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Kimitachi wa Dou Ikiru ka
Jan 6, 2024 3:21 PM
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Mononoke Movie: Karakasa
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iliaoi Aug 1, 2022 12:09 PM
Hi, just wanted to say that I've enjoyed looking for new stuff here and got some ideas from your ratings when I tried deciding to watch something or not. Glad to add you as one of my first friends after joining MAL. Happy Birthday and have a great year ahead!
Quazar Mar 26, 2019 6:23 PM
We did not study Guido Buzzelli at least not that i remember. Definitely Tezuka and Otomo the two most important figures in manga at least how i see it. Basically redefined the entire industry. France always has had the greatest appreciation for comics although America at a time was very passionate for them it has dwindled much. For some reason superhero movies are popular but that does not translate well to the comics as I find most of the modern superhero stuff pretty bland, then again even some of the older stuff isn't that great in terms of heroes. I will be sure to check out you recommendations in time going to try to pick up lots of fumetti during my trip to Italy.
Quazar Mar 25, 2019 12:19 PM
Actually I am a mathematics student I am planning on doing something in that field, possible in either mathematical physics or topology if I can figure that out. I am doing a minor in Italian, which is not a full degree but a supplemental. One of my professors is one of the only Americans who studies Italian comics. She is planning to write a book about Italian comics and their history/influence. I had her for my intro to language class and then she told me about her comics class so I had to take it. In that particular class we learned about the origin of comics from Bilbolbul to Toppolino to comics under fascism like Dick Fulmine, Marmitone, La Piccola Italiana and the early magazines like Corriere dei Piccoli. We also talked about Tex, Buzzati's Poem Strip, Diabolik and Corto when dealing with the 1960-70s comics. Then it was onto the 80s magazines Cannibale, Frigidaire, Il Male which we didnt fully read any stories but talked more about the history and significance. So we learned about Pazienza, Tamburini and others I do not remember. For the slightly more modern stuff she had us look at Dylan Dog, Gipi "Notes for a war story" and Mattotti "Fires". Overall, I really enjoyed the class because I loved comics and before I had not read many comics from Italy and knew absolutely nothing of their history. I had read Sharaz-de and the Collector but that was the extent of my Italian comic library before taking the course. Since then, I have been deeply invested in fumetti as I think they are awesome with Corto being one of my new favorites. I guess it is more of a hobby or passion than a career although I do enjoy comics I don't see myself making one at least not on my own. I have a brother and he is more into the arts/writing and he also likes comics so if I made a comic it would probably be in collaboration with him, where I do more of the writing and less of the drawing. But of course neither of us are pros and time tends to dictate these things, with university work still being forefront for me it would have to be something I would look at doing later on.

About the industry differences again since I find this interesting. Japan's comic industry is very different in lots of respects and we didn't go fully into this in the class but we did talk briefly of the structure of comics. Where western comics follow similar breakdown of panels and storytelling, in general of course. Where certain transitions dominate in the west, action to action being prominent, Japan on the other hand has comics that are built differently with different transitions etc. If you haven't read already I would recommend checking out Scott Maccloud's "Understanding Comics", something I should read again myself. I do wish that the industry in Japan allowed for better auteur comics and a more expressive underground.
Quazar Mar 24, 2019 10:55 AM
The mother load! This list is awesome man thanks a ton. I won't be going to Italy until the summer but this will be awesome to have when we hit up a Fumetteria and not just the edicola. I remember now that my cousin got Tex and Dylan Dog at the edicola since he isn't a comic guy so that explains why that was his first choice and not a fumetteria.

