i watch a lot of anime and play a lot of games for my age.... all my relatives say im a lost cause. Pro Osu! player... well kinda https://osu.ppy.sh/users/23760527 Check out my genshin characters https://enka.network/u/621416064/ WARNING!!!! READ LONG BIO AT YOUR OWN RISK! U MIGHT NEVER GET BACK THE 15 MINUTES OF YOUR LIFE THAT I STOLE
I am the handle of my mop
Rags are my body, and detergent is my blood
I have scrubbed over a thousand floors
Unknown to sick leave
Nor known to pay
Have withstood abuse to sweep many
Yet those hands will never hold money
So as I clean, Unlimited Maid Works!
WELCOME TO MY LONG BIO! My real name is Daniel. You can call me whatever you want though. Go to bottom of the endless dungeon(my bio) for bad and i mean bad jokes (gaming jokes and anime jokes).
My Switch friend code:SW-6230-1484-5338
Friend me on xbox:UrWaifuTrash#810
Steam Friend Code:1153193075, DISCLAIMER: I rarely use my steam
I'm open to talk about anything with anyone. Just give me ur IP adress and.....jk. we can talk about books, politics, games, anime, shows, manga, sports, and if u like star wars or pokemon then I'm gonna be up all over u bombing u with questions i also like science
My Favorite types of characters are musclebound retards. HELL YEAH!!!!
My favourite colors are Red, Black, and pink. so if a character has Red or pink hair, then that makes them a favourite. black haired characters dont count because, well, thats self explanotary.
Rules for watching hentai:
1. no loli or shoutacons
2. no incest
3. no more than 2 people at once
4. no ugly bastard
5. no NTR
I watch anime for fights and action, What about You?
Inspirational Quotes That Make Me Feel Good
"When I die, I wanna be reincarnated as a clam" -Luffy
"Why do women have butts on their chest?" -Goku
"Look around Eren, Do you see all these bigass trees...." -Levi
"I am the flaming Moltres!" -James
"Where on Earth did he get that costume?" -Jessie
"Staright outta his closet" -Meowth
“It's following Pikachu around like its a streaker or something.” - Ash
“Ash you mean a STALKER!” – Brock
"So, I asked my friend,
'Who is Saber?'
And you know what he said,
'Which one?'"
-The anime man
"I'll take a beef and rice combo,
but without the beef." -Fuutarou
"I'm going to watch Fate,
In the Grand Order.....
................Damn I'm funny.........." -My stupidity
here is something to use when people are being stupid
Some random stuff
Pokemon charcters of the month
Oh yeah, this isn't changing at all. I shoulda named it, "pokemon characters of the LIFETIME" and sorry Pokemon_Fan123, Blue isnt making this list
It's Here! My top 50 pokemon
So, I love rainbow six seige. Here are my top 5 ops of all time
the talking meowth is broken because it can talk. that breaks reality. the reason why the talking meowth isnt in any of the pokemon games is because its toooooo broken to even put in a game. if a cat can talk then its probably a god. meowth can easily slap goku and saitama. im going to get cancer pills now
“We do have a lot in common.
The same air, the same Earth, the same sky.
Maybe if we started looking at
what's the same instead of
always looking at what's different,
...well, who knows?”
― Meowth
Mugi from K-on is broken because she can command anyone and anything. she doesnt have to say anything! all she has to do is look at it and if she doesnt like it then it just dissapers (my spelling is bad) from existance
levi is broken thats just common knowledge. this man has an army of fangirls and fanboys. the thing that makes the most broken is that with every year he gets older, the sexier this lad becomes. the dude is like 50. and if he flexes his muscules the psi from the force is enough to knock over 3 empire state buildings
None needed
the entire yukihira line is broken because their base stats are off the charts. being able to win a battle by scent alone makes u god tier. any character that can get an instant win is stronger than god.
No Evidence Needed
i will explain why ash is broken. there is this one pokemon cosmoem which weighs 999kg and ash was able to carry that thing no sweat. he was also able to outrun greninja who is faster than garchomp who is faster than sound. and ash is a chad. dude gets a harem anywhere he goes so that makes him instintaly broken.
"Any anime character with red eyes, has the Sharingan, making them the strongest, so that means that Rei, Kurapika, Yumeko, ect. are the strongest" - No one important
I have been an anime fan since i was 8 but when i was 8 i didnt even know what anime was. by the time i was 9 i have already seen 15 anime. now i have heard of anime then and i was like' "what is this anime thing that i hear all the older people talkin' 'bout" and little did little daniel know (my name is daniel btw) that he has been watchin anime this whole time. i watched stuff like yugioh, doremon, pokemon, digimon, naruto, dbz, highschool dxd(ha u thought). and then in 2016 i found out what anime was.
AOT is a gundam
favorite hentai is cherygals
The Best Jojo Poses
Update for Nov.4: this is my first time i got a warning. but i guess i derserved it because i was trolloing and trying to piss people off with "accurate" powerscaling.
If im not online then it means im in class or doing something important with my life like eating, sleeping, reading, doing sports, or taking a crap.
the way i do ratings is on how much i enjoyed it. Do keep in mind that I normally rate manga high. I only give 30 anime/manga perfect scores. if there is a show/book that i would rate a 10/10 and i already have 30 shows/books then i move one that was origionally a 10/10 to a 9/10 or i just rate the show/book that i really liked as a 9/10. i dont rate: movie recaps, episode recaps, picture dramas, movie specials, episode specials, and something like trigger chan (how can i rate something that is literaly 30 seconds long). i will only rate a series after i have seen 3-5 episodes of it. to me, anything that is not a 6 or higher is considered bad Remember, that is how i feel about it i know its a shitty way of rating things
1-5:bad. couldnt sastify me. wouldnt watch it again.
6: C: met my expectations. it was ok, not something that i would defend or recomend.
7: B: enjoyed it. would defend it if i had to. would watch again if i felt like it. high enough to get recommended.
8: A: really liked it. would deffenitly defend it. would also rewatch and get merch associated with this show/book.
9: S: amazing, would be something that i would talk about all day, had a couple of things that could have been fixed, but overall, i really liked it.
10: S+: perfect. just a 9 but is something that if i hear someone talk trash about, then i would be up in their face (i wouldnt) is something that i would deffenitly watch 5 times again.
my top 5 anime op/ed, Black Catcher, SASAGEYO!!!!!, Inkya Impulse, veil, and torture dance. im too lazy to put in the songs in my bio even thou i put in all this shit
All Comments (93) Comments
Absolute superb