heyy!! i think its good to take some time off from time to time! yeah i've started in february and i'm suuuuper happy about it! i've been doing good started implementing some changes already and although there's a little drama it's nothing i can't deal with. and my boss is super nice!! understanding and hates doing extra hours so we rarely do overtime! i see you're still struggling, somtimes you just have to let it flow until there's a nice opportunity. but make sure to create those opportunities too! ;)
hum I think it'll be more relaxed, yeah. even though i'll have to read and write a lot and will have deadlines but when you're in the lab it's just awful cause the deadline is the end of each day! i was asked a couple of months ago but i still can't make the transition bc they are still training someone to take my place, takes a few months. I didnt intend to judge personality by saying she's not a mom. I know its better to have a mom as a boss cause they'll understand if you have to stay home with your sick kid once in a while for instance. Or if you're late bc your kid just wouldn't get up or wouldnt eat breakfast... this kind of thing. I don't think that will be a problem though ^^
new experiences...lol sounds good ;) I've been a lab tech for the past 9 years and now i'm moving to the R&D department, they said they needed someone like me there. i dont think i'm really moving up, cause if i had stayed i would've moved up actually but i'd be doing the same thing...since i'm still young i decided to take a shot and do something new. we'll see! my lady boss seems really nice even though she's not a mom :)
no need for concern uhhhh?! baaaka! now i'm concerned obviously! i've been well mostly, super busy as usual but excited to start a new job at my company so that's good. There are indeed times when you have absolutely no idea what to do and it's a pain until you finally get it. I have doubts about the choices i've made many times but well, there's no turning back now! I hope you can find what you're looking for soon! ;)
Things calmed down by now. It was just that we had our boiler start leaking in the middle of the night, and when it was morning there was a lot of water in a couple of rooms. Then our bathroom also leaked a bit after wards. I was annoying but it's all fixed now, so whatev.
The car is back, we still had to pay for some extra stuff that the mechanic said need to be fixed but wasn't caused by the crash.
My room is just a mess, and I don't really feel like fixing it tbh. Maybe later but who knows. I would need to buy either stands, shelves or other things to place my stuff properly but I don't like spending money on things that aren't necessities or anime merchandise so it might not happen.
The end of the year is usually always a mess whether you are a working adult or a college student lol. That's just one thing that doesn't change I guess. There are things to do and things that just come up unexpectedly.
It took me a moment to realize what 'Blade' was since you capitalized it, I thought it was like something else lol. November's batch was a so-so then. I like Gintama, it just started airing again too. Haven't seen Bleach, and it seems long and had much mixed opinions in the end that I am not sure I wanna go into it lol.
Oh, the theme sounds cool in retrospective but most of the stuff wasn't as cool lol. They took a cute approach. I only watched Patrol Luluco out of that batch [ i am re-watching it actually]. It's a cute weird short show (-.-)b
The start of the year is then frugal time lol. I am not a fan of any of those series, but I guess you are or the items are pretty cool?
Well I think Umaru is cute, but some people found her annoying. Perspective I guess?¯\_(ツ)_/¯
That desk sounds reliable. Do be wary of the boxes though. Make sure there is nothing that can fall on them and cause a domino effect... I should probably at least re-arrange mine cause some doujinshi, are getting a bit vended... That's a weird change you made about your bed lol. Nah, mine has always been like this. For some reason it's the only part of the room that gets saved.
Uh, Vivid strike sounds interesting. I might watch it when I get time to. School is starting so anime might be on hold other than seasonal stuff.
I would like a small house in a place that is not too crowded, maybe a bit isolated but has really good wifi... And just spend a bit of money on my daily life so I don't have to work for the rest of my life and just stay lazing around till death comes for me. Occasionally travel a bit to a couple of places[i hate traveling, but there are a few places i might like to go] and try new stuff too, but the mansion with lots of cars sounds like a pain in the neck, right? lol.
All cats have their own charms~
I really liked how MGRP made their characters for the most part actually, and I am a firm defender of SnowWhite. She loved magical girls since she was small and as soon as she became one she felt her dream finally came true. The type of personality she had made her actions very believe. If anything I wished the anime had more time to see the whole ordeal with more detail. I don't think the sales will be as good as to get a second season tbh. That's some logic you got there. I find it super funny because of the new danganronpa v3 game just came out and the reaction to it is so lol. Their views differ from yours by a lot, ha, ha!
I can't wait to see Akutagawa and Atsushi team up again for next season whenever that is. I wonder what Lovecraft is though. He is a sea creature right? but was he like born like that? I can't help but feel that he died and some octopus or something took his body. I think Farmer guy said he did wanted to take over cause he was mad about what happened. Because they asked him if he was going home and he said that he wasn't going to go home yet.
They made it clear he wasn't really interested in forming his own family once he became Poco's "mommy" though. Maybe it's up to each's idea. In my case I clearly think that the main point being tackled by the show was the acceptance of Souta's dad death and how he wished to have had a better relationship with him, hence he regrets that he didn't. Like he didn't even think about marriage unless other people brought it up, showing he wasn't really interested. When Nakajima mentioned he had a marriage interview, he talked about it like 'oh its something you are doing' sort of vibe as if he didn't have marriage in mind. Then most of the show was about how he talked a lot about "you know Poco, i think of the things my dad did for me when i was smaller when I am with you" and then shifted to a "regret" sort of mode followed by "i wished i had talked to him more" usually explicitly said after wards. The last thing Poco wanted to show him was 'dad loved you despite how you two argued at the end.' I guess you saw the show differently. If he had married to some random chick and was showed to have some kids it would have felt like he was replacing Poco instead of actually getting his own family because he didn't show any interest in marriage through the show. The only love interest he had at first was through a flashback and ended up becoming his mommy friend very quickly, so with the show it just doesn't work. They would have to had actually shown Souta's attitude be different and given him a proper love interest.
