Started watching anime 31/08/2016, Dan Machi was my first.
Proud member of once living Saneland club.

I love me some Dan Machi.(season 1 only)
The way I rate my shows is quite strange even to me.
I constantly look over what I've graded stuff and overthinked the meaning of the numbers. I really wish I could use decimals at least to a .5 because when I put shows(which most I watch) as an 8 I feel so conflicted to think that I am putting a show at equal standing to another that will also be 8, but then I feel like it would be a disservice to put something as a 7 or 8 unless I really meant it.
For me, I can't ever imagine watching a show that would be rated 5 or below. I simply would have scouted the shows before the season started and plainly see that if something so poorly made was being prepared to be shown then I am obviously gonna see that from the thumbnail or description of the show - meaning that all(allowing special exceptions) will at least be 6 or above but even then if something is not a 7,8 or 9 then that's really a rare occasion for the same reason stated before.
I am never going to give a series a 10 simply because again, I gonna overthink that that means "perfect" when in actual fact I'd just make it a 9 and if somebody asks me about it I'm still gonna give a strong positive review but then again something might be a 9 just because I don't think it's worthy of a a 8 which seems to be for me "an alright show" but above them.
It's complicated.
Also, before you make the age old mistake of judging a person's relative, subjective scores to decide whether they can have an opinion or not, go touch some grass. You aren't the only person who exists and you clearly spend too much time on these forums to find validation because you know you wont find it anywhere else. OMEGALUL.
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> proceeds to call me by my name
big bwain