All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 202.0
Mean Score:
- Watching126
- Completed609
- On-Hold0
- Dropped44
- Plan to Watch13
- Total Entries792
- Rewatched197
- Episodes12,504
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 23.8
Mean Score:
- Total Entries69
- Reread0
- Chapters3,981
- Volumes195
All Comments (5) Comments
Hello Tonerz!
Thanks for participating in this year's Waifu Wars! Here is a gift for all you voters!
I do want to remind you about bonus point opportunities, you can earn bonus points by having 75% Participation in the OP/ED Contest, 75% Participation in The Clash of Unsupported Shows, and 100% Participation in the PRC. Show Classes and Character Class are earned separately.
We are also revamping our Seasonal Discussion feature in the club forums, so please do look out for that =).
I know that you don't really seem to respond to me when I make my rounds. But doesn't mean I'm not going to stop trying ^.^.
I never actually got around to that Gamers Review. I was going to write 2 that season but I just ended up with the 1.
I doubt I'll write one for Winter 2018 either. But hopefully something in Spring will gain enough interest in me to write something nice.
I too really enjoy Gamers. If you stick around hopefully you'll be interested in readying my review about it. I'm not the most articulate person but I will try my best haha.