It's Rei's fault. He asked her to meet him at the bridge and it seems like the perfect opportunity to get rid of her. I am suprised Rei managed to withstand Momo's persuasive attacks, but that shows how committed he is to winning this match he has. I hope he manages to win them, but it seems like he is struggling. I hope that it's just them building up suspense but who knows.. The cards just showed how many people thought of them while sending out new years greeting cards [a custom over there]. Hina has lots of friends so she got many, Rei only has Nikaidou and the chairman [who probably sent that card to the entire shougi association given his character lol] so he two and felt happy with that. Probably he hadn't really gotten any cards before.
Yeah! That's it! The butt attacks seem like actual attacks someone might pull off, but the boob techniques are just absolute nonsense so they are super funny. Fujisaki(?) used the movements she felt in the 'land' to be able to launch herself without looking. I guess looking where she was going killed her force a bit? Since her mom and older sister were pros it seems actually believable that she developed some sixth sense while on the land to see where her opponents was, lol. I don't know if you mean her or someone else though. She is the first one to come to mind with Cerberus. Let's hope we get a second season confirmation soon..
I liked the op too, and that turnip exercise took a toll on Koizumi.. Its a word were Keijo exist, so that might not be too unusual. He seemed like he was mostly upset because he raised to take over her Juudo thing they owned, and even though she was a top juudo player [lol everyone that meets Miyata brings it up for a reason, she was quiet known for it] she decided to 'quit'. I think it was mostly that Miyata never openly told anyone that she wanted to be a keijo player until she won that match lol.
The birthday party is the last couple of episodes, so you haven't gotten to it yet but its funny and sweet. The summer vacation part was funny too, and the bit with Yumehara after the vacation too, lmao.
I think Line is only big in japan seeing as they have a lot of mini apps related to it, lol.
Well life is mostly annoying, but that's on a whole another level so it could probably be labeled as rough. But at least you are staying optimistic thinking work will help you ignore it for a bit!
Right? That's totally not a college student there! Lol, it would match the series at this point.
Nope, even when he was Izuru/Hajime he still looked very slim. So i guess the person that drew that just wanted to make him like that lol. It feels so weird though.
The past fillers that weren't adapted from LN did actually get better though, compared to the ones that they aired before the war started you know? Those were really bad... I am convinced those are the reason people refuse to watch the Naruto episodes that are not manga related, even the LN adaptations. I finished it, it was entertaining. My brother and I liked it quiet a bit. We loved how Naruto just popped up in the end once again just like that.
I have seen a few episodes but most seem meh to me. Idk why... I am keeping my eyes on Gabriel Droupout, the "Maid Dragon" one, the girl's cycling one wiht the long name, and blue exorcist mostly that are new. Also Yowamushi, i missed my cycling weirdos so much TT^TT
What are you planing on watching?
Kirei is pretty much that guy in life who sticks to the path that is chosen for but at random times he just decides to go off that path because he wants things to be exciting. At the end of zero he was pretty much shown as a sadist after seeing the destruction of the holy grail war. Ya it does feel forced at times i think is caused when he tries to get some chaos in his life. I see gilgamesh as more of a funny villain because his main goal allways appears to be to piss people off and look down upon them in any opportunity he gets.
lancers master was just gilgamesh but as a modern mage I did not feel anything when he died other then thinking a future problem snubbed out. At a point I really wanted waver and rider to win but the scene where rider had his final charge against gil my feels where on low seeing rider get speared. Happy to see gil let waver go and praise him for his determination.
I noticed you are watching fate stay night. In my opinion Stay night is ok but its not the best in the series a lot of fans prefer unlimited blade works which is set in a alternate timeline and made by the studio who created zero where Tohsaka has a larger role then Saber as a main heroine I thought since you like her character you might prefer blade works over stay night (plus story is way better and less cliche).
Also since you like Ilya so much she has her own anime, I have not watched it but i hear good things of it from friends it might be up your alley if you like the cuteness of that character.
lol, yeah it's been a while. well as long as you are fine there is hope things will sort out and become better. my new years was chaotic lol. we had major water problems in the end and start of the year, we couldn't even believe it. other than that so far i am ok~ i am glad your new year was pretty relaxed, that sounds nice ^ ^
ha, ha! thank you! at least i got your support and that's plenty (๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑) i know! people are such bad drivers no matter the state.. yep, i am in tx and they just don't seem to care about the rules..! at least the dude that crashed my car was nice and actually owned up to what they did so that was a plus. dealing with their insurance was a headache though. over all it was a neutral experience, but in that moment it was such a downer. thankfully my car was brought back recently and it seems to be fine. their insurance payed the damages but we had to pay like $600, 'cause yu know mechanics.. you go in for something and they end up tell you that there is a whole other things wrong with the car that need to be fixed.
sounds rough lol. a "random cluster" would be the perfect way to describe my collection now that i think about it, ha! ha! wow... i knew we hadn't talked in a while but you got two new batches already? that makes it seem even longer.. what where the other two batches about? :D Yep, lol. It's a mini stand for the figures~ I don't blame you. there is one that it's sort of 'crawling' to the stand [that chara is super lazy] so I was able to tell it was a stand because of it. i really liked her series personally because i see most of my bad habits in her lol. can relate in a way. she is a whole lot cuter though obviously.
well at least you are prepared for the time when it comes. can i trust you? are your photographic skills so good you can make a messy desk appear clean?? heh, heh~ well, i will take your word for it but seriously it seemed like super clean. i can totally understand leaving things in a place for eternity tough. it happens, it just does. i can relate to the boxes staying there too. lol. i throw the boxes my stuff comes on, but i leave my merch on their box because i don't got any other place to put them. so i just got this nendoroids and rubber straps stacked on each other lol. some fell because of a poster that i had on the wall started falling the other day... i managed to hold on to them before it was too late though. crisis averted. same! i try to keep my room clean but for the most part is just the bed that manages to stay constantly neat!
i know, i got some anime on hold too. is vivid stike good? i haven't heard of that one actually, so do tell me what you think about it.
