Anime History Last Anime Updates

Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru. Zoku
May 25, 2015 10:01 AM
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Manga History Last Manga Updates
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'Just wanted to take a moment to thank you for the interesting read and for competently defending my and the others' viewpoint concerning the show in our absence. That was certainly a pleasant surprise.
Usually, I have to write something, and then let it sit for a couple hours (sometimes a day), then come back and re-read it. I have to read it out loud, and then try to make sure that it all works. With these recent reviews, I've been writing them in one sitting, and usually it takes about 40-50 min. And since I've seen these films about a year ago, I'm doing a lot of them from my memory. Granted, I've seen these films a lot prior. So I suppose they are etched into my consciousness. The reason I've been hammering them out, as opposed to letting them cook is, I've been viewing these as a daily exercise. To get my juices flowing, and to get me back into the swing of things. I'm still quite weak from the cancer. Even though I've recovered, I have to get my strength back. And so these reviews are like, a daily challenge to myself.
Gah, I am ranting now. :P Anyways, it means so much to me to hear you talk about my writing that way. I grew up on forums, and I got really good at "conversational writing". I think, that helps me in my reviews, as I try to write like I'm talking to someone. Kind of how I'm doing this now with you. The other aspect to my reviews, is that I don't want to focus on plot. Because I feel like, if people want plot, they will go watch the anime (or read the summary). When I worked in the business, I was never a fan of how many reviewers basically did plot summary.
To me, it's far more important to try to sum up the themes, and what it as art, brings out its audience emotionally. I would much rather "analyze", and try to talk about what is under the surface. I mean, plot obviously matters. And there wouldn't be any of those things, without plot acting as the platform for all of this to happen. But I again, just think people should watch the anime, or read a summary rather than read a "review" for that.
Although, I do feel that, maybe sometimes, people don't like the style my reviews are in. But in my heart, it just feels right. Thanks again for the comments, they do mean a great deal to me. worries about the cancer stuff. It is kind of strange. Like how do you talk about it. Well, I will say, I am very happy to be alive. To have survived. To have kicked Cancer's butt! To live another day, so I can keep writing reviews.
I 100% plan on watching Season 2 of Snafu. I just, want to wait for it to be finished. I mean, I never understood people that wrote reviews for a show that isn't over. I guess those reviews are a "review in progress". But I'm the kind of person that has to actually take in the entire art, before I can kind of, digest it all, and get my thoughts out on it. I appreciate the support though, and I can't wait to write that review.
As much as people liked my review, there were plenty of things that I wish I would have talked about. LASTLY, sorry for this long comment. It's like the length of a review! I actually wrote all of this in 5 min. So as you can see, my brain kind of vomits out ideas and my fingers move super quick. :P
<3 Ellie
To answer your first question, I used to be part of a chat club which was notorious among mods and users alike in here. Therefore, half of my posts came from there and the other half just from general posting in the main forums. This also explains why I don't have that many comments compared to other people. Regarding the fact of not having any comments however, it is due to my policy of deleting comments once I have read it and I deemed the conversation have ended.
About OreGairu, yes, I have read all of the LNs translated as of now. I read the LNs a few days after I wrote "OreGairu S2 - Thoughts; Expectations and Concerns" blog post because of Hikigaya's monologue at the end of episode 2. I just can't seem to understand why he said that. It bothered me to no end and I felt I was missing something very important from show. Something I might have overlook. I tried reading some posts here and there for explanations but I still don't get it. Thanks to that, I spent a couple of days trying to figure it out to no avail. Then, I decided to rewatch the whole of season again to make sure I didn't miss anything crucial about this Hachiman character and everyone else in the anime. Still unable to figure it though till I decided to read the LNs that is.
The LNs are so much better compared to the anime in fleshing out both the characters and the problems revolving around them. Boring at times due to how long winded it is but I thoroughly enjoy reading it. It felt good and I love it. I have been converted so to speak.
To be honest, I just can't seem to enjoy the anime as much I used to anymore especially season 2. Although I like the first installment more than the sequel, I don't think it adapted the LNs well enough. As I said before, the anime portrayed Hachiman under a positive light as you can see with people relating him to Batman(wth) and the current mass hating of Yukino. Most of LN readers know that isn't the case in the LNs when Hachiman constantly question himself over his actions. Do I blame them? No because that's the anime fault for leading people believe those kind of things. Hence, I can't say I am satisfied with the anime because I believe there is plenty of room for improvement while maintaining the purpose of the story. I also believe if the anime actually made an effort to keep the monologues intact as much as possible, people will make less assumptions on their own and hastily judge a character based on their limited knowledge. I appreciate those tiny little details explained in the LNs using Hachiman's monologues because those details albeit small, they make the characters more realistic as they do in the real world. You can connect more to the characters and I think that it is very important factor in OreGairu.