hello to those who enter my profile
apologies that i havent been on here as much as i would like to be, there are people i havent talked to in a looong time and more friends to be made
however i have too much in my life to do very much right now... bowever!
i am still alive and kicking; what keeps me down is a few things
1 lots of homework, i mean lots
2 recently got a third job
3 president of my anime club (yes there actually is work to do!)
4 and the fact that im not at home all hours of the day (nearly) to watch anime
im not deleting this account for i will return maybe not for a while though, because there will be little for me to actually do since i cant watch anything at the moment
if you would like to contact me (and you may) my sn is DragonLord2120 and my email is ryuujin2120@gmail.com
hopefully you understand, thanks (edited october 30, 2007)
ummmm lets seeee... i started watching anime bout my junior year of high school in 2004...
kinda funny actually because i really didnt like anime and thought it was dumb, and one day after school i was going to do a school project when i realized that i was passing the anime club. many of my friends were in the club so i happened to see them there waiting for the club sponsor to open the door. seeing me they all ran in my direction and PLEADED with me to stay for one club and that i would like it.
reluctantly i obliged thinking i might get a laugh or two out of it, the problem was the anime we were watching was escaflowne... and cowboy bebop. by the end of club my head had been blown off and i wanted more
out of nowhere i had instantly turned into an otaku inside of one day, and happened to realize that my problem was serious when my grades started to drop
anyway so yeah anime is pretty much my life now or at least a chunk of it
as for manga... well im not much of a manga person, i never really got into comic books, and even though they are different, they are both based on the same principal, sorry
anyways im a pretty fun hugging loving guy
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Goto: 4:11 minutes into the video
lol I know-- I have a lot of time