Fall 2016 was the season of cutie children for sure. Or maybe even just 2016 anime in general? There were some kid charas that were super adorable~ and then had swim swim lol. that might be true for some for sure~ specially after seeing such cute little children! who wouldn't want to take care of those little angles?
to not worry about money is the dream of many no doubt! with no worries for money happiness would seem more achievable... (_ _lll) wanna travel? it's doable. wanna learn new things that have no actual good careers or just advance your studies because you want to? ok. house, hobbies, almost anything would be withing reach... sure sounds nice doesn't -3- let's hope we win a major lotto one day buddy!~
heh, heh~ face the reality~
aww! poor spooky... but Pumpkin seems so cute! lol, cats know no boundaries, if they consider a spot a good nap place then it is. you do not go against them, that's like the rule! even in blurry photos it's evident pumpkin in a cutie pie =w=
I know, but yeah at least we got Ripple... Yep, there are like 3 other novels I believe. I really would like for them to animate the rest but that seems unlikely... And I don't think we will see official translations, or even fan translations. But pretty much the story continues that there are other magical girls and some think the same way Cranberry did. So Snow White is taking them down[she had Ripple train her so she can pretty much do that byherself], so that the same thing that happened to her and the other girls won't happen again. Snowwhite is known as a MagicalGirl Revel Hunter, because of it. The protagonist role switches over to someone else though. She and Ripple are kinda support characters that influence the story a bit apparently. Don't forget Tama.. I liked the anime a lot, of course there where things that felt rushed but thats bound to happen with a 12 episode series so there is nothing that can be done about it. Most of the characters were really nice and interesting in their own way, so I would have liked to see more about them. Its too bad, but the story overall was pretty good in my opinion. She kinda carries her revenge by taking out the other girls in a way though, even if she is not the main focus of the series anymore.
Right? Hah, hah! That fight scene at the end was so over the top it was pretty funny. I still liked the series a lot though -w- I couldn't help but laugh at loud at 'Notice Me Senpai's final form though. They looked so funny, like they belonged in some power ranger squad or something. I know! Dazai and Ranpo are too op when it comes to deduction skills right? I want them to mess up some calculation or prediction to show that they are not perfect... -.- Give us some novelty... I liked the main villain, he was cool. And yep, his ability was just a plus for him tbh. That was pretty cool. I am waiting for season 3 approval for sure! I don't think Lovecraft was human since he just dived into the ocean at the end. I don't know what he is.. Maybe he will appear a bit more in the 3rd season? Farmer guy too, he sort of seems like we will see him a bit more.
I actually liked how they kept the romance part away from Souta. They focused on coming to terms with his father's loss and accepting what a family is about. I am happy they didn't shove HanakKana's role on to him just because. Souta is getting adjusted to his new life and feels happy, we don't need another Nakajima getting pressured into an arranged marriage. It felt more realistic that way. I liked that they implied Poco went back in tanuki form and thought it was the cutest. I doubt this one would get a continuation too, but it be nice to hear a bit more of it.
I want to shove Kyoko off a bridge tbh. That kiddnapping/nursing scene was so cute! They used Momo to lure him out lol. She was even more cute this episode! The new year greeting card scene was pretty funny too lol. Its nice to see that Rei is coming to terms with his feelings and trying to sort them out while focusing on what is in front of him. He also now realized that the is important to the sisters the way they are to him. Poor Akari she is carrying the most weight out of the sisters trying to keep them together while she still gets depressed everyone in a while. Lol, is that so. I would't know if I could trust someone that didn't had a weak spot for Momo tbh, lol.
The draw boobs where the ones that really took me by surprise for some reason lol. The attacks are all so ridiculous! This one I actually think it might eventually get a second season and I sure hope so! I know! Once Maya became friends and nice with the other girls she was so cute! I hope that if there is a second season we see more of her because she also ended up in my top three! >w< Lol, it's hard to put an order to them when they are all super cute... I know! They better give us a winning Aoba! And they gotta give her the purest cutest brightest smile!! They gotta atond for their sins of making poor baby sad so many times. I will look forward to what other things you gotta say about it then
I finished it like the day after I replayed to you lol. Stella was such a cute show... I already finished Saiki and thankfully season 2 already got confirmed~ Yay! The birthday part really killed me!
Heh, thanks for the warning now I know to never get skype! Well I got line for line play witch i don't even use much anymore, but nope. never have i ever given out my phone # through the net. i get that some people might do that since it's more casual now days.
that sounds really rough :o it must be pretty bad if you are starting to think you will have to just learn to deal with it...
that made me laugh out loud for a while! gosh! i was pretty mad about the whole deal but now that i am looking at it that way its impossible for me to stay angry about it any longer! lol, keep those jokes coming!
hah, hah! well this one is pretty plain but I will make it up for the next one! i like decorating them to make them look cuter but sometimes it's hard lol.
I know freaking Teru was a freaking ninja! no college student has that much free time... i am sure she lied to us... I am starting to think the same! Aoba and Tama are cute names now from now on! i am gonna be majorly disappointed if i run into an Aoba or Tama that isn't cute sometime soon.
Hah, hah! well it's nice to hear you had a good time though even if it was a bit crazy ^ ^
The do right? And yeah I thought so too, it was kinda weird since he looks so skinny in the anime/game lol.
I am still watching it! I watch naruto with my second oldest brother and he just gets back today so we won't be able to continue watching until like tomorrow maybe. but yes! i think the naruto fillers have gone up dramatically in quality and i am glad.
