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Saijaku Tamer wa Gomi Hiroi no Tabi wo Hajimemashita.
Saijaku Tamer wa Gomi Hiroi no Tabi wo Hajimemashita.
Jan 3, 8:20 PM
Completed 12/12 · Scored 8
Maou 2099
Maou 2099
Jan 2, 8:32 PM
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ChronoLytte Jul 21, 2024 3:25 AM
In regards to what you've stated about frierens "boring" and "mundane" story structure, I feel asthough your not getting the point nor themes of the story, frieren is a old elf who's 'time' matters not to them as they do not value it with how much time they have to accomplish what they want therefore being unable to have the drive or motivation to do anything productive most of the time, thus introduces the first and most present theme of frierens 'journey' time. Time is inheritantly valueable to everyone and thus should be enjoyed for what its worth instead of wasted and neglected. Frieren isn't 'boring' its slow and thoughtful with how its structured, its story isn't fast because of how it's presenting the main theme of time, and how you should be able to find value in things other than the main 'goal' you want to achieve. While the plot and story arn't moving fast you can find enjoyment in the characters who subtly being built up, the scenic backgrounds, the hints of worldbuilding that is present within every episode and much more. And so I say again, Frieren being 'boring' is more of a 'you' (no offense) problem than it is the shows.
jahver Apr 5, 2024 5:54 PM
Even Sword Art Online had some merit.
Infamous_Empire Mar 5, 2024 11:16 AM
Nice to meet you and I’m glad you enjoyed what I wrote.

Yeah, the kind of fanboys who get all worked up over other people not liking their favorite show are weird and I’ll never really be able to understand their mindset. Like, why let other people’s opinions have such a strong hold over you that you just have to pick fights with them over the Internet?
Thevsamovies Nov 5, 2023 5:42 AM
People raging SO HARD cause I posted a mean review about their fav anime :( LMAO.

Toxic and especially bad comments will be deleted from my profile. No one else should need to waste their time reading your nonsense.

But if anyone has anything of actual value to say, feel free to comment.
Thevsamovies Mar 20, 2022 7:45 PM
Thanks to everyone who has left positive comments btw :)
Gorilla-2004 Jan 2, 2021 11:11 AM
Unlike HungrySquirtle you don't seem to be a troll and you actually use your mind to rate all of the animes seasons, and doesn't seem to blindly hate some animes like that guy, it's actually weird how you agreed with him when you're clearly different, that guy rated all of the aot seasons a 1/10, even those he supposedly "dropped" (season 3 and 4), which seems to be the work of an obvious troll who is just pissed that aot surpassed his favourite anime in terms of popularity, yet it seems weird to me that you actually rated the one season that was almost perfect the lowest out of all of them 😔
Ezekiel_01 Apr 17, 2020 7:30 AM
Hello Good Day! How are yah?

I made my Re; Zero Review. Heres the link: hope you check it out.

I am interested in what's your overall opinion in the anime and what you think of my review? It is too long or confusing? Is it Helpful?

I appreciate the Support.
RebelPanda Sep 29, 2019 7:52 PM
bless your soul too ^-^
boobnoodle Jun 26, 2018 6:45 PM
Hey man! I enjoyed your review of Military Space Politics! I took a short break from anime and I really wanted to binge it, I saw the first two episodes at the start of the season and thought it was awesome. Now I know I shouldn't bother though, because apparently it's all downhill from there. Cheers!
mistressmittens Sep 23, 2017 1:43 PM
I have not been excusing flaws. Kakegurui definitely does have legitimate flaws. I already said that I agreed and understood some of them, though some of what you find as flaws are pretty subjective, else I could say the same to you regarding DR3 series. Like, you said in moments with the glowing eyes coming on are when they are saying stupid stuff when I say it shows how insane and serious they are, along with what they're saying at the times. You say the sort of thing regarding stuff like Komaeda's swirling eyes when I could say the same as you did when it came to character dialogues with glowing red eyes, that being that he's saying stupid things while the eyes come up. Neither of which are necessarily shown as a way to look smart and whatnot. They are used to show how insane yet serious with what they are often saying or doing. All I was wondering was why you took such minor aspects like glowing eyes and chaining hair color to white so seriously when it never was supposed to be taken this seriously, like the Danganronpa series. Again, I was using Danganronpa series as examples.

