The name's Terenë. That's my usual internet alias, and it's actually a translation of my real first name into one of Tolkien's Elvish languages, Quenya. In case anyone's wondering, it's pronounced roughly TEH-reh-neh. It's also properly spelt Terenë but simplified to Terene for the sake of ease.
Yes, I'm a long-time, dyed-in-the-wool Tolkien fan. That's the one interest of mine that runs deeper than any other, including my current obsession with anime and manga. That's saying a lot, since this last year or so has turned me into a positively flaming otaku, in the least derogatory sense of the word, of course. I've always had a tendency to be obsessive.
Which brings me to the point: anime and manga! My history properly begins around December 2008. So, I'm a bit of a latecomer to the delights of Japanese entertainment (and Japanese pop culture in general), but I like to think I've made up for lost time in sheer spirit. I'm afraid once upon a time I was one of those scoffers, until one day I had an epiphany—some of this stuff is actually aimed at adults! (Oh my!) All right, so by that, I really mean two things. One, I once thought that anime and manga were the fare of children and young teens, and I was surprised and extremely pleased to discover that many series feature complex, intelligent plots; multi-dementional characters; and deep, mature themes. Two, I am a pervert.
Confession time: I came into anime and manga through boys' love games. Stumbled across a random picture; found it, ahem, intriguing; did some research; played several games; then finally branched out into anime. I believe the first series I completed was Gakuen Heaven.
Actually, my closest friend had gotten into Bleach during the previous summer and had coerced me into watching the first episode. I disliked it. That could be due to several things, the most likely one being that we watched it in English. Either way, I didn't revisit it until around March 2009, when I thought that I should give it another go (this time in Japanese). After forcing my way through the first few episodes, I suddenly discovered I was hooked, (and the Japanese voice acting was a marked improvement). After that, there was no going back. Bleach remains one of my favorite anime (and one of my favorite manga), and though I am aware of its flaws, my opinion will always be biased. Apparently, not only am I an obsessive pervert, but I am a sentimental, obsessive pervert. I can live with that.
Naturally, after getting to be quite the anime fan, I eventually expanded my horizons to include manga, and my pocketbook will probably never be the same again.
[further content pending]
NOTE: I do NOT accept random friend requests. I don't care to be just a number on someone else's list, nor do I need people to increase my number of friends. If you truly want to be my friend, try conversing a little first.
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