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Days: 139.2
Mean Score:
- Total Entries446
- Rewatched19
- Episodes8,520
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Manga Stats
Days: 47.2
Mean Score:
- Total Entries41
- Reread0
- Chapters8,486
- Volumes800
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All Comments (195) Comments
Sasha Braus Edition ● Cards [128]
Please save and/or rehost
Ctrl + f to find your cards
If you've got any problems, contact me.
delivery by Samuelkun
please thank him for his hard work
included here are all the cards I didn't/couldn't deliver from a long while back
took a while to upload but here it is..
all the cards from last year! ~1000 cards
if you have any problems, please leave a comment in this blog
I'll reply to it soon enough
-|| part 2 of 2: i to z ||-
D E L I V E R Y ◦ B Y • [ papa ]
D E L I V E R Y ◦ B Y • [ Deathmemo ]
D E L I V E R Y ◦ B Y • [ Deathmemo ]
PM muffins if there are any problemos.
O M B • [ badges ]
O M C • [ cards ]
♛ Mass Delivery Batch #1
♛ Go here for the editions and cards.
♛ Please read the description carefully first.
♛ Please save your cards on time.
♛ Thank you for requesting ^.^
♛ Lilybeth's Card Workshop
♛ Official Member Cards
♛ Pick up your cards here.
♛ People that changed their username,
please look for your old username.
♛ Please understand the fact,
that LCWS is no longer an active club.
♛ Please save your cards on time.
♛ Thank you for requesting ^.^
♛ The Queen's Safe Haven
♛ Official Member Cards (October 2015)
♛ Pick up your cards here.
♛ Please save your cards on time.
♛ Thank you for requesting ^.^
⊹ save and rehost. let me know if there's any problems ⊹
delivered by Samuelkun
please thank him for his hard work
cards were uploaded to postimg
sticking to dropcanvas after this...
practically everything that needs delivering is in here
SCS, VGCC, Eye Color Editions
Dragons LE: card design was inspired from Greed and her Nest Cafe xD plus 2 of my old designs. 100th edition was Final Fantasy in RACE...
Eye Color Editions: will be opening the rest of the other colors in LCWS sometime~
Mass Delivery
-|| VGCC - SCS ||-
-|| Eye Colors Edition - for FannyFantasy, Lyfa, xHecate ||-
So Please Save it/Rehost it if there any problem please ask me @NaNaRoX
Video Game Cards Club
Antagonist ME l Cards
Scenery WE l Cards
Ctrl + f to find your cards.
Please save and rehost within 2 weeks.
If there are any problems, let me know!
Thanks for requesting! <3
So sry for the long long LONG wait.