Ya the Archer vs Berserker jet fight at first was yes so ridiculous to me at first and I could not help but laugh at Gil smiling as Berserker chases him during that whole sequence its like he was playing with a toy. Kiritsugu's past yes is among one of my top contenders for tragic past when it comes to anime characters. His Ideals where ruined due to the self awareness of the grail and realising he needed to get rid of it was a massive u-turn to me. His fight with Kirei is one of the most badass things I have watched.
I wanted to see Kariya win too but he had so many death flags I could not see him winning, its a shame he died but even if he beat Gilgamesh and saber he would of probably died before he could get is nieces out of holy grail war since the reason berserker lost so easily was because Kariya was badly weakened. I share the same opinions on Kiritsugu espically after the whole Lancer thing which I was not expecting to go down like that.
Among all the servants in Zero Rider is possibly the best of them. I am very fond of Sabers character and her personnel conflicts as king Arthur. Gilgamesh is probably one of the most stuck up people I have ever seen but I find him to be hilarious when being so.
Hello, I was the guy who recommended Fate Zero to you in the animemangaton for the 20+ club. Glad to see you enjoyed the show. I would love to hear your opinions sometime on it especially the second half. I would also love to hear who you wanted to win the holy grail war.
Ha, ha, okay! I will eagerly await your reply ^ ^ And btw: I finished watching Stella no Mahou and you couldn't have been more right about Tama! She is unbelievably adorable!! o(≧∇≦o) She momo and poco would be my dream family, ha, ha!
Whoa... It sounds like you been quiet busy this holiday season... *~* Hope you get some more free time and a chance to relax and catch up on all that anime~ ٩(๑❛ワ❛๑)و Miyata was also a top favorite by the end >w< She is so cute, lol. Aoba too!
p.s. look at this photo of the DanganRonpa3 staff book [whatever that is...]
The last days of school where brutal... Too many things to do, assigments and finals... Then! As if that wasn't enough... Guess what happened. Some jerk crashed my car on the last day of school!! щ(ಠ益ಠщ) I was so happy on my way home, thinking "Yay! A month of vacation!" When some jerk rammed into my car.. Ugh! It was his fault too! Like, where he was coming from had a stop sign and where I was driving there wasn't one. So I was driving and I saw his car, but it wasn't going fast. So I figured he was a common person with a functional brain and was coming to a stop at the stop sing. Then when he was I was fucking driving that he would wait like he has to by law. Well he didn't and he pretty much blended the metal that holds the tire on the front left side of the car, and now the tire is bent inwards... So my car is useless as of that day.. I am so pissed! Like my dad just got me that car no more than six months ago! It was used, but still! It was in pretty good state, and now it's not because of some idiot!!ヽ(#`Д´)ノ
Aww, thank you! (●´∀`●) Reading that makes me feel better. The anger is slowly going away! Lol. We originally only talked about taking photos of the trading figure, but I wouldn't mind seeing photos of all of it! Did you get a new batch already? o(≧∇≦o)
I still haven't taken out mine from their boxes since I don't even have space to place them at either. (๑•́ ₃ •̀๑) lol. But it's the complete set of the one that you have. I took a photo of the one I have on 'display' [lol, my vanity mirror thing is pretty much just covered with boxes of stuff, with some small figures and nendoroids here and there, and some key-chains and rubber straps. I am kinda a little ashamed tbh]. It was the "secret figure" from the package:
A ramen bowl used to eat ramen!?! That's unheard of! :P Lol, I bet it will sort of taste better just because of the bowl though. Ha, ha!
Hmm... Suspicious.. That desk seems to clean. Lol, I suck as cleaning, and have a 'it's fine' sort of attitude when I place things on a place. So yeah, combine that with not enough space and you get a mess! (。-_-。)I was kinda hoping we were semi messy buddies, but I see we are not (¬₃¬) I feel low-key betrayed...
How far are you into Amaama? I know they are so cute! I know what you mean! With Poco I can't help but think they are cuter than ever before! lol. How does that even work, idk. But it's the anime...
Right..? We need to win the lotto to stop worrying about these sort of things, and just be able to buy all the merch we want! ψ(`∇´)ψ
Lol, after idk how many months of thinking about it at least we got a solid answer though!
Really? Heh, heh. Sounds cute =w= The one over here moslty asks for food, but sometimes she just follows you when you are outside. Just stays there, by yourside. I guess she has gotten used to us. I defently want photos of Spooky and Pumpkin when you get the time!
How caught up are you on Magical Girl Raising Project?? I finished the show today and I already feel like I am missing something... Hardgore Alice o(╥﹏╥)o She wasn't OP enough!! (ToT) She was just a sweet little girl that wanted to meet the one person that helped her out without making her feel like a burden... Lol, my spoilers are quiet impacfull aren't they? YEAH!! Like?!?! People didn't seem to catch that even thought that's like the major reason women/girls count down months?! Like?!!? How did they not catch that?!? I was shocked to see no one seemed to think that was even possible! I am still shocked to see not many people thought about that... You were obviously on the right, as you sadly know by now... (。•́︿•̀。)
Did you finish the series already? Or not yet? I kinda laughed at the last two episodes tbh. lol, it was serious stuff but I just couldn't help but finding some of the stuff silly. I think the not human like dude that paired up with the farmer is creepier though. But yeah, growing out plants on your body is still pretty creepy. Did you see the episode with Rampo?
Lol, well Poco has that effect on me. If they found me with a child that cute I would right away say it was mine and go ahead and changed my life Wolf Children style. But as we now know, Souta is good at cooking but not when it comes to udon yet! They are the cutest characters of the season for sure!
