御言葉 “The excellence of the soul is understanding; for the man who understands is conscious, devoted, and already godlike.” Ἑρμῆς ὁ Τρισμέγιστος Once the soul was perfect and had wings... ...and could soar into heaven where only creatures with wings can be. But the soul lost its wings and fell to earth and there it took an earthly body and now while it lives in this body no outward sign of wings can be seen yet the roots of its wings are still there. And the nature of wings is to try to raise the earthbound body and soar with it into heaven. When we see a beautiful woman or a man the soul remembers the beauty it used to know in heaven and the wings begin to spout and that makes the soul want to fly. But it cannot yet. It is still too weak. So the man keeps staring up into the sky like a young bird. He has lost all interest in the world around... Veritas Simplex ("Truth Simplified") “If then you do not make yourself equal to God, you cannot apprehend God; for like is known by like." HT Rosarium Philosophorum Sive Pretiosissimum Donum Dei ("The Rosary of the Philosophers") A power by God Himself is taught, All sickness can he bring to naught In human body and retort. Rosarium Philosophorum Splendor Solis ("Splendour in the Sun") "But what if I should discover that the least among them all, the poorest of all the beggars, the most impudent of all the offenders, the very enemy himself -- that these are within me, and that I myself stand in need of the alms of my own kindness -- that I myself am the enemy who must be loved -- what then?" CJ Amphitheatrum Sapientiae Aeterna("Amphitheater of Eternal Wisdom") "There can be no alchemical transmutation of metal unless the alchemist himself is in the process of transformation" PATBVH "Universal Man" " I will wait throughout the centuries Of the universal man-disease Until the morn of his titanic birth... The Saviour of the Earth" AC Speculum Sophicum Rhodostauroticum("The Mirror of Wisdom"); The Temple of the Rosy Cross "He who buildeth a house should guard it, that when the enemy cometh it may not be destroyed. Its destruction should also be guarded that it may not be rebuilt, and that the folly of both may not be laughed at. Thus what hath been broken up is again rebuilt. Such things are done by children of men who do not consider the end. They erect, ornament and decorate, forgetting that their work is subject to destruction and again to restoration. At present all is still fragile, moreover they do not build on a rock but upon the sand.” PATBVH The Twelve Keys; The Practica "You cannot go wrong, so long as you observe the proper degree of heat, which holds a middle place between hot and cold. If you discover this, you are in possession of the secret, and can practise the Art, for which the CREATOR of all nature be praised world without end. AMEN." BV Accipe Ovum & Igneo Percute Gladio("Take an egg and smite it with a fiery sword") "I am the egg of nature, known to the sages only who, pious and modest, seek to engender me from the microcosm." AO The Ripley Scroll; Bird of Hermes "Here is now both white and red And all so the stone to quicken the dead All and some without fable Both hard and soft and malleable Understand now well and right And thank you God of this sight" "The bird of Hermes is my name, eating my wings to make me tame." GR A void. That which is not essential. Extremely wrong and extremely unhealthy. Our intentions entrap our souls in another's. It is unnatural. We each have our own place. They don't know I am judging them by my own watch. A God that is emotional, not rational. An embodiment. External circumstances. A fake window creates balance. Absence and corruption. Probability... Habits. Codes. Words. Prayer. Why did God create prayer? To impart dignity to cause and effect... To allow us to implore... to teach us... Our souls see numbers, space, activity. We think of nothing else. Who would doubt that we think of nothing else? But we have no light. Words change the meaning of things, but the meaning remains the same. Eternity. Circle of life. Literally, it's a falsehood, therefore spiritually, a truth. A kind of dubious obscurity. No price is too high for immortality. If it weren't dubious, Man would not know his own corruption. If there was no light, Man would not seek salvation. Protector of God's Grace. Salvation... When miracles betray hope... When miracles reward hope... Chance changes our minds, Chance deprives our minds. We have no ability to acquire our thoughts. It is not what motivates us. It is not desirable to be an exception to the rule. We should judge exceptions strictly but fairly. Paganism in its independent and purely natural state. Dreams. Absence and corruption. We create God for ourselves. Those who know him, serve him wholeheartedly. They don't know I am judging them by my own watch. Fear. Hatred. Submission. Those who don't know God, truly desire Him. Probability. There are three types of people. The ones in the middle are unfortunate and conform to reason. The ones at the end are unfortunate and foolish. Bad thoughts are necessary. Recognize yourself and follow your carnal desires. There is an Art. As long as it is not denied, whether it's a principle of truth or flesh, this Art clarifies the relationship between principles. All creatures torture and tempt him. And control him through violence, or through gentle temptation. This latter is more terrifying and absolute. Two extremes. Exclusion of reason. Absolute belief in reason. What causes the phenomenon? Lust and power are the source of our intentions. Lust is a voluntary intention and power is an involuntary intention. People begin to rebel against perfection itself. If you know your own sins, you will lose heart. Because I believe in you and the depravity of those sins. If you don't want it to end, you must make people believe it is true and eternal. You must hide its origin. Probability will provide certainty. We are automated as well as spiritual. Complete your salvation fearfully. The epitome of evil. An embodiment. Man has lost his way. Fallen from