This is tower12346. Thanks for stopping by. Impressions are in the comments section of each anime/manga listing of my lists. The "livetweet" reactions are in spoiler tags if they exist. The overall impression/review is under the spoiler tag. Both sections may contain traces of spoilers. I also realised that comments support BBCode so now I can put pretty images in the list comments too. Monochrome Lovers by Mio Hibiki Status: Reading Score: 6 (so far) Read 18 chapters. Started August 21, 2018, finished ???. I'm mostly only reading this because I have Whiteout Scans' RSS feed to get ReLife updates, and once that project ended I decided to continue following them because why not. So far it's very pretty but the story is either very boring or has too many things going on to focus on anything. This impression may have been influenced by its hilariously infrequent updates though. Junni Taisen Novel by Nisioisin Status: On-Hold (pretty much dropped at this point tbh) Score: ? Reading 1/1 volumes Started April 3, 2019, finished ???. Apparently this is a "novel" and isn't a "light novel" so it doesn't deserve a MAL listing? Anyway, the entire thing is so devoid of context that it's really really hard to keep reading this because I don't care about anyone nor do I understand the rules of the game (or this universe). Not looking good so far. Your Story by Sugaru Miaki Status: Finished Score: 8 Started April 15 2019, finished April 15 2019. This is weirdly good, I could describe it as a romance thriller. It's well written too. The character writing was comprehensive and believable. The ending was pretty satisfying. I thought the strange anti-meta thematic statement about fateful encounters was interesting. But it didn't really resonate with me. The message this novel was trying to tell felt way too idealistic, and the premise was too steeped in scifi elements to convince me otherwise. I guess if it were more realistic I could relate better. But it was good. Pain Pain Go Away by Sugaru Miaki Status: Finished Score: 6 Started April 20 2019, finished April 20 2019 My initial impressions can be described with 2 statements. 1) Is this supposed to be an allegory for the suspension bridge effect? and 2) Was that supposed to be a plot twist? I'm leafing through Sugaru Miaki's works because I found one of his manga adaptations to be pretty splendid, and for some reason the vast majority of his works seem to be translated. Unfortunately now I'm starting to see a few patterns in his plot structures and some of them I generally dislike. Does the girl always have to be some love starved tragic victim? Does the guy always have to be some empty shell of a person? And most controversially, does at least one of the two always have to die at the end? I still thought it was a fine read but it was pretty darn weak imo. The Place You Called From + The Place I Called From by Sugaru Miaki Status: Finished Score: 8 Started June 23 2019, finished June 23 2019 Kagerou Daze must be pretty bad if I could marathon 2 volumes of this in the time it took me to slog through 50 pages of that. Anyway, this actually was fairly good. Because it pulls off a realistic and meaningful tension during the main conflict so that it's actually engaging. It also reversed a few of my expectations that I've come to have for Miaki's novels. The plot twists it did have were actually sorta interesting. Of course it does come with several romance tropes that are getting slightly old, and it doesn't establish the rules of its supernatural phenomena very well, but hey, I liked it. Starting Again by Sugaru Miaki Status: Finished Score: 8 Started July 8 2019, finished July 8 2019 Well this had one of the more amusing plot twists I had ever experienced, which I find pretty good. Of course strictly from my viewpoint the plot twist is just a result of people being complete morons, but if I try and place myself into the scenario I guess I could see it being realistic. One thing I will criticise this for is the fact that the first like quarter of the novel is written in an unengaging post-event tense that makes it feel like an infodump. But eventually it became pretty ok. Masquerade and the Nameless Women by Eiji Mikage Score: 7 Started Sep 23 2019, finished Sep 24 2019 This might sound odd to say, but this was a fairly bland shinhonkaku mystery (I really hope I’m using this term right). Which is to say that it basically has nothing else going for it besides the mystery. Zaregoto and Hyouka used its unorthodox mysteries as a device to convey or emphasize the interesting characters/themes. The characters here are generic to say the least, and the most interesting one, Masquerade, still doesn’t have much of a personality besides being ridiculously smart and a psycho. I guess Reina was also kinda compelling, but she mostly struck me as a washed down... Kamisu Reina (I dunno why he decided to reuse names here). I guess the main problem is that the unique characters here are so far removed from reality, and without any real justification, that it’s hard to be invested in them. And there wasn’t really any point to the mystery (or the reversal) at the end. I honestly feel like I sorta wasted my time. This book was also lacking supernatural elements, unlike Eiji’s other works. That being said the mystery was very very solidly written, and the characters aren’t bad by any stretch, so I’ll give it a 7. 