As for Toppi I already have the release of Sharaz De which I also really enjoy that release is fantastic as well as THe Collected Works of Toppi vol 1 which I haven't gotten to read yet. I have not read Magnus, Francois Bourgeon or Hermann so I will have to add them to my list. I have read Nikopol by Bilal hoping to get some more of his other stuff. I also will be getting Druillet's Loane sloane, salambo and yragael and urm the mad. I will look for Una Storia by Gipi as well. I do know of Jacques Tardi but haven't read any of his stuff. I also know of Giardino but have not read. I have yet to read Manara's Bergman because the Dark Horse releases are out of print, they have MAnara's collabs with Pratt still in print but the others are harder to find. Crepax i am actually planning on buying the Fantagraphics english release hardcover collection. Which is expensive but well worth it in my opinion. I want some Pazienza as well since i learned about him in my fumetti course but haven't read any of his long form comics only excerpts from Frigidaire and Il Male

I am still relatively new to Euro comics since my outlet into them was through American comics and Manga, but now they are quickly becoming my favorite. To your critique of manga I definitely agree, it is very hard to find a high quality manga that can even compare to the euro comics I have been reading. Even works like Berserk, Jojo, FMA which are pretty universally acclaimed by manga fans look amateur next to anything drawn by Toppi, Breccia, Gimenez etc and in writing too they aren't nearly as strong. I think Ultra Heaven and other Koike works can hold up and stuff like Blame, Vagabond, Akira as well but for the majority of manga not even close.

Quazar Mar 23, 2019 1:52 PM
I'm not sure how to spell edicolaria but i believe that is what my cousin was saying for book stores we could find comics. But he doesn't know comics so probably fumetteria is the better choice. I will remember Starshop and Alastor thanks for that. I will try to get Ultra Heaven 1 and 2 just to have and again thanks for the tip that there isnt more I would have searched forever for it. I have definitely picked up more and more European and Argentinian comics as I am enjoying those more than most manga although I have been into Tezuka and Gunnm recently. I actually took an course on fumetti at my school last semester which introduced me to lots of great Italian comics as I had only really been going through French ones like Obscure Cities and Moebius/Jodorowsky stuff. Yeah Koike definitely is one of the most Euro-esque manga artists which is probably why I enjoy his work so much since i love the euro style. Any good recommendation of euro comics that you particularly like?
Quazar Mar 18, 2019 6:31 PM
Ayyo my dude I seen your profile on Koike Keiichi's page and I noticed we got lots of the same favorites but more importantly, tu sei Neapolitan? Mia famiglia abita in Nocera. Capisco un po italiano. Viaggero' in Italia quest'estate. Cos'e' un'edicolaria che tu suggerisci? Is Keiichi Koike stuff published in Italian? I got copies in French and Japanese but it would be unreal to finally get something of his that I could actually read, well eventually I will be able to read Italian better still learning as of now. Better than my french and japanese will ever be at least. Let's chat if you got the time i'll be on here or pm me for discord. Look forward to talking with you.
juudeap May 11, 2018 10:05 AM
Ottimo, allora cercherò di avvicinarmi a Zappa, King Crimson e Amon Duul II il prima possibile.
Grazie mille! :)
juudeap May 10, 2018 1:55 PM
Quanta roba... andiamo con ordine.
Il Prog è un genere a cui mi sto avvicinando non da moltissimo tempo, forse un annetto scarso. Condividiamo sicuramente Tangerine Dream, Klaus Schulze, Neu! e Gong. Gli altri li ho sentiti o poco (Zappa, Soft Machine, Vand Der Graaf e PF) o per niente. Fra Coltrane, Davis e Mingus quello che preferisco è Coltrane, mentre Sun Ra lo ascolto raramente.
Il mio genere principale è l'Elettronica e posso forse dire che gli Autechre sono i miei artisti musicali preferiti in assoluto, poi fra quelli che adoro in ambito elettronica ci sono Boards of Canada, Squarepusher, Fennesz, Four Tet, Tim Hecker, Oneohtrix Point Never e i "big" della Prog Electronic come i sopracitati Tangerine Dream e Schulze.
Altri gruppi e artisti che mi piacciono di più e che non ho già citato sono: Comus, Sweet Trip, Popol Vuh, Koenjihyakkei, Ruins, Eskaton, Cocteau Twins, Sheena Ringo, Laurel Halo, mùm, David Sylvian, Tujiko Noriko ecc..
Per avvicinarmi ai King Crimson cosa mi consiglieresti?
juudeap May 8, 2018 9:00 AM
Ho scritto "fan" per convenienza, spero tu non l'abbia inteso come fanboy o altro...
Comunque wow, che coincidenza enorme. Che altri gruppi/artisti o anche solo generi ti piacciono?
juudeap May 6, 2018 1:48 PM
No dai, non dirmi che sei un fan dei Magma :D
I miei album preferiti sono Üdü Ẁüdü, Live e Köhntarkösz
te li butto lì così, per sfizio :))
Shiki96 Apr 19, 2018 6:50 AM
Oh ma pensa, anch'io sono un amante del settore videoludico, ormai manca solo quello musicale in quel blog (altra mia grande passione viscerale).Quasi quasi mi iscrivo xD
Shiki96 Apr 19, 2018 2:33 AM
Ahhhh ecco!Ho letto qualche vostra discussione (da lurker dato che non sono iscritto) del blog ed è li che ho visto il tuo nickname, molto bello come angolo per discutere su autori di nicchia (che a conti fatti sono quelli che mi interessano maggiormente, soprattutto in ambito seinen/gekiga, faccio un'eccezione solo per Urasawa e pochi altri xD)
Shiki96 Apr 17, 2018 12:59 PM
Capisco il tuo punto di vista riguardo Mawaru, personalmente avrei però preferito una sceneggiatura più consistente e non che uscisse solo negli ultimi episodi e delle simbologie meglio inserite, alcune mi son sembrate solamente un esercizio di stile fine a se stesso (solo Ikuhara poteva capirle certe simbologie).Per il cast di personaggi alcuni li ho trovati riusciti, alcuni mi hanno deluso (il prof e la modella bionda su tutti, certi momenti con loro erano abbastanza meh).Comunque ciò che hai detto riguardo Utena mi rassicura e mi da speranza, Mawaru alla fine non la reputo una brutta opera sia chiaro (anche se il fandom di Ikuhara è abbastanza insopportabile).Grazie per i consigli su Kago, vediamo un po' se questo folle riuscirà a conquistarmi xD.

