Welcome to the self-proclaimed greatest profile on myanimelist!
Here you can see my much, much superior tastes and anime list design which some css master must have made. Whoever made this hands down fuckin' fanstastic list designer deserves props where it's due. So thank you to that beauty sonofabitch that donated it to shishio's club.
Also, no random friend requests. I don't horde them like a weirdo and I don't accept randoms requests unless they have turnip in their name,
I especially won't accept radishes too.
Also no I will not join your server again, stop admiring my flawless profile.
All Comments (474) Comments
No, still doing my work for the Qld Government. I've been out of uni for 7 years now... hahahaha
But I have been trying to move back to Brisbane though and it's proving a bit difficult...
Are you attending uni at the moment?
Are you still in Victoria? Hopefully all things were well during the longer lockdown...
i'm just doing prerequisites to major in environmental science, i rly don't know what i want to do career wise but it's just a subject i'm interested in ; v;
ah so you're pretty interested in computer stuff :o design sounds more fun imo!
Ah well I'm not surprised :< MAL will always be the superior anime site for me, there's always been an active community
Ooh, so it's kind of like a twitter feed where ppl talk to each other? Or more like profile comments like MAL?
Added you~
3yrs omg it's been so long~! & ya I barely ever used hummingbird lol, did u use it? The idea of a valentine was good, but they needed to include actual activities otherwise it's pointless :<
Honestly you're not wrong LMAO
v wait whats ur discoRD