grace. Trying to find his place. But who will deliver him there? A secure foothold. God's Grace. The strongest and most credible proof are our habits. Habits influence automation and automation unwittingly drags the mind with it. You must make them believe, so this isn't reversed. A kind of dubious obscurity. Vague ambiguity. Nature is an image. Darkness. God guides us to the one essential thing through diversity to satisfy both sides. I don't know... they say. What's not perfectly good is just an embodiment of it. The only necessity. Exclusion of reason. Absolute belief in reason. Two extremes. Without this mediator, we will lose all contact with God. Protector of God's Grace. Language is the same either way. Those who pass judgment, need a focal point. The lecture on God's Grace. Witnesses who don't excuse death. Two witnesses. A ladder. Two foundations. One internal, one external. God's Grace and miracles are both natural phenomena. Not only do we see things from a different perspective, we see through different eyes. So, why would they appear the same? If God supports nature, then let nature prove this clearly, I often wished. The work of God's Grace. Absence and corruption. An embodiment. Nature made all these things mutually exclusive. Tyranny. A fake window creates balance. People only seek horizontal symmetry. Not in height or depth. If you recognize me, compare yourself to me. What are you comparing? Yourself? Or me within you ? If it is yourself, that is despicable. You are comparing me to myself. For 4000 years, people continued to prophesize about His Coming. To desire glory. Greatness. Probability. But is it probable that probability provides certainty? Truth does not inhabit the earth. Truth wanders amongst us. Those who escape it are fortunate. God's Grace is a natural phenomenon. To prove that nature is the image of God we are perfect in some sense. To prove we are only but an image, we have some faults. Reason controls us much more severely. Nature has made us extremely neutral. We always end up evening the scales. God guides us to the one essential thing through diversity, to satisfy both sides. Imagine a body full of bodies of thought. If it splits, and doesn't return to the whole, it was only meant for death and destruction. Universal good is within us. It is us, but is not us. Because it is infinite. A prisoner awaiting his execution. Contradiction. It belittles us. It hates us. If two things unite without changing, one will not become the other. Thus, our spirit unites with our bodies and maintains a balance of opposing vices. Our souls are thrown into a body and find numbers, time, a third dimension. It makes inferences, and calls it nature, inevitability. We cannot think of anything else. We recognize truth not just through reason, but through emotion. Emotion senses that space has a third dimension. It senses principle, and a proposition is made. Emotion, instinct, principle. Instinct and reason. Two natural symbols. God's Grace will always exist, as will nature. Therefore, God's Grace is natural, in a sense. Birth symbolizing the creation of Man. Baptism symbolizing the Atonement. He came to this earth to impart truth without symbolism. But to say he only came symbolically and to refute his existence is a blasphemy. Love is not a symbolic rule. By systematically explaining the origin of love, one cannot confirm that he should be loved. One must sympathize with both sides. But while one is sympathy born of love, the other is sympathy born of contempt. The various origins of love. Protector of God's Grace. Contradiction. Unspoken desire. Deception. Salvation The only necessity. Dream. The difference between rest and ease of conscience. Nothing besides the truth is certain. The first birth creates the former. The Grace of the second creates the latter. I can love complete darkness but if God thinks me unlucky, that haphazardness will anger me. I don't accept its merits. Not like complete darkness. So it makes me angry. This is proof that I idolize darkness and have drifted far from God's Order. I don't know who I am and what I should do. I don't know my state of being or my responsibility. My heart wants to search for and serve God. I will sacrifice everything to find it. No price is too high for immortality. A God that conducts all with benevolent will. His power and intimidation. Tyranny. He, who is worthy of atonement. Of receiving it. Infinity, large and small. Order of a limited perfection created for the sake of infinity. When all those teachings are contained in one, as if hidden inside a box, they will appear, essentially chaotic. It is not true that everything manifests God. Nor that God is hidden from us. But God hides himself from those who test him, and reveals himself to those who believe. Inside this gigantic prison, there is no direction. In the hands of an angry God. Time. Once an immortal being exists, he always exists. We want to live an imaginary life within another's mind. God is infinite, first of all. Empty Space. That cannot be changed by will. It is power and intimidation. Tyranny. The be all and end all. A mutual and inescapable relationship. Error and falsehood. The Protector of truth. Another form of insanity. Hateful things. Fear. God's deeds. Salvation. Infinite chaos separates us. And somewhere in that infinity, a bet is being wagered. Will it be a crucifix, or will it not? Our souls are thrown into a body and find numbers, time, a third dimension. Activity at a standstill. Countless infinity. Ambiguous and limitless. Our nature is in activity. Total stillness means death. A void. Order. Nature placed the entirety of truth inside themselves. Our intentions entrap our souls in another's. We each have our own place. Our imagination makes small things big enough to fulfill us and makes big things small so that they are more like us. We make ourselves for our own God. Adam's glory. The spark of fire. Finding a focal point. The circle of life. The never ending reversal from right to wrong. Amazing geometry. Infinite numbers. A limited, yet infinite