How my ratings (usually) translate into words:
Something so horrible I want to erase from my memory.
Repulsive, it screams from the bottom of it's lungs: Kill me, turn me off, I hate myself! It's so bad that it's not even funny. I mean seriously, it takes some effort to keep watching it.
Garbage, the only reason to finish it is either curiosity or to laugh at how bad it is.
Bad either in a regular sense, or just painfully mediocre.
Mediocre but not unwatchable. It's right at the line between me wanting to keep watching it beacuse I don't have anything better to do and turning it off beacuse it's just not that interesting.
6: It's
OK in general. It has plenty of flaws which bog it down but not to the point where it removes enjoyment value in it completely. It's a mostly average show which has enough qualities to make you at least a bit interested in it.
Pretty good, serviceably good. It's something that I enjoyed for the most part, but isn't very remarkable,or it's inconsistent in quality, or there was something specific about it that irritated me and didn't make me rate it higher.
Great, something that I was pleased with throughout, doesn't have big dips in quality and gets most aspects right without having any major, dealbreaker flaws against my liking.
Excellent, something that I had a blast watching, that kept me hooked in, and which at it's high points is amazing. It's very close to being a ten, it can be impactful and definitely something worth revisiting, but it simply does not feel like the end of the scale for me, there's one more step to be taken for it to reach the top.
Fantastic, an anime so good it blew me away. It pulls you in and wakes emotions from you like not every anime does, and sticks with you long after you finish it. Generally it's just as enjoyable as a 9, but it achieves greater things from my point of view, be it in terms of the beauty of what it represents, the power of the things it makes you feel, or by simply being an incredible spectacle to follow. It's hard to generalise as what makes a 10/10 for me varies from case to case, so it's pretty much "I'll know it when I see it."
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