REI FINALY TRYING TO OPEN UP A BIT TTwTT I am so proud of my boy... He is making an effort more than before, and he is trying to interact more with those around him. It's so sweet... Have you seen the latest episode?!
o(≧∇≦o) I really liked last week's episode where he plays against the really old guy and then spends time with him lol. It sort of seems like he is making a break little by little, and will eventually be fine. We still got 12 more episodes to go, so there's time -w- I liked the baseball guy! He told on Rei's little secret and we got to see Niikaidou's passionate speech! lol. You read too much into it! I was just tring to deny it, but yeah I am kinda like Akari... He just looks so cute all round and soft... But yeah personality is important! Even if they where cute and chubby if their personality wasn't nice then it's a no-no..! Preference wise I like a little on the chubby size though. Gosh, what am I typing?! (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄ That part with Momo made me laugh! It was so cute, that I might end up the same if the same thing happens! lol.
Have you gotten a chance to see Keijo? We were just recently blessed with the "Gate of Bootylyon" lol. They just keep raising the stakes higher and higher. I am seriously hoping it get's a second season.
Lol, and that's not even trying hard! Is the trying hard option you coming to my house and forcing me to watch it? Ha, ha! I will try to see at least a couple of episodes when I get the chance~ I got a quiet a bit of anime I wanna watch and re-watch for now, but I will keep your review in mind.
Ok, Stella is something I originally wanted to watch so I will try to watch as much as I can starting tomorrow so we can talk about this cute new Tama then >w<)9
I love Saiki! It's hilarious!! I can't help but laugh at most of the episodes from start to end even if they are short! I am so behind on that one though..
Well~ I don't have Skype. While it seems that a lot of people do get types of messangers to converse faster my friends don't seem to suggest that so we keep at conversations online (_ _lll)
Ek! Sorry to hear that... That sounds really though... I don't even know what to say.. ; - ; Have you heard back from them by now?
Oh my god! I should make that my thing from now on. When things get rough think about how Momo will act! Ha, ha! I might be happier that way, so I gotta try it!
Then! By the next tenth comment I will make a new one equally decorated! Well it's kinda like a different type of white, lol. Does that make sense?
I wanted to choose something that would appeal to you in both fantasy and the psychological so I choose this show which is a battle royale/hunger games style anime. Its total episode is in truth 24 episodes where the second halve will have all the psychological stuff you want with its main character Emiya. It also has some of cool fights too boot in a modern fantasy world setting. If you want to find the show somewhere subbed they have it on crunchy roll for free if you want to do things legally
"Feel free to share your thoughts with everyone in the threads, 20+and/or Noms!"
All Comments (145) Comments
The car is back, we still had to pay for some extra stuff that the mechanic said need to be fixed but wasn't caused by the crash.
My room is just a mess, and I don't really feel like fixing it tbh. Maybe later but who knows. I would need to buy either stands, shelves or other things to place my stuff properly but I don't like spending money on things that aren't necessities or anime merchandise so it might not happen.
The end of the year is usually always a mess whether you are a working adult or a college student lol. That's just one thing that doesn't change I guess. There are things to do and things that just come up unexpectedly.
It took me a moment to realize what 'Blade' was since you capitalized it, I thought it was like something else lol. November's batch was a so-so then. I like Gintama, it just started airing again too. Haven't seen Bleach, and it seems long and had much mixed opinions in the end that I am not sure I wanna go into it lol.
Oh, the theme sounds cool in retrospective but most of the stuff wasn't as cool lol. They took a cute approach. I only watched Patrol Luluco out of that batch [ i am re-watching it actually]. It's a cute weird short show (-.-)b
The start of the year is then frugal time lol. I am not a fan of any of those series, but I guess you are or the items are pretty cool?
Well I think Umaru is cute, but some people found her annoying. Perspective I guess?¯\_(ツ)_/¯
That desk sounds reliable. Do be wary of the boxes though. Make sure there is nothing that can fall on them and cause a domino effect... I should probably at least re-arrange mine cause some doujinshi, are getting a bit vended... That's a weird change you made about your bed lol. Nah, mine has always been like this. For some reason it's the only part of the room that gets saved.
Uh, Vivid strike sounds interesting. I might watch it when I get time to. School is starting so anime might be on hold other than seasonal stuff.
I would like a small house in a place that is not too crowded, maybe a bit isolated but has really good wifi... And just spend a bit of money on my daily life so I don't have to work for the rest of my life and just stay lazing around till death comes for me. Occasionally travel a bit to a couple of places[i hate traveling, but there are a few places i might like to go] and try new stuff too, but the mansion with lots of cars sounds like a pain in the neck, right? lol.
All cats have their own charms~
I really liked how MGRP made their characters for the most part actually, and I am a firm defender of SnowWhite. She loved magical girls since she was small and as soon as she became one she felt her dream finally came true. The type of personality she had made her actions very believe. If anything I wished the anime had more time to see the whole ordeal with more detail. I don't think the sales will be as good as to get a second season tbh. That's some logic you got there. I find it super funny because of the new danganronpa v3 game just came out and the reaction to it is so lol. Their views differ from yours by a lot, ha, ha!
I can't wait to see Akutagawa and Atsushi team up again for next season whenever that is. I wonder what Lovecraft is though. He is a sea creature right? but was he like born like that? I can't help but feel that he died and some octopus or something took his body. I think Farmer guy said he did wanted to take over cause he was mad about what happened. Because they asked him if he was going home and he said that he wasn't going to go home yet.
They made it clear he wasn't really interested in forming his own family once he became Poco's "mommy" though. Maybe it's up to each's idea. In my case I clearly think that the main point being tackled by the show was the acceptance of Souta's dad death and how he wished to have had a better relationship with him, hence he regrets that he didn't. Like he didn't even think about marriage unless other people brought it up, showing he wasn't really interested. When Nakajima mentioned he had a marriage interview, he talked about it like 'oh its something you are doing' sort of vibe as if he didn't have marriage in mind. Then most of the show was about how he talked a lot about "you know Poco, i think of the things my dad did for me when i was smaller when I am with you" and then shifted to a "regret" sort of mode followed by "i wished i had talked to him more" usually explicitly said after wards. The last thing Poco wanted to show him was 'dad loved you despite how you two argued at the end.' I guess you saw the show differently. If he had married to some random chick and was showed to have some kids it would have felt like he was replacing Poco instead of actually getting his own family because he didn't show any interest in marriage through the show. The only love interest he had at first was through a flashback and ended up becoming his mommy friend very quickly, so with the show it just doesn't work. They would have to had actually shown Souta's attitude be different and given him a proper love interest.