I can't understand how you didn't think the world wasn't already completely unrealistic from the beginning. It's a gambling high school. That is extremely unrealistic itself. And since there has already been glowing eyes ever since the first episode, stuff like a dude's hair turning white "out of nowhere" (which I already said what that was based on), along with the girl biting off her nails for no reason (which I can't agree as being true since she did that to show how strongly she is determined to risk so much for herself to get to the top of it all, along with showing to Manyuda how serious she is to help fool him when she bet her "life") isn't really any more or less unrealistic than it has ever been.

And yes, a part of a reason why a ton of people were complaining about how DR3 Mirai-hen was going during it's time of spotlight or airing was due to how more serious and dark it has been making itself as compared to practically every other entry of the series, and even more so after Monaca left since she, along with what was Fukawa and Komaru were doing for a bit, was the last bit of the similar lightheartedness the series was well-known in having despite how dark and dangerous it portrays itself as often. But again, these are just examples as to what I mean when DR is not supposed to be taken THAT seriously, like how you're taking the minor aspects like the two we are discussing about so seriously. Yes, I agree that DR has serious moments and can still be taken seriously. That wasn't the point of my comments at all, though.
mistressmittens Sep 22, 2017 5:55 AM
Yes, I do agree that Danganronpa could still be taken seriously even though it had unrealistic elements. Thing is though, that wasn't what I was saying (or trying to say). I was saying that, much like Kakegurui, it wasn't supposed to be taken that seriously, such as actually taking the more minor unrealistic elements of the series so seriously like it's not supposed to be unrealistic, which is what you did with Kakegurui. Heck, I've seen soooo many people complain about Mirai-hen/Future Arc trying to make Danganronpa more serious and realistic, what with red blood, darker colors and tone, being less comedic, etc, especially after Monaca up and left. I've mainly seen so many people complain about these during the time it was aired.

There is not much of an established reality in Kakegurui except for the fact that it's in Japan and that it made a few realistic comparisons by Yumeko via things like quotes such as "Professional athletes sacrifice their teenage years in order to train" and whatnot. A series being dark =/= being serious. Yes, it's intended to be dark, but not to be taken as seriously as you've done so, like complaining about the characters having glowing eyes or having their hair color quickly changed to white being too unrealistic, and it never was trying to be taken this seriously or realistically, else there wouldn't even be a high school for gambling (this even has a history apparently, like it being found in Japan 122 years ago. lol).

Speaking of the glowing eye thing, that reason you gave it as being a bad thing, well, as I've said before, some of the things you've said about Kakegurui can be applied to Danganronpa as well. For example, you said that it's only used whenever someone says something dumb and crazy, and that it's used because the words themselves don't hold any weight. I mean, if I myself complained about this sort of aspect in Kakegurui, I could say and complain about the exact same thing when this sort of thing is used again and again in Danganronpa, and not just the eye glowing, but stuff like Komaeda's swirling eyes as well. Like "Oh, they needed to resort to these sorts of things since whatever they are saying or doing at the time doesn't hold any weight". Also, I don't get what you mean by the faces being molested. If we're taking this sort of term literally, then I think you mean characters showing very sexual faces. That doesn't happen every time they say something crazy. That doesn't even happen often, and most of the characters don't even do this besides Yumeko and Ikishima (and Yumeko doesn't do this sort of face every time she does or says something crazy either).

I mean, it's not like I mind if people take the series seriously or hate the series, but to say that it's going to far with into the unrealistic territory, I don't understand. Unless they suddenly do stuff like see completely through the cards or something, they have mostly been doing things ever since the second episode, which you said you didn't have much of a problem with at the time. The glowing eyes, for example, happened since the very first episode.