5 Centimeters per Second: One More Side by Arata Kanoh Score: 9 Started Dec 20 2019, finished Dec 27 2019 Me during part 2: “ knew and you pretended to not notice? YOU ASSSSSSSS” My opinion on this author rocketed up after reading Your Name Earthbound, and this book delivered on my expectations. Several parts were really heavy and might have flown over my head a bit, but it was truly a fascinating read that delivers more context, ideas, and character development to the existing movie. Totally worth buying. Weathering with You by Makoto Shinkai Score: 9 Started Jan 18 2020, finished Jan 20 2020 This was about as good a rewatch as I could get at the moment, so it was fine. Movie’s better, but the book gives more clarity to what everybody’s thinking. The thing was that everybody’s thoughts were kinda already apparent anyway. At least the small bit of extra content was nice. Afterwords were also interesting reads, I’m glad “We’ll Be Alright” is as significant song to the creators as it is to me (because apparently everybody else just likes Grand Escape). Also I think this book implies Taki and Mitsuha get married so yay for them I guess. At Night, I Become a Monster by Yoru Sumino Score: 7 Started Feb 2 2020, finished Feb 3 2020 Me when first seeing this: "Huh, Yoru Sumino sounds familiar, what else did he do?" Me 5 seconds later: "Oh NOO HAHAHAHAHAHA I guess I have to read this now." This book was unexpectedly not terrible. It was kind of annoying to read at stages, but that honestly just comes with the subject that this book covers. Not focusing on romance was probably a good move. What wasn’t a good move was leaving so much stuff unexplained, though it could be explained as using some galaxybrain tactic to reinforce the themes, it feels a little cheap. If fundamental backstory is omitted, it will surely feel unfinished. Doesn’t help that the themes are actually kinda basic when boiled down so much. All that being said though it was very much an interesting read, so I’ll give it a lot of credit for being food for thought. Pretty easy read as well. Though perhaps not objectively better than Sumino’s most famous work (of which I have mixed feelings on), definitely more interesting. JK Haru is a Sex Worker Score: 7 Started Jan 31 2020, finished Feb 1 2021 This book was really damn weird. At first it reads like a typical depressing novel with isekai metagaming elements built into the premise, and although that's not my cup of tea, if it's written well it can be really good and I can enjoy it. The characterization was incredible, nice writing style, all round good package. AND THEN THE PLOT TWIST HIT which dramatically changed the narrative power dynamic as the main character suddenly got to enjoy the benefits of being the Power Fantasy. It's not really bad as much as it was incredible whiplash, imo. And admittedly, they did shift a good portion of the focus away from Haru after she outs herself as a Overdog Posing as the Underdog, so the other characters can get a spotlight. But in the end, what was the point of the plot twist? She got a rather measly revenge all things considered. All it did was remind me that her entire situation is partially her own fault anyway for not requesting any buffs from the beginning. As for the overall themes, I can kind of see what it was going for, and that's all fair I suppose. Needless to say, I can't truly relate, seeing as I'm a guy and all. But I try. So all in all the writing's good, story's fine. Violet Evergarden Ever After Score: 10 Started Oct 8 2021, finished Oct 13 2021 No, Kana Akatsuki, shilling your anime is what you do at the end of the novel, not at the freaking start of it. Are you kidding me? Why would you even do that??? Aside from that, easiest 10 of my life. Violet Evergarden reigns supreme. This last volume in particular didn't even have any particularly combat focused arcs, and the one story that did focused more on the character dynamics instead (like most stories should). The plot and writing style appeals so much to my personal tastes and it's so good. I will admit that reading this stuff is a bit exhausting but it's worth it because it's good. Violet Evergarden, after all this time, is still good. Read Violet Evergarden. Though don't watch the movie because it's relatively mid lol. Incidentally, I've also read the booklet stories up to Gilbert Bougainvillea and the Transient Dream, this stuff keeps going on and I'm liking it for once. Plus