It's Rei's fault. He asked her to meet him at the bridge and it seems like the perfect opportunity to get rid of her. I am suprised Rei managed to withstand Momo's persuasive attacks, but that shows how committed he is to winning this match he has. I hope he manages to win them, but it seems like he is struggling. I hope that it's just them building up suspense but who knows.. The cards just showed how many people thought of them while sending out new years greeting cards [a custom over there]. Hina has lots of friends so she got many, Rei only has Nikaidou and the chairman [who probably sent that card to the entire shougi association given his character lol] so he two and felt happy with that. Probably he hadn't really gotten any cards before.
Yeah! That's it! The butt attacks seem like actual attacks someone might pull off, but the boob techniques are just absolute nonsense so they are super funny. Fujisaki(?) used the movements she felt in the 'land' to be able to launch herself without looking. I guess looking where she was going killed her force a bit? Since her mom and older sister were pros it seems actually believable that she developed some sixth sense while on the land to see where her opponents was, lol. I don't know if you mean her or someone else though. She is the first one to come to mind with Cerberus. Let's hope we get a second season confirmation soon..
I liked the op too, and that turnip exercise took a toll on Koizumi.. Its a word were Keijo exist, so that might not be too unusual. He seemed like he was mostly upset because he raised to take over her Juudo thing they owned, and even though she was a top juudo player [lol everyone that meets Miyata brings it up for a reason, she was quiet known for it] she decided to 'quit'. I think it was mostly that Miyata never openly told anyone that she wanted to be a keijo player until she won that match lol.
The birthday party is the last couple of episodes, so you haven't gotten to it yet but its funny and sweet. The summer vacation part was funny too, and the bit with Yumehara after the vacation too, lmao.
I think Line is only big in japan seeing as they have a lot of mini apps related to it, lol.
Well life is mostly annoying, but that's on a whole another level so it could probably be labeled as rough. But at least you are staying optimistic thinking work will help you ignore it for a bit!
Right? That's totally not a college student there! Lol, it would match the series at this point.
Nope, even when he was Izuru/Hajime he still looked very slim. So i guess the person that drew that just wanted to make him like that lol. It feels so weird though.
The past fillers that weren't adapted from LN did actually get better though, compared to the ones that they aired before the war started you know? Those were really bad... I am convinced those are the reason people refuse to watch the Naruto episodes that are not manga related, even the LN adaptations. I finished it, it was entertaining. My brother and I liked it quiet a bit. We loved how Naruto just popped up in the end once again just like that.
I have seen a few episodes but most seem meh to me. Idk why... I am keeping my eyes on Gabriel Droupout, the "Maid Dragon" one, the girl's cycling one wiht the long name, and blue exorcist mostly that are new. Also Yowamushi, i missed my cycling weirdos so much TT^TT
What are you planing on watching?
Your Animangathon recommendation has arrived
"Feel free to share your thoughts with everyone in the thread, In 20+"
lancers master was just gilgamesh but as a modern mage I did not feel anything when he died other then thinking a future problem snubbed out. At a point I really wanted waver and rider to win but the scene where rider had his final charge against gil my feels where on low seeing rider get speared. Happy to see gil let waver go and praise him for his determination.
I noticed you are watching fate stay night. In my opinion Stay night is ok but its not the best in the series a lot of fans prefer unlimited blade works which is set in a alternate timeline and made by the studio who created zero where Tohsaka has a larger role then Saber as a main heroine I thought since you like her character you might prefer blade works over stay night (plus story is way better and less cliche).
Also since you like Ilya so much she has her own anime, I have not watched it but i hear good things of it from friends it might be up your alley if you like the cuteness of that character.
ha, ha! thank you! at least i got your support and that's plenty (๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑) i know! people are such bad drivers no matter the state.. yep, i am in tx and they just don't seem to care about the rules..! at least the dude that crashed my car was nice and actually owned up to what they did so that was a plus. dealing with their insurance was a headache though. over all it was a neutral experience, but in that moment it was such a downer. thankfully my car was brought back recently and it seems to be fine. their insurance payed the damages but we had to pay like $600, 'cause yu know mechanics.. you go in for something and they end up tell you that there is a whole other things wrong with the car that need to be fixed.
sounds rough lol. a "random cluster" would be the perfect way to describe my collection now that i think about it, ha! ha! wow... i knew we hadn't talked in a while but you got two new batches already? that makes it seem even longer.. what where the other two batches about? :D Yep, lol. It's a mini stand for the figures~ I don't blame you. there is one that it's sort of 'crawling' to the stand [that chara is super lazy] so I was able to tell it was a stand because of it. i really liked her series personally because i see most of my bad habits in her lol. can relate in a way. she is a whole lot cuter though obviously.
well at least you are prepared for the time when it comes. can i trust you? are your photographic skills so good you can make a messy desk appear clean?? heh, heh~ well, i will take your word for it but seriously it seemed like super clean. i can totally understand leaving things in a place for eternity tough. it happens, it just does. i can relate to the boxes staying there too. lol. i throw the boxes my stuff comes on, but i leave my merch on their box because i don't got any other place to put them. so i just got this nendoroids and rubber straps stacked on each other lol. some fell because of a poster that i had on the wall started falling the other day... i managed to hold on to them before it was too late though. crisis averted. same! i try to keep my room clean but for the most part is just the bed that manages to stay constantly neat!
i know, i got some anime on hold too. is vivid stike good? i haven't heard of that one actually, so do tell me what you think about it.
