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Party kara Tsuihou sareta Sono Chiyushi, Jitsu wa Saikyou ni Tsuki
Jan 16, 4:37 AM
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Days: 13.3
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- Total Entries20
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Imamade Ichido mo Onnaatsukai sareta Koto ga Nai Onna Kishi wo Onnaatsukai suru Manga
Jan 20, 9:55 AM
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Brother dont do me dirty like this, give me Hints
Tell me a good night Story.
So i can figure out your new Location during that time.
I lost your Location. Cant find real Animals, why did you do this?
It's just stupid, but most of the novels are very different from the anime adaptations or the manga in that they contain more detail and character. It was the same with Shield Hero. My brother read the novel and was a little disappointed with the anime. And I'll ask myself until the end how big the difference is. Hmm
But anyway, there are many Novels i should read by now, but I think I never will since I just cant get into Novels somehow. It took me years to actually start reading Manga. I guess I just keep watching the Anime Results and let them punch my brain
As for ShieldHero and Goblin Slayer, you're right. You got off to a pretty bad start at Snowflakes for an incomprehensible reason. Yes, rape goblins .. why is that why a series is hated right away? In particular, the anime had a huge amount of censorship.
At NGNL I don't know what the reason for the cancellation was. But I read that it sold poorly in Japan and was much more popular in the western world than in Japan. Anyway, I didn't like this show at all as it just sexualized and showed fan service without end all the time. I watch the anime for the plot and characters, not to see Shiro's underwear 20x.
I'm not sure yet if I'll ever watch Redo of Healer. It depends on whether he will have a story or not. So far, all of this "revenge" stuff hasn't been implemented very impressively.
The television is full of cartoons, even at 6 p.m. you can watch them. And then suddenly there are some like Family Guy, American Dad, South Park, Drawn Together, Happytie Friends (or as it is called) and at least here in Germany, there are repetitions between 7-11 a.m. of the 16-18+ cartoons.
But somehow nobody complains about that.
I don't want to protect this perverted shit either. People get upset about it unnecessarily. I find it rather disgusting that the fans don't seem to have any problems with the fact that in about 10% of the anime any lolis or minors are legally sexualized.
These hushed up scenes and hints are for me much worse than simple - straight from sex scenes - in which the producers get straight to the point with what they want to show. And not this alla No Game No Life in which you see the panties of 11 year old girls and during the bathing scenes they run around naked and only light steam censors their nipples. Just to make a few people horny. But somehow nobody says a word about it.
The main thing is that everyone gets salty at Beserk, Goblin Slayer or some half hentais.
Just like there are 18+ cartoons, there are also 18+ series / films / games and anime.
The only problem for me so far is that it is shown in too much detail what I can do without. I also generally skip these sex scenes in movies and games and don't want to see him twist any nipples in front of the camera lol.
But one cannot condemn this work, because it was also awarded with 18+, i.e. parents have to control what the children are watching. Every child on the internet can also find Game of Thrones which featured rape, murder, incest, tits and even a penis.