the short story that ties together Charlotte, Amy, and Taylor. SCP Foundation: Iris Through the Looking Glass Started Nov 8 2021 Finished Nov 17 2021 Score: 5 Am I seriously getting another protagonist who refuses to speak to me. I'm calling you out, Ludger. Ok, apparently from the perspective of a SCP loremonger, this book is abysmal for various reasons that are probably reasonable. I don't particularly care; the foundations that SCP are built on are already flimsy enough so creating an derivative canon is a good idea. But even as a newbie this book is not good. It felt like freaking nothing was happening! It felt like the entire objective of the book wasn't to have a plot, it was to show off random SCP objects in dumb scenarios. But if the book isn't going to have a plot, then you might as well just read about the objects on the freaking wiki instead! What the hell is the point of this book?! There are characters featured but they are baaaaaad, if their personalities were actually good then they could easily have stood in for the lack of plot but nope. The best character is probably the book's version of Iris Thomspon (SCP-105), but she isn't even particularly original or good. For all my gripes, the book is actually more boring than actually bad imo, so it gets a 5. Shoushimin Series Started March 2022, volume 2 finished April 14 2022, volume 4 finished Nov 26 2023 Score: 9 Dunno what I'm expecting from this but Hyouka yays. The 2 volumes I've read were certainly curious specimens, but I definitely enjoyed them. There's a fascinating character dynamic in play that I'd love to see more of, very glad I picked this up and I hope to continue reading it. This stuff is hilarious I am Blue, in Pain, and Fragile by Yoru Sumino Started March 31 2022 Finished April 7 2022 Score: 8 Time to dive into this stuff again, at least the writing style is splendid. This book was written extremely well. The buildup was good. The climax was very well done. And then the conclusion felt really freaking anticlimactic but I'll take it. This book touches on a few themes that I actually find quite interesting. Kaede has this philosophy where he minimizes criticising other people to avoid being criticised himself, but the anonymity of the internet throws his internal balance utterly out of whack as he inadvertently realizes that he doesn't actually have any limiters on hurting others if his own safety is guaranteed. He also happens to have no alternative outlet because he really has trouble criticising people to their face, which probably would have immensely helped if he had this ability before the last fifth of the novel. He also tends to glorify memories and people, and hold them up to an impossible standard. As a result he really dishes out the pain throughout the novel and ends up feeling bad about it. As someone with similar viewpoints, I can appreciate this lesson, though I've already grown self-aware enough to notice these issues within myself. I'm not really sure what my main problem with this novel is, I guess it's kinda the same thing as At Night I Become a Monster in that basically nothing was actually resolved. Another problem is that even after everything I can't help but see Kaede as being at least somewhat in the right; his attack wouldn't have been nearly as effective if its foundation was so flimsy. He just backtracked because he realized that he actually cared about his opponent's feelings rather than realizing that the opponent was right. Of course, he was in the wrong to lashing out in the way he did anyway but the entire point about philosophies was completely thrown away in the last stretch of the novel even though it was a moderately central point of the narrative and also one that I actually sort of cared about. Is it bad of me to get mildly irritated when the intriguing themes abruptly boil down to "hurting others is bad"? Well it was still a fun time. I will Forget This Feeling Someday by Yoru Sumino Started Oct 6 2022 Finished Oct 13 2022 Score: 6 Is this the niche Sumino is going for now? Utterly deranged male protagonists? Generally speaking it was pretty well written as always but enjoyment-wise it was bogged down by this guy's insanely overbearing worldview. Sure, there are a ton of other edgelords out there, but this dumb moron seriously never shuts up about how this and that is pointless or insincere or otherwise pisses him off for no real reason. And the real kicker is that Sugaru Miaki already exists and his works do this character so much better. Wait, actually Miaki does clinically depressed male protags. Can we throw out this entire trope lmfao Anyway nothing supernatural is really explained in the end but that's fine tbh. The moral of the story is fine generally speaking but the first 70% of the novel is way too long for the lesson it was trying to tell. I won't deny that I was pretty enthralled by this book by the last 30% or so but by the