... at this point, I'm very sure that I'm annoying you so much, so it wouldn't surprise me if you wanted to end this.
mistressmittens Sep 19, 2017 6:20 PM
Oh, I see. No pressure on you watching Paprika. I was just wondering. Oh, and this wasn't my original username. I figured out and changed it to this one, but thank you though.

Anyways, how odd. In many ways does it not try to make it that serious in the slightest to me. I'm not saying it doesn't have it's serious moments, but it's certainly not meant to be taken that seriously. Most of the time it's never even trying to be realistic at all either. It does have a few realistic sayings and comparisons, but so does Danganronpa. I would say that many of the things you've said to me recently about this, you could say about Danganronpa as well.

Danganronpa anime series doesn't have a comedy tag either and that has a ton of comedic moments in that series, even more than Kakegurui, especially in Danganronpa The Animation and DR3 Despair Side. It's marked as a horror and psychological series filled with murder, but even then, it was never meant to be taken that seriously either due to the so many extremely unrealistic things about it that it has. Kakegurui is not really much different in that regard. They are both dark, but never to be taken that seriously, and I have never seen it as something to ever be meant as such completely. For example, you said Kakegurui has people constantly glowing eyes as a gripe when Danganronpa has that too. You also then said people suddenly changing hair color to white hair when Danganronpa had that too (and this sort of aspect that has been coming to anime like this and Tokyo Ghoul occasionally nowadays is based on the Marie Antoinette syndrome).

To be honest, the reason that I've used Danganronpa as the example because Kakegurui reminds me of it in quite a number of ways, and I find them both similarly dark and insane, yet not that serious, while mostly exciting.
mistressmittens Sep 17, 2017 9:21 AM
Hm... quick question. What made you take Kakegurui so seriously? I can somewhat understand how you felt, but it's definitely not supposed to be taken that seriously. It's dark, it's marked as Drama while having a few serious moments, but still was never that serious. This is like Danganronpa.

Another question totally optional, but what made you drop Paprika? :(
Pitzer Aug 16, 2017 9:14 AM
Honstly I find the MC to be very...boring?
People constantly keep comparing that dude to Hachiman, which is a testament to their inability to see what made Hachiman work in the first place. ONII-SAMA was the comparison I found to be the most fitting. I have also picked up some mild LN spoilers from a discussion thread which, unsurprisingly, support this assumption. It isn't that big a spoiler since we can see the MC being near perfect several times.

This sounds so dumb it can really only come from a LN.

I wouldn't have called the show pretentious if it weren't. There is a reason I started my review off with that quote.
Remember the rooftop scene with MC and the teacher? They not only had the guy ask that question again to another person, the way it was framed was serious, like it is actually a question with any meaning. (Not all humans are equal, wow! I'm 14 and I'm deep)
I'm not complaining about the usage of quotes as episode titles (even if they leave a sour taste in mouth because it just really doesn't belong in a show that is so far removed from a thinking man's series), but about the fact that this quote is used as a central theme in the series. You know, like literally basing their students' monetary worth on their (classes') academic prowess? I get what they were going for, but the execution is, mildly put, poor.

Apart from that, my main issue was "why am I even watching this?". I can already see this is going nowhere, it's Akashic Records all over again (although this time not as bad). If I end up being wrong, that's great, but I'm like 99% sure that this will end up going nowhere, just like many other LN adaptations. You are not gonna get to the "real plot" in these 12 episodes. And the "real plot" in these works is for the most part just spacey stuff without any substance (Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei would be an example where we did get enough episodes to get to the "big reveal" that MC is literally Jesus-kun. I refer to my above spoiler.)

Sorry if this comes off as ranty, I really don't like the show. Thanks though!
HungrySquirtle Jun 13, 2017 8:09 AM
Congrats, that's awesome. Be prepared for the massive and continuous wave of hate you're going to get. Proud of you.
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