I'm a very quiet person; yup an introvert, ̶a̶n̶ ̶a̶m̶b̶i̶v̶e̶r̶t̶ ̶r̶a̶t̶h̶e̶r̶ you are close to me or not, I'm still the same. If you want to know me, talk to me ~ I don't bite.

I'm always short on words so if I answer with a few words it's because I don't know what to say and not because I don't want to talk to you.

If I suddenly want to do everything with you, it’s a BIG DEAL. I develop that kind of comfort slowly. It’s not in my nature to want to be with people all the time, so take it as the ultimate sign of interest.

Well I am frank with open and broad mind. I have respect for others and have respect for their feelings too. I am quite sensitive and I care about you if you are close to me and if you're not, then also I will do. I can adjust almost everywhere and with everyone. I hate those who are fake. I am confident in what ever I do. My life has been full of ups and downs and now I have learned how to deal with it. I can do anything and everything for the people I love and care about. And I love to make good friends. All the religions are equal for me even an atheists. We all are friends in the whole world. And I believe in Humankind

I'm me. Everyone has a different view of me depending how well you know me. Anyways...

If you knew me yesterday, you don't know me anymore. I grow daily. I don't believe in karma, I'm a believer of grace and mercy.
People can be mean and rude to me,
because of my weirdness or I did stupid stuffs but if they don't respect me, I still show them what respect is.
Everybody got their secret battles that they face everyday. Bad tempered people tend to overreact to little things. They might get jealous out of nowhere, they can be overprotective and moody at the wrong time,
I never know what kind of things someone is going through mentally. One of the nicest thing I can do in life is to be kind to others. Help people without anything in return,

but a good feeling inside knowing you did something to make a difference. Little things add up, and become bigger in the end.

Yawajoshi book

I'm level

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Rest in peace itlogirl...
Hope you rest well!