end I was still annoyed by it. In the end the experience was pretty unenjoyable, which is impressive honestly. Freaking Sunou has a heart of goddamn gold for putting up with this guy. Disco ☆ Wednesdayyy by Maijo Otaro Started March 23 2022 Finished Dec 31 2022 Score: lmao You know, mysteries can be pretty hard. This is a fact that I did know, of course, before reading this novel, but I had still grown somewhat complacent in this regard. This was mostly because I don't actually read classic mystery novels. Most of the mysteries I experience are through visual novel style (Ace Attorney, Danganronpa) that make the entire plot easier to follow through diagrams and such. Mysteries that I read through novels are probably not actually hard and are usually conduits for character development or other such things (most Nisioisin works, Hakomari, Hyouka, etc). So I generally developed habits of kinda winging my own deductions through guesswork and intuition, which gets me decently far, and I usually still had to rely on the work to give me the answer at the end in a pretty digestable format. And in the end, how the detective gets the correct answer wasn't really particularly important to me as much as the implications of the answer itself. So anyway yeah this mystery was hard. It was also a conduit for character development and throws in a ton of fantasy elements. How the detective comes to his answers was really important for the comprehension of the implications of said answer and the work as a whole. It also doesn't lay it all out at the end because I guess it would be kinda impossible to do in a reasonable fashion. And it's also really long and even if ostensibly everything done in the method was important it's not immediately obvious how. The end result for me is that it took like 8 months to finish reading it and at the end I'm still not sure how everything fits together. Reading this thing is a true exercise in mental gymnastics in a good way (depending on how you look at it). The entire setting is insane and if anybody fully understands this thing then they are superhuman in my opinion. I guess the one thing I can criticise this book for is its pacing. I can understand that Disco Wednesdayyy needs to spend a ton of time inside his own head to figure out these gargantuan mysteries, that part is fine generally even if it took me too long to follow along most of the time. The pacing issue is that the entire middle 80% of the first novel is too long. Everybody spends so much time spinning their wheels in the Pinehouse accomplishing practically nothing until somehow they break through the problem at the end. Even if some information ended up being important, the presentation was elongated so much through the repeated failures. I enjoyed reading the second volume much more for this reason... even if that book was also hard and I still don't understand a good chunk of it. So anyway yeah I'm not scoring this book. I guess if I really had to I'd just give it a 7 or something inoffensive but I don't really feel qualified to rate it since I barely understand it lel. Flicker Style by Yuya Sato Started Jan 10 2023 Finished Jan 14 2023 Score: 7 Well, it was certainly something. It has some pretty nice introspective narration. The parallel storylines was also cool. But I'm not really sure what the point of this story was. Which also seems to be a point of this story. The lack of a point was the point of this story. Well yeah. Anyway another gripe is the somewhat heavy emphasis on supernatural elements that were pretty much never explained. I guess a plus is that it showed me another look at how people can be utterly deranged, though this is certainly something. Lmao for utterly deranged people. Spiritual Detective: Touka Fujisaki never scoffs at Tragedies Vol1 on Feb 8 2023 Apparently this left such little impression on me that I couldn't be bothered to jote down notes. So 4 months later, I'm gonna write down what I remember. It was pretty mid. It feels like a ripoff of BAD which is insane because I haven't even started reading BAD and have no impression on what it is, but even the author admits to it so now I can't even forget it. The supernatural stuff was whatever, who cares at this point. The actual plot has a lot of people dying which I found a bit offputting, which is also insane because I like deranged stuff such as Danganronpa. I guess it's because most of these people died for really stupid and pointless reasons, which is still impressive when being compared to Danganronpa. Why can't I stop myself from comparing this thing to other works? Now that I think about, I do actually have an opinion on a few stories I remember. There was this whole thing about dying beautifully or dying ugly or something? I couldn't relate to this one at all because using suicide as a medium to express a message, while not uncommon in media, is also something I find really stupid because