All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 98.8
Mean Score:
- Watching24
- Completed228
- On-Hold19
- Dropped11
- Plan to Watch185
- Total Entries467
- Rewatched10
- Episodes5,837
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 23.2
Mean Score:
- Total Entries99
- Reread2
- Chapters4,090
- Volumes41
All Comments (26) Comments
And let's pray Irotoridori gets released soon. For about a year now I've been checking tokidan every day getting more and more depressed over how long it's taking. Remember when he said it might be out by christmas?
Anyways, Devil on a G-string is amazing, the comedy is gold and the drama/romance is wonderfully written. Hell, my forum avatar is the main villain in the game hahah.
Once I find the time I'll do my best to get into Rewrite, I loved Kanon and Clannad, but was a little put off by Little Busters, so hopefully Key made a come-back and I'm just being stubborn.
Then again, I also have a problem of never being able to get into new VNs... I'm always replaying old ones like Devil on a G String, Da Capo and DearDrops. My backlist has mabye 14 VNs I need to get into, heh.
Then they are leaving their hoses from the windows since it is impossible to have thousands of latent criminals going to take their helmets unchecked.
"Maybe he wanted to find that out before doing anything too drastic"
Nope, he went there to destroy it."