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Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka
Jun 6, 2016 11:10 AM
· Scored
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Days: 46.2
Mean Score:
- Total Entries70
- Reread0
- Chapters8,317
- Volumes551
All Comments (6) Comments
Regardless of your generosity when scoring, when you give a show a 10/10, you are essentially calling it perfect, or near perfect, and such a claim requires ample justification. However, a review as short as yours simply cannot provide enough time for you to support that claim. For example, you only discuss the main character and disregard the other dozen or so main/supporting characters. Is anyone besides the main character memorable/developed? Do you think there's too many characters for such a short series? Are the villains interesting and original or generically despicable? These are examples of several questions one might address when discussing characters, yet you did not answer any of them, damaging your credibility. Moreover, you completely forget to talk about the show's plot. How original is the premise? Is there tragedy? Is the show's tone dark and realistic or comedic and easygoing? If you want to convince newcomers to try this show, this information needs to be provided. Also, you say that "Out of all the mecha animes I have seen in my life, I think Aldnoah.Zero is one of the best so far." What is that supposed to mean? As a stranger, I have no idea how many mecha anime you've seen (and cannot be bothered to go through your list and check). You should have followed that statement up by listing some well-known mecha titles you've completed and comparing them to Aldnoah Zero, arguing what A/Z does better than them in your opinion. All in all, there is no purpose to publishing such a superficial and rushed review as yours was. If you like A/Z, that's fine. However, if you want to become a credible reviewer, you need to support your scoring with solid reasoning, examples, and counter-points. Otherwise, you may offend the hard-working individuals who put loads of time and effort into their reviews. I realize that you weren't trying to offend anyone, but my point still stands.
Please don't take my words the wrong way, as I'm not trying to flame you. I just don't think your opinion was expressed well enough.
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