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Danganronpa: Kibou no Gakuen to Zetsubou no Koukousei The Animation
Jul 16, 2013 11:13 AM
· Scored
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 10.7
Mean Score:
- Total Entries137
- Reread6
- Chapters1,206
- Volumes214
All Comments (9) Comments
Dear members,
First of all, I'd like to apologize for the big amount of newsletters sent in a short time, I hope they weren't too much bother.
That's why this is most likely going to be the last newsletter which is sent to all the members.
From now on, if you'd like to receive the newsletter, please assign HERE.
Since there are going to be two types of newsletters, please read the first post for further information.
Also, since our club has reached over 100 members, we have prepaired some cards for you. Feel free to request them HERE ^^
The Official Member Cards are still available, so feel free to request if you already haven't ^^
We are also going to have the monthly SE which was decided by most of your votes.
However, since the discussion is the main purpose of our club, feel free to open any discussion threads regarding either the anime, manga, characters or anything regarding Kuroko no Basket if you have any ideas ^^
Thanks for supporting the club!
Have a nice day :3
Dear members,
We have some new Official Member Cards.
Those who have already requested the member cards can just edit their post and those who haven't requested yet may put their request using the new format.
Also, the 50+ members LE is still opened, so feel free to request ^^
We are also about to reach 100 members, so we are going to have a LE ^^
Another important thing, our club is planning to have monthly SE, so we have a POLL to see what you think first.
So, please, vote ^^
Thanks for supporting the club!
Have a nice day :3
Bishe średnie, może z jeden taki "tru" się trafił :D. Ale dobre, zobaczymy czy ci się spodoba :D. To właśnie dziwne, bo ja nie lubię kosza. Prędzej siatkówkę. Zauważyłam, że podobają mi się coraz bardziej sportowe anime. Muszę jakieś dobre wyczaić ^ ^
Sankarea podobała mi się właśnie do 5 odc. Trochę przegięli z tym fanserwisem pod koniec, ale się jeszcze zobaczy. Lubię głównego bohatera, ciekawe jak rozwiąże problem rozkładającej się Sanki. Może kluczem są te całe chryzantemy, w końcu Baabu je wcinał i ma się dobrze :D.
I jeszcze Kiraboshi Dial... wiesz co dobre :D.
Co u cb? :3
Enjoy! =D