once you're dead you literally can't care about it. So you can just skip all that stuff and die and you'd feel the same about it anyway. This is probably one of the most tonedeaf takes I have, but I stand by it. If you really wanted to communicate something, you'd choose something a bit more reliable, not something where you can't fix it if literally anything goes wrong. And if you really wanted to die, you'd just die. There was another story about the main characters letting a teacher get away with kidnapping because the kidnapped kid was being abused by his parents and was complicit I think? I liked this one actually, morally a little off-center but with a nice sentiment and hope for the future. Kinda like Sugaru Miaki's works. And then there was the final story that was kind of boring. Well, I guess it doesn't really express anything particularly original and its presentation was kind of mid. Wait no, I take that back, it said that "murder is ok if the victim was asking for it", I believe. i feel like somehow that's a bit off but that's all I remember about it. So that's another way that suicide is treated kind of dumb in this book. there's a lot of surrounding context but that was the boring stuff so yeah. So in the end I guess I'll read BAD instead. Why did I read this again? Christmas Terror by Yuya Sato Read on and off, finished July 9 2023 Score: 8 You know, I'd normally feel ripped off by the fact that the mystery barely holds itself together and doesn't really make any sense whatsoever, but it managed to pivot into a massive IRL rant about writer philosophy and stuff so I'll take it. The story theming actually fits what he's going for pretty well. Well, if you take it from the angle of the author character huffing copium. It's definitely a unique experience for sure. I personally liked it so there. Even if this Love Disappears Tonight by Misaki Ichijo Read Dec 23 2023 Score: 8 It's very standard I suppose. It wraps several different ideas into a single package but actually does it decently well without making things feel underdeveloped or rushed. I thought it was well written and has no particular flaws. That being said, although it does many things quite well, it doesn't do anything VERY well. It lacks standout features. It's premise is not that original, but it's still done well. I guess I don't really know what to say about this book, I'll concede that it's a good book but I dunno how much staying power it has. The Town of Sakura by Sugaru Miaki Read March 5 2025 Score: 9 It accomplishes the job of both being depressing in this weird selfsatisfying way as Miaki always does, and also pushing this idea of how being narrowminded and being only able to see things from your perspective can create pointless tragedies. And how clear communication is kind of important sometimes. Honestly I'm not as much of a fan of Miaki's new styles, but I think it's good that Miaki's developing in new ways and wants to say many different things. Steins;Gate 0 Status: Finished Score: 7 Started May 10, 2018, finished May 18, 2018 Worse than Steins;Gate, I'll say this right now. It does pull off the feel of Steins;Gate very well, the multiple plotlines are a good idea, and the character writing is mostly on point. The story itself is kinda nonsense though, which isn't helped by the fact that understanding the ending requires listening to a freaking 5 year old drama CD. Plot twists aren't pulled off terribly well. It was a lot less comprehensive and organized than the original Steins;Gate. Chaos;Head Status: Finished Score: 6 Started May 19, 2018, finished May 28, 2018 The novel pulls off a great thriller atmosphere and the main character feels pretty realistically spineless. The positive and negative delusions are also a pretty good idea to help the tension. Too bad that the gripping mysteries and dangerous atmosphere are cleared away by the Chaos series' pretty dumb combat mechanic: Gigalomaniacs and Diswords. My greatest issue with them is that there is theoretically no upper limit to their power, which makes for some dumb combat when literally anybody can do anything and making the fight outcome seem arbitrary. Chaos;Child Status: Finished Score: 8 Started June 30, 2018, finished July 27, 2018. Actually pretty good, but falls into some of the same tropes as Chaos;Head that dragged it down a smidge. Plus the high school setting probably didn't help anything, the suspense element absolutely suffered for it. That being said the story has quite a bit of twists and turns that keep the story moving and a few that will blow your mind. It also solves some issues from Chaos;Head such as the parts about unlimited power and such. The ending is also, weirdly enough, one of my favorite endings of all time. Such a shame that all the alternate endings (required to see the true end) are total garbage. Fate/stay night: Fate Status: Finished Score: 6 Started December 15, 2018, finished