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Days: 36.9
Mean Score: 7.99
  • Total Entries264
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Oniichan dakedo Ai sae Areba Kankeinai yo ne!
Oniichan dakedo Ai sae Areba Kankeinai yo ne!
Aug 25, 2024 8:05 AM
Completed 12/12 · Scored 9
Aug 25, 2024 8:05 AM
Completed 12/12 · Scored 9
Love Hina
Love Hina
Aug 25, 2024 8:05 AM
Completed 24/24 · Scored 8
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Days: 0.4
Mean Score: 8.00
  • Total Entries2
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  • Chapters60
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Nov 9, 2023 7:32 PM
Completed 60/60 · Scored 7
Jan 6, 2014 6:17 PM
Reading -/146 · Scored 9

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Zekkenshin Jan 18, 2014 3:54 PM
Sorry for the late reply. Yeah I do have skype but I don't really use it anymore. When I am on it, it's just to talk to old friends briefly. But I'll check my comments/messages frequently on MAL so feel free to message me on here anytime.
mattygeeftw Jan 12, 2014 7:22 PM
Hi. Umm. Im not really sure how this works hahahah. Im new to MAL and yeah. So this would be just like otakus chatting about otaku stuff right? Safest way would be skype. So mine is filomatty2697
Zekkenshin Jan 12, 2014 8:13 AM
Hey no problem, I just remember the OP where she jiggles bullets on her boobs and I was like 'is it that one?!" Also a bit late but welcome to MAL. If you ever want to just chat or interested in anime recommendations at all feel free to comment/pm me.
CallMePriest Jan 11, 2014 6:18 PM
By worthless, I mean completely useless. In Sekirei, Minato can't fight. However, he isn't useless because he's really smart and therefore plays an important role. In fact, he plays a crucial role from what I know, and things just wouldn't be the same without him. If he was useless, things could function the exact same without him.

Basically, when I say worthless, I mean someone that isn't needed.
Ryugen Jan 8, 2014 6:30 PM
I have a bunch for each genre :P
If I had to choose, though, it would probably be "Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann".
Notlad00 Jan 8, 2014 3:42 PM
Nope. My list is right here

But I did just look it up and so I put it on my plan to watch list.
Haven't check out Maken Ki yet, but I did check out the first episode of freezing and it seems decent, but I'm going to finish watching everything I got going first before actually watching it, because after watching that I'd have to watch season 2.

bobobo-bo bo-bobo doesn't seem like something I'd enjoy, though I could be wrong as I've enjoyed a lot of things I thought I wouldn't before.
Notlad00 Jan 8, 2014 3:26 PM
Not much. Pretty much just re-watching Rosario+ Vampire, since you mentioned it yesterday, and I was also by the bookstore today so I picked up a bunch of Manga, some R+V volumes as well..... Aaannnd that's pretty much what my day's been thus far, how bout you?
Ryugen Jan 8, 2014 12:59 AM
Not much, if you want to talk about anime feel free to :).
Notlad00 Jan 7, 2014 7:02 PM
Ah! In that case I'll have to check it out soon. Yeah like I said I was recommended freezing and saw some Amv's of the action, saw a friend watching it too, but since they were midway I decided I would check it out myself at somepoints, looks pretty good.

The only time Sora no Otoshimono got me sad was 1: Whenever it seemed like one of the angeloids was going to disappear. 2: When it got serious enough (See A). 3: most of the 3rd Movie, I mean they really pulled all stops to make it a tearjerker.
Notlad00 Jan 7, 2014 6:34 PM
Ah yeah! Rosario + Vampire was one of my first "Official" anime, despite the fact that the manga is indeed better, I still think it was awesome. By official I mean like what I actually knew was anime, as when I was a kid I would watch pokemon, Yu Yu Hakusho, Yu-Gi-Oh.... and just about everything else that aired Saturday mornings or on Toonami/Adult Swim.... I think after I watched R+V I proceeded onto Chobits and Death Note XD

Yeah I just read you're profile, got what you mean now.
Notlad00 Jan 7, 2014 6:23 PM
Nope not yet, I just finished Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun, so I started watching

Might be a while before I get to Maken Ki as it seems to be mostly Ecchi with not much else, I dont mind Ecchi and in some cases I really do like it (check out Monster Musume and read it at Manga fox, if you like ecchi you'll LOVE this one) but most of the time I tend to watch things for the idea/plot/story and then if it has ecchi it doesn't matter, but in this case it seems it's just Ecchi. Freezing however I may check out soon, because not only was it recommended to me, but some of the fights I've seen in amvs look awesome.
Notlad00 Jan 7, 2014 5:58 PM
Well, besides work I don't use my phone, and on that note it's an old one, I plan on eventually getting a new one but that may be a while XD.... so that's not an option, sorry.

Could always just use MAL's message system.
Notlad00 Jan 7, 2014 5:50 PM
By text you mean ? Yeah...... I'm somewhat tired from a long day so my minds not working properly atm, sorry if it's obvious. As for Ideas I'm not quite sure, I used to chat over some site with a bunch of friends before but I've long forgotten the name of it.
Notlad00 Jan 7, 2014 5:45 PM
I used to have it, I could get it again but I don't talk with a mic so not sure if that would be a better way XD
Notlad00 Jan 7, 2014 5:42 PM
No idea what kik is..... but I do know what skype is.
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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