Anime Stats
Days: 60.2
Mean Score:
- Watching11
- Completed131
- On-Hold10
- Dropped12
- Plan to Watch101
- Total Entries265
- Rewatched0
- Episodes3,572
Last Anime Updates
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Manga Stats
Days: 0.3
Mean Score:
- Total Entries8
- Reread0
- Chapters108
- Volumes16
Last Manga Updates
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All Comments (78) Comments
I want season 2 of magic kaito 1412. I want him to find that special gem and avenge his father.
how are ya?
Speaking of coding I had this ASCII cipher in mind and found Shmebulock to be perfect (also thought of Pikachu tho). And by coding I meant Python code to make the whole cipher and bbcode.
I was joking about the "I ate full pie". Mathematically speaking it's can be proved using MacLaurin series.
Nevertheless we all know Waddles were the smartest that SUS was literally Nile Tyson.
I didn’t even pay enough attention in math class to understand why i has to be multiplied by pi to turn e^pi x i into -1
because "√(-1) 2³ Σ π"
I was out of ideas for "About Me" so I put random stuff like this there.