In my youth, I was pretty heavily into anime and manga. There was a period of a few years where my interest started to wane for the most part, but I've been finding myself having a renewed interest in anime. I'd love to read more manga again, but gods know I just can't afford that anymore. XD
I'm probably going to leave a lot of the old anime and manga I've seen in my heyday off of my list if it didn't have enough of an impact on my current self, or if I just can't remember it in the first place. I used to get sucked in a lot by fan service or anything that was visually appealing and that isn't really the selling point for me that it was when I was younger. I still love pretty art, but I need a good story now.
I think my tastes have shifted to more mature seinen for the most part, but I'm open to anything well-written with at least semi-decent art at this time, as well as exploring some old classics.
I'm holding off on actually rating anything until I've re-watched or re-read it thoroughly.
I'll update this more in a bit.