Sword Art Online is possibly one of the most poorly written things I've known.
So this random individual says SAO isn't bad? Oh, well forgive me an my baseless accusations. Please go on and continue telling people who make educated assessments of shows how wrong they are, you righteous and just individual.
But Igor said that he must max out social to make PERSONAS STRONGER! Which Makoto has been lacking. This will benefit Makoto if he made a bond with friends! Not him saying "I'm bored of my life, I will not make friends with nobody and I will just do what I have do" Which that doesn't benefit him.
Hey human fossil tell me why kill la kill is so bad, so i can debunk you by memory. Action junkie. I have acquired different types of tastes over many types of genres. I'd rather experience many other types of genres like super power, vampire, school, or hell even yaoi. Unlike you i'm not bound by one genre where the "in" crowd goes to watch if its popular or not. Stop staying in that bubble and branch out then you'll know what i mean junkie.
Well that logic can be projected back at you bad writing isn't the only reason a show is bad ya know. I guess living in the ghetto can make you articulate better. I you keep on calling me nigga ill just assume your black, cause i know them black people love them some anime. I thought black people welcome fanservice with open arms not be up in arms about it. Also queens blade rebellion is different from the regular queens blade series, i mean i saw it.
Nah colorful language. You talk about quality dont see any of it in your list. Whoa what are you talking about being scrubby, all you pull are 50-50s and i be crushing and block punishing all of them. All you said was bad writing, you didnt state any reasons behind them. I didn't delete your last comment thought. Didnt i say you won we need an armistice agreement.
All Comments (16) Comments
So this random individual says SAO isn't bad? Oh, well forgive me an my baseless accusations. Please go on and continue telling people who make educated assessments of shows how wrong they are, you righteous and just individual.
Especially this....
Hahahahahaha.... Thanks.