hey its been a while. i just wanted to ask why you took every show out of your anime list? any reason? also to say thesailorv is an awesome name! and im shocked it was still available!
Hmm, maybe it was, nit sure. That's true about critics too, the only thin g I will say is, i feel that that when a mangaka is ready to end something, they should simply be able to.
Yeah...he gives into the fangirls desires WAYYYY too much. He actually also opened a Twitter just to hear fan reaction to Bleach, because he himself felt it such a fantastic work, and the replies were the opposite of what he thought they would be, to the point he got depressed. He's majorly sped up how he planned to continue the series, because he planned another 10 years, but yeah.
As for Zombie Powder, I've never read it, but it seems like there are people who prefer it over Bleach.
Sure, but it seems like Bleach is much more disproportionate than most. Of course, when it comes to Shounen Jump titles, that effect can be especially so, since the creator only had the vision for so many chapters, but they want them to last as long as possible.
It was more of a result on the drop in quality. It regards to it going on too long, it's likely because of the drop in quality. Once the Soul Society Arc ended, it went from great to meh very quickly in the eyes of most. It's a shame really, because it truly could have been a great manga, if he kept it at that level of the SS arc.
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As for Zombie Powder, I've never read it, but it seems like there are people who prefer it over Bleach.