All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 63.0
Mean Score:
- Watching19
- Completed252
- On-Hold66
- Dropped2
- Plan to Watch333
- Total Entries672
- Rewatched0
- Episodes3,956
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 10.7
Mean Score:
- Total Entries158
- Reread1
- Chapters1,131
- Volumes195
All Comments (85) Comments
Azure Dimension
Daily ED Days 236 || Cards
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Azure Dimension
Daily ED Days 230 || Cards
If you don't like your name, color, if it miss you a card or if I make a mistake I can change it.
Azure Dimension
Character Edition (Bakuman) 7-1 || Cards
Character Edition (Bakuman) 8-1 || Cards
If you don't like your name, color, if it miss you a card or if I make a mistake I can change it.
Azure Dimension
Daily ED Days 229 || Cards
If you don't like your name, color, if it miss you a card or if I make a mistake I can change it.
Azure Dimension
Daily SE - 200 Days || Cards
If you don't like your name, color, if it miss you a card or if I make a mistake I can change it.
Azure Dimension
Daily ED Days 225-226-227 || Cards
If you don't like your name, color, if it miss you a card or if I make a mistake I can change it.
Azure Dimension
Daily ED Days 224 || Cards
If you don't like your name, color, if it miss you a card or if I make a mistake I can change it.