December 21, 2018 If you don't like Saber or don't find her really really interesting, then you probably won't like the Fate route. And that's basically everything this route has to offer, unless you want to see the dumb final scene where Saber beats Ea by chucking Avalon at it. Ok that's not actually what's happening but just look at it. Fate/stay night: Heaven's Feel Status: Finished Score: 8 Started December 22, 2018, finished December 31, 2018 This route was way more interesting, the stakes and combat are more varied and revolutionary. Emiya finally gets character development of some sort, and Sakura finally gets plot relevance. This pushes the limits of what Fate and UBW manages to do, and it pulls it off very very well. Tsukihime Status: Finished Score: 6 Started Feb 29 2020, finished March 12 2020 lol I'm basically only reading this thanks to Carnival Phantasm, thanks Panic for reminding me of its existence. Welp. This was significantly worse than I expected it to be. There are 5 routes, but all of them have significant overlap and after a while you're literally not getting anything new out of anything because the MC's stumbling around trying to find the answer to the mystery you already knew since 3 routes ago. This is a far far cry from Fate/stay night, and even though a lot of visual novels have branching pathways, it's not often that the entire route is basically exactly the same with minimal differences based on what character you chose to focus on. At any rate, the routes being similar ultimately meant that it was quite boring. If I had to go through them in order, Arcuied's route set the stage as being thoroughly mediocre. Basically the entire thing is a big infodump while Shiki unleashes his godly combat ability to wreck Dead Apostles that he really had no right to win against. Ciel's route is literally exactly the same as Arcuied's route, except it's strictly better. This is partially due to my fondness for Ciel, but it is strictly better, because it's longer and has more interesting conclusions. Incidentally, if you play in this order Arcuied never shows up ever again, which makes her the least important character in the entire game. I think Yumizuka might even be more relevant since she's featured in more routes. Akiha's route was kinda cute I guess. Hisui's route was good for the reversal qualities. And Kohaku's route just kinda burned out because at this point there really aren't any original mysteries left so it's just rehashing everything while making arbitrary new conflicts that never popped up the other routes because reasons. Redoing the same things over and over again also kind of emphasized the flaws. Every single girl has some kind of conflict that is solved in their route, but in other routes those problems suddenly don't really exist anymore to make way for the new girl's problems, making the entire thing feel a bit disingenuous. Like, where the frick were Arcueid and Ciel in Hisui and Kohaku's routes? Are they there to hunt vampires or not? In Akiha's route she's at the mercy of the antagonist, but in the subsequent routes she's just suddenly able to kick his ass. Stuff like that. Lastly, as a fun sidenote, I know about Reality Marbles and how they can be manifested as a Noble Phantasm. But now I know that a Marble Phantasm is a completely different ability despite the name basically conveying the same thing. lmao. Anyway, doing all the routes kind of isn't worth it at all. I'll advise doing Ciel's and Hisui's routes, and like maybe Akiha's. I don't give a shit about Arcueid and Kohaku's better covered elsewhere. Anyway, the fact that this VN burned me out so much inclines me to give it a mediocre score. Fate/hollow Ataraxia Status: Finished (mostly) Score: 5 Started March 12 2020, finished March 29 2020 I don't really expect this to be much else than fanfiction level, but if it has voiceovers then it can't be that bad. Well. I'll be honest. The general progression of the game involves a lot of scenes which are barely connected to eachother. Some of them are legitimately entertaining and funny, usually involving Illya, Taiga, and/or the school gang. Some of them are legitimately interesting, usually involving Lancer or Team Avenger. And most of them are boring as shit, usually involving everybody else. It also unironically takes place in the Fate/cooking continuity, which is already the most boring one. And there was apparently some reason to exclude Tohsaka for half of the game which is kinda weird, even if the reason is kinda hilarious. I'll also say this is the least relaxing VN I've seriously tried, I sure love getting whittled down by decision fatigue. Well in the end the story was even more weirdly redundant than I anticipated. I think what it tries to accomplish with the whole Avenger storyline, while initially interesting, kinda gets really heavy for no real payoff. I wish I saw more of Bazett's side rather than seeing