violence jack is recognized as a masterpiece, the harem genre was invented by a woman, nobody gives a shit about akira, dragon ball didn't invent shounen battle manga, eva didn't break the mold of robot anime, nobody knows what garzey no tsubasa is, and bebop is more popular in japan than it is in america
all this and more can be yours if you break the conditioning and see the world as it is with eyes unclouded by hate
I give tens to anime I think are good and worth recommending, irrelative of how good I actually think they are, I give no score to works that have a score that provides prestige befitting of the quality of the work, or doesn't where it's not needed, and I give a 1 to shows that I think are destructive in how high their score is, even if I like them (such as Gundam Origin). If you want to know my actual thoughts about a show, actually ask me instead of deferring to a number.
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