time no see)

Are you ever going to be on MSN again?
(of course I have hardly logged in either xD)

Anyways, what's up?


Skoki Jun 28, 2009 12:53 PM
hiiiiiiiiiiiiii :) how are you?
Can you believe K-ON! is over? :(
Skoki Jun 8, 2009 5:18 PM
LOL YEAH! Let's start over, hehe :D
I'm Skoki, nice to meet you.
Ok not THAT "over".

Its alright about the replying thing. Exams, Projects, & Stress = No Chatting. Its fine.
But I bet we'll have loads of time in the summer to catch up! :D
So in 2 weeks it'll be just like the good old days! LOL!
Oh and I'll start making my list of things to chat about, kay? =]

No, sorry I haven't heard of Breaking Bad but it sounds cool. OMG you're taking a break from K-ON? I would die. But its for your studies so thats good. hehe, my friend bought a K-ON key chain and its so cute! Ritsu FTW!
Cool, so that pic is from a game. Well I don't play many games so thats why I didnt know >.<

Good luck on your college stuff Ulqui! Hope something turns up so you can have a fun trip or something! Take Care ^_^
Juniperarrow May 23, 2009 9:54 PM


1 month left? Sweet.
Are you done with school after that or are you going
to do that foundation thing you mentioned?

xD Thanks for the info, I'm going to try what you said.

And sorry for not replying right away,
I saw the comment and then forgot.xD
Juniperarrow May 18, 2009 8:23 PM

Hi! Haven't heard from you in awhile so just dropping by. ^^ you know how to get anime downloads to play better? Like...sometimes the screen keeps freezing/move slowly over certain parts and the dialogue would keep continuing despite the picture moving slower than the dialogue...I think it's my computer causing the problem because it didn't happen before..<< sorry if that was confusing xD

Anyways, hope to hear from you ^^
Skoki May 17, 2009 7:39 PM
Woah, its been a while~

MAL has had some downtime too eh? Well its a long weekend for me which means more anime tiiiiiime! LOL

School's good. Exams are next month and then it will all be officially over :D Can't wait. How about you?

Yeah I know, the K-ON thing is zomg-tastic! xD
At first I thought it would be this dumb little disappointing thing like some animes currently airing but its actually very worthwhile =]

So you dropped SA again? Aww well A+ for effort. Yeah I don't blame you for dropping it I can't believe I kept through it 0.0
Skip Beat is still alive for me ..the slump time is around ch.22 I think.

Haha, naruto and bleach fans at your college? I know some people like that too. Its like all they know is naruto and bleach! I have one friend who only likes One Piece... its like his life! LOL

Back in middle school I remember those people the either 'anime wuts that' or 'oh you like those dumb cartoons theyre for kids grow up lol'. Haha and now more people have confessed to liking anime so its gotten more fans tagging along xD

Recently, I've actually gotten a little new obsession over the tv show 'House'. Have you heard of it? Its an american tv show that stars a british actor named Hugh Laurie. Its great and I'm sooooooooooooo addicted. You won't believe it, seriously, I watched all the way from the first episode, 1st season to 18 ep 2nd season in like 2 weeks xDDD
I'll have to stop soon for exams though *sigh*

Oh, and who's that in your profile pic? He looks like a comic book character, LOL :)
Skoki May 2, 2009 5:44 PM
Oh my gosh! I just caught up to K-ON ep 5 and its AWSOMEEEEEE!
Sorry I didnt watch it earlier. I didnt think it would be this good! Whoooooooo~
We've got something zomg-licious to talk about now xDDD

Haha, yeah so S.A finished and the ending was good! I wont tell you what it was cause you'll have to catch up and yeah there's a BIG WARNING because ch14 is the 'slump time'. Remember when i said S.A was boring so I stopped reading it for a while? Yeah well it was around that time. So TRY to get throught it, I know its hard but keep clicking to go forward on those pages! >.<
I wish there was more S.A I actually can't believe its over!
At least there's still Skip Beat & Gakuen Alice<3 hehe

Oh, you know that part you described about the manga and how it started. Thats how Brotherhood is too but it takes about 10 mins until it comes to that point about the radio breaking and edward saying hes the fma not al. haha I think it would be cool if you watched the first season and then watched Brotherhood to compare. Thats what I'm doing now in my head =]

LOL I'm actually tall.. like 5"5 so I would be the TALL version of Taiga probably 10 yrs in the future or something~ Haha!
Yeah those two characters are pretty angsty and thats what I like about them because thats not me at all. I'd like to portray someone other than myself or else it wouldnt be much fun dressing up and pretending would it? ;) hehe if I was Minorin I could probably pull that off with not cosplaying at all. LOL!

Nagisa or Mio? Now I know who Mio is, thats pretty cool =]
Those are both pretty shy characters. Are you shy as well? Or is it something you would like to portray?

Yeah I have a lot of close friends who love anime and manga. We chat about it all the time, its pretty fun and I don't really for the people who think its weird and dumb. One of my friends would actually like to cosplay as Kagome >.< I don't think I would ever do that. Haha xD So how's K-ON for you so far? Beyond words? LOL
And I know this is random but dont you feel that we should be able to add more than 10 characters in our char list? I think sooo.. probably like 20 =D
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