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Days: 57.6
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All Comments (279) Comments
Interesting; Robert Mitchum is most famous for playing cruel, psychotic villains, whether in "Night of the Hunter" or the original "Cape Fear". Amusingly, I recently watched a (lousy) film where Mitchum played the good guy for a change, "The River of No Return", and there was STILL a scene of him trying to roughly rape Marilyn Monroe's character!
There is actually a private message option on this site; check your messages!
Glad to hear you're enjoying life; out of curiosity, what are those two jobs?
Also, you finishing "Oyaji" reminds me that I really liked the manga, but never quite finished it. Mangatraders appears to have been eradicated in my absence, too...
I think you're the first person I have heard or read mention having a crush on Bronson. Now I'm curious what you think of Robert Mitchum...
I actually haven't watched "The Great Escape"; I should get around to doing so one day.
I haven't read much manga or watched much anime for a long while, but I'm trying to get back into the former. Maybe I'll finally finish the first part of JoJo!
I read some chapters... and the art was quite realistic.
I almost forgot who you were.. I thought: "Hey what a coincidence.. another one from Montreal.. female too?.. hmm. Nice favourite list... hmm"
So whose that guy in your profile.. he looks like Paul newman.. but I bet he speak french.
It's hard to find manga/anime that interests me lately.. I usually want to be shocked..
Or reading stuff that makes me say "WTF!".. manga is usually the way to go.
Since anime is usually watered down.
Or I have to find some romantic drama.. where the ecchi can't just be limited to panty shots. Just no.
This was the last manga I kind of liked:
But it was short :|
Yeah, I can definitely sympathize with the sunburn experience. I was born in Moscow and my skin is naturally lily white, so I get burns every summer in the Bay Area, and more recently, in Southern California. Even sunblock and a hat only go so far.
No skin cancer yet, though!
Yeah, US drinking laws are lame. The waiter only gave a shit because the restaurant could lose their liquor license if someone complained about underage drinking.
As for your smoking story, that reminds me of a friend of mine from Cyprus who exchanged for a year at my university; at first, he had no clue why everyone that he offered a smoke outside gave him such an extraordinary dirty look.
It's because smoking is demonized in US schools from preschool onwards. Despite this, most people my age don't have a problem with either hookah or pot, just cigarettes. Typical hypocrisy.
Glad you liked Steinbeck; "East of Eden" is one book I haven't read yet. "The Pearl" is one of my favorite books ever written (I could talk about it for days), and while "Of Mice and Men" was the first Steinbeck work I came across, I thought it was pretty good, but nothing special. Thankfully, I kept reading. Glad you liked Murakami, too. I need to read a lot more of his works...
And actually, I read very little manga (anime was/is mostly just a very casual thing) until about a week ago. Instead, I have been reading a lot more books and watching way more movies.
The one anime I did watch, "The Girl Who Leapt Through Time", was painfully mediocre and disappointing.
As for good manga I read during the last 9 months, I thought "Smuggler", "Kilico", "Domu", "Poppoya Love Letter", and "The Lives of Eccentrics" were all tremendous.
Hiroki Endo's "All Round Meguru" has been sensational for the first 29 chapters, and "Veritas" is finishing up its completely shocking, brutal anti-shounen conclusion.
And yeah, I can tell you about myself...but this comment is already pretty long. Next time I log on, though.
As for bartending, yeah, I know a couple of my friends did that before they were 21. Might be possible to get a job here. And yeah, I agree that your written English is better than ever.
Je suis viet pour ton information.
Le terme "fuck the world" c'ets pour dire que t'assume le fait d'être fumeur et que tu peu bien envoiller chier le monde qui sont enti-tabagiste.
J'ai lut ton profile vagementm, mais je sais que tu parle français.
T'as description est plus du genre "Fuck the World et je me criss de tout le reste".
D'un coté t'As pas tor, mais c'est quand même illarent hahahahahaha.
As for Fruits Basket...I just realized I had it confused with "Honey and Clover". I've actually heard good things about Honey and Clover, not Fruits Basket. That was the one I thought of reading at some point!
As for an original creator, I don't how to explain it any clearer; our present scientific knowledge makes the concept of an "original creator" the most likely scenario, even if we don't know any specifics about it yet.
Let me use an analogy; say you come back to your house one night, and notice that someone has broken in. Now, your first thought would be that this was an act committed by another human being, right?
You might not know who the human being is, or how/why he did it, but you know it was probably done by a human. You know it WASN'T a break-in perpetrated by a duck, a cat, a bug, or divine intervention. Same thing here.
There's no "tangible proof" of a specific phenomena, but there is overwhelming proof for the general idea. It might not be a "God". It might be some bizarre astrophysics or bio process we don't know of.
Really, if you want to discuss the biology/genetics involved, that's one thing. But right now, you're just arguing semantics/word games.
And haha, I knew you would write something like that! Jealousy in girls is such an ugly thing. I've had girls tell me, with an angry hiss, that they found Jessica Biel, Monica Belluci, or Gina Carano ugly. And small wonder a Montreal girl finds a gorgeous Jamaican ugly!
