Used to be a hardcore fan, went off the burner but now back in the game thanks to my ex who got me into Jujutsu Kaisen (thanks dickhead), now on a crusade to hit 500 shows watched by the end of the year!!
Well, I remember I really loved the manga. I could give the usual complaint of 'oh, it's too rushed' but to be honest, its not really. I quite like the pacing. If the anime went at the pace of the manga I think it would just be too slow to watch. I do like how the art style's been copied as well. Also, best ending song ever. I love how menacing it sounds.
I love how they're vampires but Kaname just slaps him. xD
Sadly, I can't take any credit for my list style. However, you're able to customise by going onto Profile - Edit - My List Style - Advanced Style CSS Editor.
Under there you can copy and and paste codes. There's a great forum where people donate list styles: Also in general: Sorry I can't find my exact style (unless you want me to copy and paste the code to you) but quite a few of them use the same picture-hovering-thingy.
Well, I read Vampire Knight back ages ago and realised I never actually watched the anime!
I'm kind-of conflicted with deciding my favourite xD I think that Kaname and Yuki and more suited to each over and do really like Kaname. I remember I used to hate Zero but I'm kind-of OK with him now. But I have to agree with little pre-teen me and confess I still love Aidou... even though he is immensely creepy.
Wow, you really seem to know your romance anime! :)
I've heard of B Gata H Kei, I've heard loads of people say it's good but I just can't get over the description... I've got it in my to-watch list anyway.
With Clannad, I've heard people say that the first season is really slow?
I just watched your reaction video to Seraph and pretty much completely agree! Don't you think that the background art is so interesting? The style makes it look like the characters are imposed against an oil painting.
Another problem with Nisekoi is the art style. I know that some people may like it or aren't too fused over art. I don't know, it just kind of bugs me. (also, the first season of Nisekoi was 20 episodes long, rather than 15!)
Oh, I've heard of Waiting in the Summer! I actually have it on my 'to watch' list so hopefully I'll get around to it soon. I love cute romances in anime such as Chuunibyou. It's much nicer and, I suppose, happier to watch than something constantly turbulent like Golden Time.
I adore Mika in Seraph, I think he's a great character. And the weapons are awesome!
Nisekoi is a harem so it pretty much just farts around. The show is pretty much entirely focused on a group of four girls and their relationship with the main character Raku. Even on the last episode of the last season there was no development really.
I know what you mean though, I'm getting tired of all the 'almost' romance animes out there. But then again, some of the purely romance based animes are some of the worst things I've watched such as Golden Time (those two just weren't good for each other) and My Little Monster (girl meets psychopath).
Assassination Classroom - also watching, it's brilliant
Mikagura School Suite - terrible art style but an enjoyable series so far, reminds me of Baka to Test
Nisekoi: - the second season of Nisekoi. I hate the art style but kind-of like the characters
Seraph of the End - also watching, really enjoying
Yamada-Kin and the Seven Witches - when I saw the trailer I hated it but don't judge it by the terrible trailer or name! It's actually a really funny serious and likeable series. I would really recommend it
You're a lot more tolerant than me then! A lot of the things I watch if I don't find them interesting I drop after the first episode... maybe I'm too harsh on them ^_^
Well, I'll hopefully see you at Comic Con then! :)
I watched Tokyo Ghoul uncensored on Kiss Anime but the second season hasn't been released uncensored yet, annoyingly... in saying that, the second season was pretty terrible anyway.
I'm not sure about watching Attack on Titan, I've heard such mixed reviews of it...
Edinburgh certainty is beautiful. I am excited to be going to the Comic Con for the first time, considering it will be my first time at any Comic Con! I'll probably end up buying everything... I won't even be able to get it back home with me. I should check out the Anime Bento box as well then ^_^ I can't believe that you haven't watched Tokyo Ghoul though... the first season was brilliant. Yeah, I don't like law. I was kind-of shepherd into it.
Ack, I never really get to Glasgow since I'm based in Edinburgh but I'm hoping to get to the Glasgow Comic Con this year. Your YouTube channel is actually really good (I've subscribed)! I've never heard of the Betoyo Box before, it looks pretty awesome, I should check that out too. :) Being a law student is the worst decision I ever made, haha... ha.
Yeah, there doesn't appear to be any activity on the page really. Which is a shame, it would be nice to meet more Scottish anime fans... (in saying that, I am part of the Anime Society at my uni... hahaha...) I just noticed you have a YouTube as well which is pretty cool! I should check that out
All Comments (54) Comments
Well, I remember I really loved the manga. I could give the usual complaint of 'oh, it's too rushed' but to be honest, its not really. I quite like the pacing. If the anime went at the pace of the manga I think it would just be too slow to watch. I do like how the art style's been copied as well. Also, best ending song ever. I love how menacing it sounds.
How was your Birthday?
Sadly, I can't take any credit for my list style. However, you're able to customise by going onto Profile - Edit - My List Style - Advanced Style CSS Editor.
Under there you can copy and and paste codes. There's a great forum where people donate list styles: Also in general: Sorry I can't find my exact style (unless you want me to copy and paste the code to you) but quite a few of them use the same picture-hovering-thingy.
I'm kind-of conflicted with deciding my favourite xD I think that Kaname and Yuki and more suited to each over and do really like Kaname. I remember I used to hate Zero but I'm kind-of OK with him now. But I have to agree with little pre-teen me and confess I still love Aidou... even though he is immensely creepy.
I've heard of B Gata H Kei, I've heard loads of people say it's good but I just can't get over the description... I've got it in my to-watch list anyway.
With Clannad, I've heard people say that the first season is really slow?
Another problem with Nisekoi is the art style. I know that some people may like it or aren't too fused over art. I don't know, it just kind of bugs me. (also, the first season of Nisekoi was 20 episodes long, rather than 15!)
Oh, I've heard of Waiting in the Summer! I actually have it on my 'to watch' list so hopefully I'll get around to it soon. I love cute romances in anime such as Chuunibyou. It's much nicer and, I suppose, happier to watch than something constantly turbulent like Golden Time.
Nisekoi is a harem so it pretty much just farts around. The show is pretty much entirely focused on a group of four girls and their relationship with the main character Raku. Even on the last episode of the last season there was no development really.
I know what you mean though, I'm getting tired of all the 'almost' romance animes out there. But then again, some of the purely romance based animes are some of the worst things I've watched such as Golden Time (those two just weren't good for each other) and My Little Monster (girl meets psychopath).
Assassination Classroom - also watching, it's brilliant
Mikagura School Suite - terrible art style but an enjoyable series so far, reminds me of Baka to Test
Nisekoi: - the second season of Nisekoi. I hate the art style but kind-of like the characters
Seraph of the End - also watching, really enjoying
Yamada-Kin and the Seven Witches - when I saw the trailer I hated it but don't judge it by the terrible trailer or name! It's actually a really funny serious and likeable series. I would really recommend it
I watched Tokyo Ghoul uncensored on Kiss Anime but the second season hasn't been released uncensored yet, annoyingly... in saying that, the second season was pretty terrible anyway.
I'm not sure about watching Attack on Titan, I've heard such mixed reviews of it...