PS: una curiosità, per caso sei il Texhnolyze di Animeclick?
Shiki96 Apr 16, 2018 9:15 AM
Non preoccuparti.Ikuhara vorrei dargli un altra possibilità dato che Mawaru la reputo una serie con un grande potenziale andato parzialmente sprecato, ho trovato delle inconsistenze e delle mancanze nella sceneggiatura unito a dei personaggi che, in alcune circostanze, agivano in maniera stupida e forzata.Comunque alla fin fine non posso dire di non averlo apprezzato, ha indubbiamente i suoi momenti e alcuni personaggi li ho trovati ben caratterizzati (la sorella su tutti).Utena già dall'incipit mi ispira decisamente di più ed anche a livello di tematiche, spero proprio di apprezzarlo.

Per quanto riguarda Ghost in the Shell ho ovviamente amato i film di Oshii e non vedo l'ora di cimentarmi nella serie TV.Eden anche mi ispira tantissimo, soprattutto l'aspetto puramente sci-fi (aspetto di avere un po' più di fondi per prendere la deluxe).

Per Kago si so già a cosa vado incontro essendomi informato un po', mi ha incuriosito non poco.Da quali opere consigli di iniziare per approcciarsi a lui?
Shiki96 Apr 13, 2018 3:38 AM
Ops, mi sono dimenticato di scriverti qualcosa, rimedio subito.

Ho visto che avevi l'avatar di Texhnolyze e che eri italiano e ho sentito l'impulso irrefrenabile di aggiungerti.E' raro trovare un italiano a cui piaccia questa serie, ed è ancor più raro trovare qualcuno con cui discuterci in modo serio.A parte ciò ho dato una sbirciata ai tuoi favorites, ottimi gusti.Degli anime che hai in lista me ne mancano alcuni a cui sono molto interessato (Utena, Mononoke, Kemonozume, Kino no Tabi e la serie di Gits), idem per i manga (interessatissimo da tempo ad Eden da grande amante del cyberpunk quale sono, Ultra Heaven e le opere di Shintaro Kago).
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