Books, libraries, archives for preserving all even vile and free access for everyone forever, that is the true foundation of existence and my universal truth in life above all.
I strive for learning, and understanding above all, that is the key, understanding. Why people think the way they think, the privileges in being able to appreciate and understand, why many do not and cannot afford to have privileges such as this, and to be on the right side of things if possible. But loving to learn, to experience, to appreciate and learn and understand always, that is the key, what it means to be alive. And even though many don’t or cannot afford to have this privilege, it is still a fundamental human right that is why libraries and preservation of all, even vile and access for all is the core foundation for everything.
My twitter is @Bloodscarecrow1
I am not on here much aside from logging new entries
Try and learn from everything in life, always keep on learning, and maybe that is a key to enjoying life, and finding our own answers.
Hope everyone can experience what they want, after or beyond life or death or such,and hope things somehow be ok in the end, after or beyond life or death or such.And I hope libraries open for everyone forever, with learning from and appreciating and holding accountable in reality.
Important to understand perspectives, all of them. But so is understanding what is right, right side of history, and not being complicit in things. Understanding consequences of things and such. It is a privilege to appreciate all books, art, libraries, without having to deal with their consequences or such. Everyone should have access to all forever with no censoring ideally especially with books and libraries. Preserving to never forget and hold accountable and such. But you should condemn and point out, be on right side of things too.
As a wise managka once said: You should enjoy the detours. To the fullest. Because that’s where you’ll find the things more important than what you want.
Don’t take my ratings too seriously because I suck with them and in general don’t think they’re great indicators of feelings on stories.
My character rankings shouldn’t be taken too seriously either, I just put them how I feel in the moment.
I don’t believe attitudes like skipping stuff should be normalized because I believe we should try and enjoy every story to the fullest.
With stories, I believe it’s your experiences that matter most. So even if the artist turns out to be not good, it’s your experiences that matter. Stories and art can transcend and go beyond their original creators too. This is why something like the public domain is so vitally important, so we don’t necessarily need to credit people and we can put the stories in new lights. With artists alive today though it is more complicated because of if you indirectly end up supporting them. I don’t know if there is a right answer to it, I think we should always learn and avoid self-righteousness
Respect pronouns, LGBTQIA rights and against oppression and persecution. People fight how it is to them. The importance is understanding, and being on the right side of history and things if possible.
We can agree to disagree but be respectful and mindful of how others would react so do it in a constructive way. And again many issues affect people, agree to disagree often just can’t happen. It can only happen if everyone can respect each other. All we can do is try and avoid being self righteous and always keep on learning, I think.
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