Fall 2016 was the season of cutie children for sure. Or maybe even just 2016 anime in general? There were some kid charas that were super adorable~ and then had swim swim lol. that might be true for some for sure~ specially after seeing such cute little children! who wouldn't want to take care of those little angles?
to not worry about money is the dream of many no doubt! with no worries for money happiness would seem more achievable... (_ _lll) wanna travel? it's doable. wanna learn new things that have no actual good careers or just advance your studies because you want to? ok. house, hobbies, almost anything would be withing reach... sure sounds nice doesn't -3- let's hope we win a major lotto one day buddy!~
heh, heh~ face the reality~
aww! poor spooky... but Pumpkin seems so cute! lol, cats know no boundaries, if they consider a spot a good nap place then it is. you do not go against them, that's like the rule! even in blurry photos it's evident pumpkin in a cutie pie =w=
I know, but yeah at least we got Ripple... Yep, there are like 3 other novels I believe. I really would like for them to animate the rest but that seems unlikely... And I don't think we will see official translations, or even fan translations. But pretty much the story continues that there are other magical girls and some think the same way Cranberry did. So Snow White is taking them down[she had Ripple train her so she can pretty much do that byherself], so that the same thing that happened to her and the other girls won't happen again. Snowwhite is known as a MagicalGirl Revel Hunter, because of it. The protagonist role switches over to someone else though. She and Ripple are kinda support characters that influence the story a bit apparently. Don't forget Tama.. I liked the anime a lot, of course there where things that felt rushed but thats bound to happen with a 12 episode series so there is nothing that can be done about it. Most of the characters were really nice and interesting in their own way, so I would have liked to see more about them. Its too bad, but the story overall was pretty good in my opinion. She kinda carries her revenge by taking out the other girls in a way though, even if she is not the main focus of the series anymore.
Right? Hah, hah! That fight scene at the end was so over the top it was pretty funny. I still liked the series a lot though -w- I couldn't help but laugh at loud at 'Notice Me Senpai's final form though. They looked so funny, like they belonged in some power ranger squad or something. I know! Dazai and Ranpo are too op when it comes to deduction skills right? I want them to mess up some calculation or prediction to show that they are not perfect... -.- Give us some novelty... I liked the main villain, he was cool. And yep, his ability was just a plus for him tbh. That was pretty cool. I am waiting for season 3 approval for sure! I don't think Lovecraft was human since he just dived into the ocean at the end. I don't know what he is.. Maybe he will appear a bit more in the 3rd season? Farmer guy too, he sort of seems like we will see him a bit more.
I actually liked how they kept the romance part away from Souta. They focused on coming to terms with his father's loss and accepting what a family is about. I am happy they didn't shove HanakKana's role on to him just because. Souta is getting adjusted to his new life and feels happy, we don't need another Nakajima getting pressured into an arranged marriage. It felt more realistic that way. I liked that they implied Poco went back in tanuki form and thought it was the cutest. I doubt this one would get a continuation too, but it be nice to hear a bit more of it.
I want to shove Kyoko off a bridge tbh. That kiddnapping/nursing scene was so cute! They used Momo to lure him out lol. She was even more cute this episode! The new year greeting card scene was pretty funny too lol. Its nice to see that Rei is coming to terms with his feelings and trying to sort them out while focusing on what is in front of him. He also now realized that the is important to the sisters the way they are to him. Poor Akari she is carrying the most weight out of the sisters trying to keep them together while she still gets depressed everyone in a while. Lol, is that so. I would't know if I could trust someone that didn't had a weak spot for Momo tbh, lol.
The draw boobs where the ones that really took me by surprise for some reason lol. The attacks are all so ridiculous! This one I actually think it might eventually get a second season and I sure hope so! I know! Once Maya became friends and nice with the other girls she was so cute! I hope that if there is a second season we see more of her because she also ended up in my top three! >w< Lol, it's hard to put an order to them when they are all super cute... I know! They better give us a winning Aoba! And they gotta give her the purest cutest brightest smile!! They gotta atond for their sins of making poor baby sad so many times. I will look forward to what other things you gotta say about it then
I finished it like the day after I replayed to you lol. Stella was such a cute show... I already finished Saiki and thankfully season 2 already got confirmed~ Yay! The birthday part really killed me!
Heh, thanks for the warning now I know to never get skype! Well I got line for line play witch i don't even use much anymore, but nope. never have i ever given out my phone # through the net. i get that some people might do that since it's more casual now days.
that sounds really rough :o it must be pretty bad if you are starting to think you will have to just learn to deal with it...
that made me laugh out loud for a while! gosh! i was pretty mad about the whole deal but now that i am looking at it that way its impossible for me to stay angry about it any longer! lol, keep those jokes coming!
hah, hah! well this one is pretty plain but I will make it up for the next one! i like decorating them to make them look cuter but sometimes it's hard lol.
I know freaking Teru was a freaking ninja! no college student has that much free time... i am sure she lied to us... I am starting to think the same! Aoba and Tama are cute names now from now on! i am gonna be majorly disappointed if i run into an Aoba or Tama that isn't cute sometime soon.
Hah, hah! well it's nice to hear you had a good time though even if it was a bit crazy ^ ^
The do right? And yeah I thought so too, it was kinda weird since he looks so skinny in the anime/game lol.
I am still watching it! I watch naruto with my second oldest brother and he just gets back today so we won't be able to continue watching until like tomorrow maybe. but yes! i think the naruto fillers have gone up dramatically in quality and i am glad.
I wanted to see Kariya win too but he had so many death flags I could not see him winning, its a shame he died but even if he beat Gilgamesh and saber he would of probably died before he could get is nieces out of holy grail war since the reason berserker lost so easily was because Kariya was badly weakened. I share the same opinions on Kiritsugu espically after the whole Lancer thing which I was not expecting to go down like that.