Saber at the pool or whatever, because the entire endgame fell quite flat for me. Not to mention that I have fundamental disagreements with what the VN seems like it's trying to say. But well, I won't fault it too harshly for not matching my fairly odd worldview, I will fault it for being really freaking boring most of the time with barely anything to show for it. Marginally the worst VN I've had the displeasure of experiencing, but I'm sure that others will enjoy it far more than I will. Robotics;Notes Elite Status: Finished (mostly) Score: 7 Started Octorber 20 2020, finished November 17 2020 Plotwise, this didn’t really have anything too substantial going for it compared to the anime tbh. It did elaborate a lot of things that bothered me, like the monopoles, but the overall story was exactly the same. I do think the pacing is worlds ahead though. And I never got that bored despite the fact that I have already watched the anime, which really does count for something. It did very well elaborate the MC Kai’s personality, which is that of a piece of shit. That being said I like Kai a lot more than before so that’s good. It’s character endings weren’t bad, but that’s only because of the garbage way they handled the endings. Why have it be an ending when it’s NOT A FREAKING ENDING. The entire story is handled chronologically, why the hell do they have to throw in a roll credits and boot me back 3 weeks so I can tweet to progress the story. Sigh. Well it’s not bad as a whole. Robotics;Notes DaSH Status: Dropped Score: Started November 18 2020 If Daru wasn't here I'd be wondering if they accidentally localized the R;N romcom spinoff fandisc. Because everyone became a billion times dumber. Kimijima Kou wasn't particularly interesting in the first game and this game is not doing him any favors. I am dropping this. |
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 105.3
Mean Score:
- Total Entries140
- Reread7
- Chapters5,753
- Volumes800
All Favorites Favorites
Anime (10)
Koe no Katachi
Owarimonogatari 2nd Season
TV Special·2017
Tamako Love Story
Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai: Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen
Suzumiya Haruhi no Shoushitsu
Toki wo Kakeru Shoujo
NHK ni Youkoso!
3-gatsu no Lion 2nd Season
Manga (10)
Koe no Katachi
Zaregoto Series
Light Novel·2002
Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru.
Light Novel·2011
Light Novel·2003
Utsuro no Hako to Zero no Maria
Light Novel·2009
Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai: Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen
Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index
Light Novel·2011
Jumyou wo Kaitotte Moratta. Ichinen ni Tsuki, Ichimanen de.
Ankoku Joshi
Character (10)
Ishida, Shouya
Koe no Katachi
Kubikiri Cycle: Aoiro Savant to Zaregotozukai
Hikigaya, Hachiman
Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru.
Komaeda, Nagito
Danganronpa 3: The End of Kibougamine Gakuen - Mirai-hen
Evergarden, Violet
Violet Evergarden
Amagiri, Yakumo
Etsusa Oohashi Series
Specter, Graham
Baccano! Specials
Shijou, Maki
Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai: Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen
Souma, Sumire
Sakurada Reset
Toaru Majutsu no Index 10-shuunen Kinen PV
All Comments (4) Comments
I just have read 2 novels from him and really love 'em! What I like about his novel is the relantionship between the characters, they are really sweet, I hope I can write as good as him in this aspect. Yes, I REALLY LOVE IT, hope the novel will get live-action adaptation, or maybe anime movie.
Seriously!?? Lol I'm glad then, the novel is in my plan-to-buy, and next month I sure will bought it 'cause of this information XD Hope you will get it too soon. I see the novel already have a live-action adaptation. I don't like the plot and the trailer. Hope I wrong.
Wow, you are right, I just realized it! I didn't see the page for Pancreas novel before. Thank God lol.
I can assure myself that this is the most beautiful novel I have ever read, and you think so too. All content, especially the last chapter. I want to cry knowing little Nanoka has grown into a better and happier girl.
I second that, she is basically just a clever child and Sumino-sensei described her nature very well! Through her thoughts, the way she talks and acts, little Nanoka is visualized very naturally. Yes, the story is not rushed, it reveals its secret slowly, I remember I only realized something was wrong when Minami disappeared (even now I still don't know where Minami's name came from! Can you give an answer??)
Lots of nice lines there! I always like it when little Nanoka talks to Abazure-san. She is gorgeous, I love her. Who is your favorite character, Tower?
*Sorry if my english doesn't sound good ^^"
Saw you for the first time while checking Onaji Yume's stats. So, I feel interested to ask this, what do you think about the novel?