And fine, I'll discuss a bit of politics. With regards to the economy, it was in shambles at the end of Bush's tenure. (Partly Bush's fault, partly the fault of House Democrats, including Harry Reid, who extended house mortgages to those that couldn't cover them) That's true.
However, Obama has dramatically worsened it, and made sure that it would recover slower than it otherwise would have. If not for him, the recession might have ended a few months ago. He's managed to make an already bad situation much worse.
As for taxes, none of them are directly related to the military. Rather, they're meant to raise the pay of government bueracrats, a move so corrupt not even Bush dared to do it.
As for healthcare, you're happy with the Canadian system because you don't pay taxes for it. And indeed, it's wonderful if you're low-income or don't have a job. If you have a middle class job, however, it's much worse than the present private system.
As for fear/respect from other nations being important, you haven't been paying attention to international news, have you? Obama will tell a country's leader "stop killing innocent civilians" or "stop producing nuclear weapons", and they'll smile, pose for a picture at a press conference...and as soon as Obama leaves, completely ignore everything he's said.
You think it's good having a president who every single world leader laughs at and ignores? Nope.
And heh, I don't mind arguments, either, as you could probably tell! The only ones I don't like much are political ones, and that's only because they make me a bit depressed.
Also, I don't know French...but I know Spanish. I wanted to take French in junior high, but my parents told me I was an idiot, and that in California, people speak Spanish, not French, and that's the language I would be taking!
And...they were right!
As for an "original creator", I never once said that it was correct, or even a real theory to begin with.
Rather, you brought it up as something you wanted to DISPROVE, and if you want to prove something wrong, as you're trying to, you need compelling argumentation and/or a superior alternative, which you don't.
Everything I've written since then has been merely to say that it's a reasonable thing to believe about the creation of organic life, because simply saying "evolution" is patently wrong. If there's something better than I've currently read explaining the evolution of early organic life, I'd be very happy to read it.
And HAHA, the comment about Anaki Nani Rose is the same shit one of my friends said. I immediately responded with..."so does that mean you're sexually attracted to other men, or just fucking blind?"
In your case, I'll charitably assume it's only the first one. She's completely gorgeous, face included. Personally, I think a lot of white people don't find black girls, even Jamaicans with European style faces like Anaki, attractive. I do, so I consider her outstanding; body, face, everything.
As for Obama, if you want to get into politics, my statement would be similar; you're clearly an idiot if you don't think he's one of the shittiest presidents in the history of the US.
He is so awful, he makes George W Bush (who sucked, and was one of the worst presidents ever) look good. Yeah, that terrible. Seriously.
Just because the Canadian press continues to verbally suck Obama off, while they demonize ANY conservative, doesn't change what's actually happening.
He has made the economy far worse, has screwed up our judicial system, raised taxes, killed national defense and the fear/respect other nations had of us, killed the Supreme Court, and is still unsatisfied since he hasn't fucked up health care, and along with it, the economy, even worse.
And all of that in his first year. He's done more harm in 11 months than Bush did in 8 years. It's breath-taking.
I don't even want to write about this any more. It's just really depressing. Especially since people from other countries, like yourself, don't realize that the guy is in fact even worse than Bush. Ugh.
On a lighter note, I think your English is pretty good! Your sentence structure keeps getting better and better, and there are very few spelling or grammar errors.
Hell, you write better than a lot of 19 year old US girls. Even on the few occasions where they try to write in non-text speak.
Do you take classes, or just practice on your own?
And is Fruits Basket really bad? I considered reading it at one point, and might still. You're probably correct about its fanbase, but does the manga itself have any redeeming qualities?
As for the debate, alright then; what's your view of the beginnings of eukaryotic organisms? Right now, with the facts available to us, "original creator" seems the most likely answer. If you're arguing against it, then the impetus is on you to provide a better theory.
And this is hardly unknown among the scientific community; I first heard about this when I was 10 years old, talking to a chemist who worked quite a bit on genetics also. Again, don't misconstrue this as necessarily being a "God"; "original creator" might well be a completely inanimate object/phenomena.
I'm an only child, with no aunts, uncles, or first cousins, so nope, the girls wanting to watch Disney films aren't in my family. I don't hang out with them either, but we're on the same mailing list from college, so they asked how many people wanted to come with them to watch it.
That being said, I do know one thing about that movie; the female lead is played by Anika Noni Rose, who in addition to being an outstanding actress on "The Ladies' No.1 Detective Agency", is also one of the most beautiful celebrities I've ever seen.
I don't know what type of flu I had. Honestly, I don't think swine flu is that much worse than the normal variety.
And that guy got pissy because he's a basement-dwelling loser who never gets into arguments or conversations with his friends, (or doesn't have any) and thus, takes it personally whenever someone disagrees. It's hilarious to read, however.
As for Paris Hilton Palin, who cares? I wouldn't waste my time or energy on her book. I'm also pretty sure she's not going to win the Republican primary even if she does run.
That being said, it's impossible for Palin, or anyone else for that matter, to do worse than Denzel Washington Obama has in the last year.
Which is both sad and scary.