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JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 3: Stardust Crusaders - Egypt-hen
Aug 31, 2015 5:14 AM
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I wish there was the clip of Lunar beating the crap out of her dad for wearing the sailor uniform again
This is one of my favorite clips.
I noticed you've seen My Bride is a Mermaid and seemed to have enjoyed it, with an 8/10. I recently reviewed that one: it's probably my favorite comedy right behind Seinfeld at the moment, and that's saying something.
I'm not sure if you ever had Legos, but back in the day they made a spin off product called bionicles. Well, they made a bunch of games and a couple movies, and in the first movie, the god of the bionicles is called Mata Nui, and the mask is his face, just stuck on top of Nui Harime from Kill La Kill. It's an inside joke to people who played with bionicles as a kid haha.
The review has no spoilers at all :) He mostly compared the first half of the anime with some parts of the VN, and he just further explained what are the significance to certain bits that the anime seem to be missing compare to the VN, as well as addressing the good and flaws of the first half of the anime. Though he did compare some things with Fate/Zero, he did not spoil any of the events nor who died etc. just things like how smooth the battles were overall compare to first half of the new F/SN UBW, as well as monologues., but there were about two occasions where he mentioned about who vs. who, one of the characters might be a spoiler for you, if you haven't seen any of Fate/Zero posters online or the anime pages on MAL. But by how you mentioned that you started to notice other series in the franchise of Fate, I assume you might've seen the anime pages of F/Z, then the review is not even contain any spoilers whatsoever.
You could've notice that there are some characters that might seem mysterious to you in F/SN anime so far, especially the blond haired guy who seem to stay with Kirei Kotomine a lot, hopefully they'll reveal themselves in the second half regarding who they are. Archer's identity especially. Obviously, not all the Servants might reveal their identity much. And I think the second half will reveal the significance to Shirou's foster father, as well as Kirei, since...(don't click the spoiler if you haven't seen the characters of Fate/Zero yet on the anime pages or any online posters)
It's not new to what you said regarding your expectations as a first-timer to the Fate franchise, since another reviewer mentioned nearly the exact same thing few weeks ago. But, this is the thing with many anime adaptations lately, sometimes it's hard to put all the stuff into an anime based on the source material, or sometimes it could be that they expect that you might know something off this prior to watching. Fate franchise is one of those background-heavy anime (i.e. there is a lot more of story going on than what you see in the adaptations - unless the studio going overkill and adapted every bit of it, which is rare), so unlike....say for example, a typical ecchi anime, a person who is almost asleep can watch that, since it's nothing but fanservice with panty-shots of girls or showing bouncy breasts etc. so no story, and typical for that kind of ecchi-romance genre. And even if it's just romance genre, things are predictable without any research (like who ending up with who or shipping theories etc.) But Fate is not one of those anime that can be seen with just the animes, so all I can say is, I felt pity for the newcomers.
Ufotable split this into two cour series, as well as Fate/Zero, which is why for me, who actually agree with that person who did a review in that video, judging by an unfinished show is invalid unfortunately, and only if the show has aired altogether, i.e. 25 episodes or so, then people's opinions will change. Second half is action packed, that's for sure :) First half is setting up for the events of the second half, this is the case too with first half of Fate/Zero, but I suppose the pacing isn't as slow (in a weekly airing basis) compare to the new first half of F/SN UBW. One thing I would say is, after the new UBW, if you cannot wait for the HF movie to come out, do go ahead and watch Fate/Zero, even though the plot twists that F/Z spoil are mostly in the HF (Sakura) route, since F/Z spoils a major messed up event regarding Sakura, that UBW will not address, since, like I said, it's just a route divergence, and it's just one-third of the jigsaw puzzle, only HF reveals it, as well as an old man in F/Z named Zouken, who only appeared again in HF route. Comparing to F/SN, I would say that, even though Fate and UBW routes of F/SN is like action with young people, while HF route is a messed up dark story. Fate/Zero, as a complementary series and light novel to F/SN, it's a big change in atmosphere. Fate/Zero is a psychological thriller, though the psychological element is much more obvious in second half. So if you like to see a darker Grail War with many adult characters (only one teen in there as the Master), then feel free to do so. The OSTs are not as forgettable as the ones from new F/SN UBW, since the composer for F/Z is the same composer who did all the Kara no Kyoukai movies. Her soundtracks are just amazing :) So you would love it :) I highly suggest that you watch them in Bluray version, due to extra scenes and art corrections. Same goes for F/SN UBW, if you plan to watch it again, since the reviewer in that video said that Ufotable confirmed that there'll be about 90 mins of extra content that they had no chance to show on TV version due to airing times etc. So hopefully they'll be much better than the TV versions :)
And you're welcome, I hate to spoil things myself when it comes to talking to newcomers to an anime franchise :) Stepping on a spoiler landmine is bad for me as well, lol.