Among all the servants in Zero Rider is possibly the best of them. I am very fond of Sabers character and her personnel conflicts as king Arthur. Gilgamesh is probably one of the most stuck up people I have ever seen but I find him to be hilarious when being so.
Ha, ha, okay! I will eagerly await your reply ^ ^ And btw: I finished watching Stella no Mahou and you couldn't have been more right about Tama! She is unbelievably adorable!! o(≧∇≦o) She momo and poco would be my dream family, ha, ha!
Whoa... It sounds like you been quiet busy this holiday season... *~* Hope you get some more free time and a chance to relax and catch up on all that anime~ ٩(๑❛ワ❛๑)و Miyata was also a top favorite by the end >w< She is so cute, lol. Aoba too!
p.s. look at this photo of the DanganRonpa3 staff book [whatever that is...]
How have you been?
The last days of school where brutal...
Aww, thank you! (●´∀`●) Reading that makes me feel better. The anger is slowly going away! Lol. We originally only talked about taking photos of the trading figure, but I wouldn't mind seeing photos of all of it! Did you get a new batch already? o(≧∇≦o)
I still haven't taken out mine from their boxes since I don't even have space to place them at either. (๑•́ ₃ •̀๑) lol. But it's the complete set of the one that you have. I took a photo of the one I have on 'display' [lol, my vanity mirror thing is pretty much just covered with boxes of stuff, with some small figures and nendoroids here and there, and some key-chains and rubber straps. I am kinda a little ashamed tbh]. It was the "secret figure" from the package:
A ramen bowl used to eat ramen!?! That's unheard of! :P Lol, I bet it will sort of taste better just because of the bowl though. Ha, ha!
Hmm... Suspicious.. That desk seems to clean. Lol, I suck as cleaning, and have a 'it's fine' sort of attitude when I place things on a place. So yeah, combine that with not enough space and you get a mess! (。-_-。)I was kinda hoping we were semi messy buddies, but I see we are not (¬₃¬) I feel low-key betrayed...
How far are you into Amaama? I know they are so cute! I know what you mean! With Poco I can't help but think they are cuter than ever before! lol. How does that even work, idk. But it's the anime...
Right..? We need to win the lotto to stop worrying about these sort of things, and just be able to buy all the merch we want! ψ(`∇´)ψ
Lol, after idk how many months of thinking about it at least we got a solid answer though!
Really? Heh, heh. Sounds cute =w= The one over here moslty asks for food, but sometimes she just follows you when you are outside. Just stays there, by yourside. I guess she has gotten used to us. I defently want photos of Spooky and Pumpkin when you get the time!
How caught up are you on Magical Girl Raising Project?? I finished the show today and I already feel like I am missing something... Hardgore Alice o(╥﹏╥)o She wasn't OP enough!! (ToT) She was just a sweet little girl that wanted to meet the one person that helped her out without making her feel like a burden... Lol, my spoilers are quiet impacfull aren't they? YEAH!! Like?!?! People didn't seem to catch that even thought that's like the major reason women/girls count down months?! Like?!!? How did they not catch that?!? I was shocked to see no one seemed to think that was even possible! I am still shocked to see not many people thought about that... You were obviously on the right, as you sadly know by now... (。•́︿•̀。)
Did you finish the series already? Or not yet? I kinda laughed at the last two episodes tbh. lol, it was serious stuff but I just couldn't help but finding some of the stuff silly. I think the not human like dude that paired up with the farmer is creepier though. But yeah, growing out plants on your body is still pretty creepy. Did you see the episode with Rampo?
Lol, well Poco has that effect on me. If they found me with a child that cute I would right away say it was mine and go ahead and changed my life Wolf Children style. But as we now know, Souta is good at cooking but not when it comes to udon yet! They are the cutest characters of the season for sure!
REI FINALY TRYING TO OPEN UP A BIT TTwTT I am so proud of my boy... He is making an effort more than before, and he is trying to interact more with those around him. It's so sweet... Have you seen the latest episode?!
o(≧∇≦o) I really liked last week's episode where he plays against the really old guy and then spends time with him lol. It sort of seems like he is making a break little by little, and will eventually be fine. We still got 12 more episodes to go, so there's time -w- I liked the baseball guy! He told on Rei's little secret and we got to see Niikaidou's passionate speech! lol. You read too much into it! I was just tring to deny it, but yeah I am kinda like Akari... He just looks so cute all round and soft... But yeah personality is important! Even if they where cute and chubby if their personality wasn't nice then it's a no-no..! Preference wise I like a little on the chubby size though. Gosh, what am I typing?! (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄ That part with Momo made me laugh! It was so cute, that I might end up the same if the same thing happens! lol.
Have you gotten a chance to see Keijo? We were just recently blessed with the "Gate of Bootylyon" lol. They just keep raising the stakes higher and higher. I am seriously hoping it get's a second season.
Lol, and that's not even trying hard! Is the trying hard option you coming to my house and forcing me to watch it? Ha, ha! I will try to see at least a couple of episodes when I get the chance~ I got a quiet a bit of anime I wanna watch and re-watch for now, but I will keep your review in mind.
Ok, Stella is something I originally wanted to watch so I will try to watch as much as I can starting tomorrow so we can talk about this cute new Tama then >w<)9
I love Saiki! It's hilarious!! I can't help but laugh at most of the episodes from start to end even if they are short! I am so behind on that one though..
Well~ I don't have Skype. While it seems that a lot of people do get types of messangers to converse faster my friends don't seem to suggest that so we keep at conversations online (_ _lll)
Ek! Sorry to hear that... That sounds really though... I don't even know what to say.. ; - ; Have you heard back from them by now?
Oh my god! I should make that my thing from now on. When things get rough think about how Momo will act! Ha, ha! I might be happier that way, so I gotta try it!
Then! By the next tenth comment I will make a new one equally decorated! Well it's kinda like a different type of white, lol. Does that make sense?
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