Name: Maria [but that's my slave name, call me Tsume].
Age: 18
Location: In a place called home.
Things I love: anime, manga [duh ...], music, reading, slackin' off, watching movies, chocolate, chinese food.
Things and people I hate: math, fizics, chemistry, daddy's little girls and boys, the all mighty wise guy [also known as the idiot with the leader complex.]
Genres I like: romance, drama, history, shoujo, mistery, fantasy, shounen.
Genres I don't like: echhi, hentai, yaoi, yuri [although I like the last two ones if they actually have a story and not a bunch of fanservice characters.]
Favorite bands: Paramore, Flyleaf, Within Temptation, Skillet, Nickelback, The Ramsus, Evanesence, Sugarcult, Eve 6, Aly and Aj, Metric, Placebo, Maroon 5, Nightwish, The Pretty Reckless, SID, Alice Nine.
Favorite singers: Sarah Bareilles, Amy Whinehouse, Kelly Clarckson, Plumb, Nana Mizuki, Utada Hikaru, Miyavi.
Favorite books: Shogun, The French Lieutenant's Woman, Love in the time of Cholera, Kabuki Dancer, The Painter From Shanghai, Whutering Heights, The map of Love, Memories of a Geisha, The Teahouse Fire
All Comments (122) Comments
Nu stiu daca ai aflat deja, dar Anime Empire si-a revenit si este din nou online. Te asteptam pe forum! (Si sper ca nu te-am confundat, desi nu cred xD )
Hugs! Omi.
Locatie: Palatul Copiilor, Bucuresti
Program: 10:00 - 20:00
Pret intrare: 15 RON / zi
(Cosplayerii care participa la concurs platesc doar 15 RON pt. ambele zile)
Transport: RATB: 312, 313, 381
Hey Guys!
As there has not been any improvement with mass messages issue, Canon Pairings Club wasn't able to continue our tournament with the couples... Nevertheless, we want to continue it. The only way we came up with is MASS MAILING :) So, those of you who are willing to continue to vote in our matches, please send me your email address. I assure you, it will be used for matches notifications ONLY. If there will be a certain number of addresses which allow us to continue, we will restart the votings!! In case not, the waiting for the mass msg will continue..
P.S. Those of you who aren't aware, we also made a HUUUGE list of all known canon couples, HERE You are welcome to nominate more ;))
Sorry i didn't reply to your last post, i got caught up in lots of stuffz. Ce mai fac? Pai ma pregatesc, cu bagaje and all, fiindca mini-vacanta mea de Pasti a luat sfarsit, iar maine plec la Bucuresti. Offf, oare de ce nu ma pot pur si simplu teleporta? [i don't really enjoy traveling by train, especially if i'm alone].
Apropo de Pasti, sper ca te-ai bucurat de timpul tau liber si ca te-ai simtit bine alaturi de ai tai.
Cum ti-a mers pana la urma la judeteana aia? :)
Ah! Am recitit ultimul post si am vazut ca-ti promisesem niste amv-uri dragute cu Toradora :) These are my favs:
[p.s. : la cel cu Betwixt and bla bla, check out the user that posted it -bestamvsofalltime- coz you might find some awesome amvs :)]
Am auzit de la o sursa sigura ca multi dintre voi citesc manga în romana, nu? Totusi, ati dorit vreodata sa vedeti cum se lucreaza la un manga tradus? Ati dorit, cel putin o data, sa ne ajutati?
Mangazup are nevoie de:
Ce trebuie sa faceti?
Nu e nimic greu! Pentru inceput va veti face un cont pe forum, apoi veti da testul pentru pozitia/pozitiile alese iar rezolvarile le veti posta pe mangazup in acest topic.[/color]
Good Luck!
Love your manga list:3
Oooo, olimpiada la romana. Awesome :) Daca esti la etapa din februarie, inseamna ca deja ai ajung la judeteana.Am i right? xD Mult, mult succes and make your teacher proud! E urata critica literara, dar sunt sigura ca te descurci. Am participat si eu la olimpiade [de engleza si franceza], de limba romana m-am ferit in liceu, tocmai fiindca se axeaza pe analiza si critica literara [which i totally hate]. Do your best to obtain as many diplomas during your high school years fiindca, din experienta iti spun, se vor dovedi cruciale mai tarziu. [daca vrei bursa in afara, sau ca sa obtii un punctaj mai mare fata de alti eventuali canditati la vreun job or smth].
Da, da, Toradora <3 ! Ador seria si imi amintesc ca am fost surprinsa de ultimele episoade. Chiar nu ma asteptam sa se termine cum s-a terminat. [yeah, i know, nobody likes spoilers xD] Have fun watching it ! <3 [dupa ce termini, remind me to give you the link to an awesome amv of this series ^3^]
Cat despre Royai, i know whacha mean, am si eu anumite cupluri dupa care obsedez si caut tot ce e out there cu si despre ei XDD. I love the Roy x Riza as well, and what i love most about them is how they manage to be sooo romantic, without being cliche or too sweet. They are amazing! <3
Thank you very much for the amv, it was great! ^^ i gots one among my favorites as well : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MWU0bh_mwrA