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  • Total Entries175
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Neysiii17 Aug 23, 2024 11:11 AM
Sup bro ..
ChaximelOld Jan 3, 2020 2:53 AM
From browsing through friends lists', nice to meet you ^_^
ChaximelOld Jan 2, 2020 6:31 PM
Kaizoku-Otaku Mar 14, 2017 6:53 AM
Damn! I am so jealous, I also wish a long break...

Oh, Hibike was pretty amazing, I also need to watch season 2, hopefully, I will get to it soon. KonoSuba S2 is my AOTS, I fucking love it. We need a season 3 announcement after the last episode, I need more, this is just too good. Kobayashi is a nice SOL, I am sure you'll enjoy it. Youjou Senki is pretty meh (imo) but the MC is pretty fun to watch and is the reason I am watching it, the opening and ending songs are also very kick ass.

Finished YYH not so long ago (few months ago). It was a pretty good watch, just a shame it was rushed...

I am good (so far). Finished "K-on!" not too long ago, this was such a nice anime, I love the characters and the environment is so warm and cozy. Going to finish off season 2 today, and watch the movie, will really miss this anime :(
Kaizoku-Otaku Mar 11, 2017 12:37 PM
Thank you, glad you like my profile, and thanks for the FR too.

So, what's up? :)
_LorDNiCo_ Oct 5, 2016 8:00 PM
Oh yeah, heard of Haikyuu, not a big fan of vollyball, but, is it a good though? In your opinion, where does Kuroko no Basket and Haiykuu hold in your book? Is one rated than the other? I'd like to watch Haikyuu but I'm unsure of it.
_LorDNiCo_ Oct 4, 2016 11:59 PM
Haven't been using MAL lately, but since it was birthday on the 2nd. Sorry, I know it's late but, Happy 'Belated' Birthday bro! Also, just finished the whole Kuroko no Basket series, amazing anime, definitely recommend it to you! You don't need to know basketball in order to wacth it!
LightSpectrum Jul 7, 2016 9:07 PM
Hmm, well Valkyrie Drive's boob physics are absolutely wrong and hilarious so I MAY just check out that beach episode to see what other atrocities may occur haha. Also, who doesn't love the classic obligatory beach episode for fanservice?? lmao

Yeah, nice meeting you too! It's cool to talk to someone else about common interests. Hopefully we'll be able to chat again in the future ~ :)
LightSpectrum Jul 6, 2016 10:38 PM
Yeah, I originally just meant to give you titles but I kind of got carried away lol (=u=);

Mhmm, well I guess it should be expected that different cultures have different names for the same (-ish) things. Haha I feel the same way. The names are kind of just pronounced in a weird blur in my head. (Even worse when I say try saying their names aloud).

Yes, in fact, I actually have seen some of Valkyrie Drive: Mermaid. Dude, you're so right, that show was really wild. I dropped the series though because the ecchi wasn't really my thing. Is it worth finishing? (I only saw like 3 episodes so I guess I could've given it some more chances).

I don't have either, sorry :( . But I DO have a tumblr (however, I know that's not the same thing at all lmao). I have a link to it on my profile :).
LightSpectrum Jul 5, 2016 10:59 PM
Wow, you really believe in my ability to recommend titles which aren't total trash. I hope I don't disappoint you!

Okay, a yuri series I REALLY recommend is called "Their Story" by Tan Jiu. It's technically not a manga (it's Chinese so it's a manhua) but I really enjoy it a lot! The manhua is ongoing, cute, and funny, but some angst does show up in later pages (though it isn't too heavy in that department). Translated pages can be found on

For anime, it seems like you have covered a lot of the main series so this could be a bit more difficult. I mostly enjoyed Yuri Kuma Arashi but let me tell you, that was one hell of a WEIRD ASS show. For many, it's either you hate it or you love it, really. It's super surreal, there's symbolism everywhere, and ngl some parts were p cringy, buuuuut, there's a LOT of yuri and the message can be profound if you stick around to get it. This show really takes an open mind and patience, though, so I wouldn't say it's for everyone. If you're feeling bold, yeah, check it out, but it's totally fine if you pass it up considering how peculiar it is~

Whoa, that turned out to be very very long. Sorry, haha. I hope these recommendations aren't too bad. Best wishes in reading/watching! :)
LightSpectrum Jul 5, 2016 10:05 AM
I don't personally own the game (I'm too broke for that lol) but I did manage to play the last Weekly Brawl on a friend's PC a couple times.
Mhmm, Pharah is one of my top heroes too! I usually stick to her or Mercy anyways, so the Weekly Brawl wasn't too much of a change for me.

I definitely can recommend some yuri schtuffs. Just hit me up on your preferences (angst? fluff? moe af?) and I'll hook you up with titles~
LightSpectrum Jul 5, 2016 1:14 AM
Ah, someone who gets me! It's cool meeting new people with shared interests.
Talk to me anytime!

Yeah, my dude, Pharmercy is definitely the best Overwatch ship. 11/10 for that wonderful gay shit right there 👌
Pikachu Jun 15, 2016 9:28 PM
Sorry, forgot to respond. I am a business administration major. What about you? I just started summer classes, their tough as hell. Idk if yours are like ours, but with ours its an entire semester crammed into like a month of classes so its really tough.
Pikachu May 16, 2016 12:34 AM
Yepp. Not really much, just catching up on school work. Havent gotten to talk much in the group or watch much anime. What about you?
Julis2 May 14, 2016 10:38 PM
I did not see, and neither knew
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