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- Chapters915
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All Comments (222) Comments
“Skip Beat is really a shounen series trapped in a shoujo one”
(”Watch Kyoko as she beats the rival of the week with her acting powers and wins them over to her side in her fight against the evil Fuwa Shou - and picks up a love interest, albeit SLOOOWWWly but surely, along the way!”)
So, in conclusion, Skip Beat is a shounen-trap!! XD I've seen a lot guys who watched the anime said the same thing too. Seriously, if you love the anime, you'll probably love the manga too, it's even funnier IMO. It's not like a typical stupid, fluffy shoujo either. OR you could just read where the anime left off, at ch 68 so you won't feel cheated anymore.
Which VK season are you talking about? The storyline is really getting on my nerves right now -.- The manga used to be cool, now it's major fail. Unless you like kaname x yuuki pairing =/
But you'd probably get one good filler out of ...? (fill in the blanks). I heard people said the movie is so bad it's awesome, lol. Emo Goku + major storyline change = movie sucked =|
Nope, don't celebrate easter. What did you eat? And it was your birthday? Happy belated birthday =D
I'd watch more anime but recently I've been bombarded with last minute semester work, so I don't really have as much time as I'd like to watch each series. But summer is coming up soon, so I'll marathon all kinds of stuff then!
I did buy a lot of different stuff for our Wii recently... like Mario Kart 64! :D
LOL, yeah, I hope I helped the anime industry, if only somewhat! I almost feel bad for pirating what I have now, but even when I watched Death Note before it was released in the US, I made the decision I was gonna buy it. So watching the series beforehand can steer me in spending my money on the series that are worth buying!
Ah, yeah. Girlfriend and I broke up on New Year's. New Year's resolution was to come clean with her and break-up - I didn't expect me to do it directly on New Year's! There were a lot of problems contributing to my decision, but the biggest was probably the communication breakdown. In late Feb, she already had me replaced. So yeah, four months after the break-up later, I can still feel rejection, anger, bitterness, and jealousy. I'd like to be friends with her, but I don't think I can contact her without being subtly nasty, at least for now. Guess I'm just immature that way. XD
But yeah, along with that (Jan was one hell of a month), I started my four year university and completed my two-year community college. The community college only holds one graduation in the spring, even though I technically got my degree in the fall last year. So I get to graduate from community college in late May. Exciting stuff!
In exchange, since I'm double majoring in Art and English, I just get to take three more years getting my BS for both. Whoo, I'll be a college student forever! XD
But how are things? What is new? OMG, we haven't talked since December?! ^^
I've been downloading more of my anime than buying it recently, and I can't say I was ever expecting that to happen since I've always been the one to say, "Support the anime industry! Buy a DVD!" But it's all good. :D
Then the little things, like school, graduating community college, looking for a new girlfriend, and work. Good times. XD
I'm amused XD The code is supposed to be like this: replaced <></> with [ ][/]
Glad that you really like it =D How did you find out about the anime? The studio is the same one that did Princess Tutu, did you know that? The anime followed the manga about 99.5% of the time. I like the manga better though, because some moments just have more impact than the anime. I dunno why they didn't make more episodes, like at least finished the Dark Moon arc, since the manga have enough chapters for 52 episodes T^T
Dragon Ball Kai in Spring 2009. Luckily I haven't watch DBZ yet, so now I can watch over 9000 in HD and without all the filler crap, woot.
LOL, the Narutard invasion is a prank. He's also at the top of favorite characters in every profile in MAL too. BELIEVE IT XD Even funnier is the why-so-serious people invading the forum demanding the mascot to be changed...some people really don't have a sense of humor ._.
No, really, the other guys are no fun to talk to >.< Ooh, since I'm the only one I'm special then XD
Nope, no pranks. Only works for the gullible people =P
You want to talk about Skip Beat? Don't even get me started. Ending the anime when the Dark Moon arc is just 1/3 through? Blasphemy. They better make another season or the fanboys/fangirls are gonna rage. If you don't mind reading shoujo, there's still the manga =3
To replace Skip Beat, you can always watch Chi 2...or Dragon Ball in HD. That should be fun~
I get about being moody, since you won't feel like talking to anyone -_-
Uh, didn't you send a request back to me a few days ago? Coz I remember adding you with someone else...but the weird thing is that your last online date didn't change at all when the request came? Was it a ghost request? o_O
I don't think you'll lose me anyway since you're my fav guy friend after all ^__^
Anyways, I've read about the friends problem, and apparently you have to send me a friend request for me to approve, then I'll appear in your list's supposed to be a two-way request thing or something =/
Read Here: Friend Fix
Sooo...what say you to my last epic comment? =3
And for additional questions...What did you do during your MIA/grounded status? And why did you get grounded anyway?
I know people on MAL don't care about tagging, but it's fun to lol at your tag whenever you update the anime list. Better than putting them as shounen, action blalabla...And don't forget NICE BOAT for School Days.
i just never got around to continue watching it.