Well I'm sort of unique persay... not like the rest of my normal family lol. I'm an anime otaku (obviously), artist (in both animated and realistic forms), trekkie, gamer (puzzles, stories, racing, destructive), bubbly, optimistic and a total LOTR fanatic! At the moment, anime wise I've been majorly into Soul Eater, though. I don't like to spoil plot lines for other fans unless they ask me to. I am also a student of Colorado Technical University Online studying to get a bachelors in Information Technology in Web Development. I want to become one of the best female designers and developers out there! Maybe one of these days I'll take the time to actually spiff up my profile, but momentarily, the concert is only for keeping up with titles and recommendations. Shout it loud if you're proud to be a nerd!!
As far as preferences, I find that I'm very quickly becoming more adverse to phsycological thrillers and drama! Especially with a twist of sci-fi (special powers, magic, transformations,and bizarre theories of technology.) Its fascinating exploring the shorter series that are not so common to the usual kids and teens sitting in front of television watching toonami. I dislike when a series is drawn out to hundreds of episodes with many fillers (it turns me off from watching a series because the plot begins to grow old and predictable.)
All Comments (34) Comments
Chaos;Head was one of the first anime I had watched when I started to get really immersed in this culture. ...So I may be a little biased! I know you liked psychological stories, though, and this one definitely has those elements. :)
As for Darker than Black -- I've been planning to watch that for years! I always hear good things about it. I should probably get on that, haha.
As far as keeping up, I actually find it quite difficult to watch most of the currently airing shows every season. I mean, there's just so much out there that is already finished airing!
Lately I've been blessed with a lot of free time, so I'm able to catch up on the series I've been planning to watch.
Speaking of Chaos;Head, I actually really liked it. I watched it about 3 years ago, though, long before Steins;Gate. So I think Chaos;Head is certainly different. Don't go in there expecting something absolutely riveting, though....You'll be disappointed. o_o
I'm surprised it got licensed at this time! I'm planning on re-watching it, actually...It's been a while since I've seen it.
Sorry I don't reply... I'm busy, and whenever I get on, my comments are all backed up... Not coo', but w'ever.
Anywho, yea, thanks yo~ F'sho