space. Numbers duplicate space. Nature diversifies and duplicates. Artificiality duplicates and diversifies. All unresolved matters still exist. His Words... The God within God... He gave life to all through His own rebirth. Emptiness. Power. A focal point. A void. That which is not essential. Extremely wrong... But in order to maintain His supremacy, God granted prayer to His believers. A wish for dependent independence. Insufficiency. Prayer. Everything is duality. Everyone is both alive and dead. The chosen and abandoned always exist in the marvelous order. The root of self-love. The hateful thing. Me. Protector of God's Grace. God is infinite and eternal, the Alpha and the Omega. A God that is emotional, not rational. Those who know him, serve him mind, body, spirit and soul. Those who don't know God, seek and desire him everlastingly. Prayer. Why did God create prayer? To grant bearing to cause and consequence. There are three types of people. The ones in the middle are trapped and conform to reason. The ones at the end are stubborn and foolish. Two extremes. Fear and love. Darkness and light. Sadness and joy. God guides us to the one essential thing through diversity. To satisfy both sides. Without the spirit, we will lose all contact with God. Our souls see time, space, movement and we know of nothing else. Yet we have no light. Since we have no light, Man seeks salvation. Doubtful ambiguity. No price is too high for immortality. If it weren't doubtful, man would not know his own corruption and immorality. Salvation, the way to eternal life. In our pursuit, we begin to rebel against perfection itself. If you know your own sins, you will falter, but I believe the depravity and redemption of those sins. Complete our individual salvations fearfully. Dreams. We create God for Ourselves. This is an art. This art clarifies the relationship between God and Man. Man has lost his way. Fallen from grace. About to become extinct, but I will deliver him. The epitome of evil and good. An embodiment. Me. Truth walks amongst us. Yet there is only one truth. Those who escape it with personal truths are fortunate. We recognize truth not just through reason, but also through emotion. Protector of Truth. Another form of insanity. God's Grace. God's miracles are a natural phenomena. To prove that nature is the image of God, we are perfect in some aspects. To prove we are only but an image, we have definitive flaws. God's prerogative. Tyranny. Universal good is unconditional love. It is infinite. Jesus, the great redeemer. He came to this earth to demonstrate truth without symbolism. For over 2000 years, people continue to prophesize about His Coming. But to say he only came symbolically and deny his existence, that is blasphemy and deserving of Hell. Love is not absolute, since by systematically explaining the origins of love, one cannot be sure that he should be loved. One must sympathize with both sides. While one origin is sympathy born of understanding, the other is sympathy born of contempt. Protector of God's Grace. Contradiction. Unspoken desire. True expression. Jacob's ladder. The only necessity. Dreams. I can love everyone, but if God thinks me unworthy, that injustice will anger me and I will not accept that reality. In the realization of one's power, one drifts away from divinity. My heart and my being seeks and serves God. I will sacrifice everything. No price is too high for divinity. A God that oversees all with a benignant will. His might and intimidation. Tyranny. But God hides himself from those who test his love, and reveals himself to those who have faith, hope, and love. God's love. Salvation. We each have our own rightful place. We make ourselves for our own God. The spark of life. Seeds of Adam. God's glory. The Son of God, gave a second life to all through his own death and rebirth. But to maintain His supremacy, God granted prayer to his believers. The need for dependent independence. Prayer. Epitome of evil and good. Protector of God's Grace. Me. PriscaTheologia, 01/11/17 - 04/02/18 |
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Heart, instinct, principles.
We know truth, not only by the reason, but also by the heart, and it is in this last way that we know first principles; and reason, which has no part in it, tries in vain to impugn them. The sceptics, who have only this for their object, labour to no purpose. We know that we do not dream, and however impossible it is for us to prove it by reason, this inability demonstrates only the weakness of our reason, but not, as they affirm, the uncertainty of all our knowledge. For the knowledge of first principles, as space, time, motion, number, is as sure as any of those which we get from reasoning. And reason must trust these intuitions of the heart, and must base on them every argument. (We have intuitive knowledge of the tri-dimensional nature of space, and of the infinity of number, and reason then shows that there are two square numbers one of which is double of the other. Principles are intuited, propositions are inferred, all with certainty, though in different ways.) And it is as useless and absurd for reason to demand from the heart proofs of her first principles, before admitting them, as it would be for the heart to demand from reason an intuition of all demonstrated propositions before accepting them.
This inability ought, then, to serve only to humble reason, which would judge all, but not to impugn our certainty, as if only reason were capable of instructing us. Would to God, on the contrary, that we had never need of it, and that we knew everything by instinct and intuition! But nature has refused us this boon. On the contrary, she has given us but very little knowledge of this kind; and all the rest can be acquired only by reasoning.
Therefore, those to whom God has imparted religion by intuition are very fortunate, and justly convinced. But to those who do not have it, we can give it only by reasoning, waiting for God to give them spiritual insight, without which faith is only human, and useless for salvation.