All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 109.8
Mean Score:
- Watching78
- Completed365
- On-Hold20
- Dropped18
- Plan to Watch150
- Total Entries631
- Rewatched30
- Episodes6,410
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 110.1
Mean Score:
- Total Entries468
- Reread0
- Chapters13,654
- Volumes1,833
All Comments (1) Comments
Six shows!? Yes. Times are grave and we do our best to be frugal. Yet still, in the wonderland of roses that is anime, the brave men and women of S.W.A never imagined the intensity which these chosen shows would grant to their wielder.
In the fields of judgement, this Sunday, we fight for what is truth, justice, and above all: entertaining.
Sunday, Sunday, Sunday at the Social Watchers of Anime Main Page. Be there!
Club Page - Voting Thread
Tldr: Come to Swa by Sunday and vote for the six shows you want to watch. We hope to have 1 main show, 4 sub-main shows and 1 long show.
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