How do I rate shows:
10: Masterpiece (of the genre or of anime in general): Unmatched, insane writing, well-written characters. Is the pioneer of the tropes/genre, way ahead of its time, stand through the test of time (namely 15-20 years), my favourite animes and cannot be replicate by any means. Highly recommend for people, especially the ones who have a lot of experience with anime.
(a 10 with “high priority” = my most favourites, almost flawless, subjectively perfect.)
9: An insanely good show that is shadowed by an even better following season. Has everything in the 10 catergory but leaves a lot of unanswered questions when it ends or lacking the animation/music/ rushed ending/ not-so-good at the first few episodes but quickly becomes a phenomenon. Brought some new fresh air to the genre it featured highly recommend for most people. Done something that few writers are capable of. Hits hard right into the heart + makes me cry a lot.
(9 with “high” priority is a 10 that gate-keeping upcomings anime when I consider it to be a 10)
8.Has noticeable flaws that cannot be forgiven, nuanced view about the world but predictable and the ending is kinda weird. Really enjoyable as a whole, recommend for a niche type of watchers.
7.I started to forget a lot of things when I finished this show. Felt like an empty ride with nothing in my mind. The premise is promising but is executed not so good, tho the production quality stands out a lot compared to others shows. Sometimes I don’t know why I like this show. Recommend for new anime watchers.
6.Generic at its base, tho it has a lot of good take, the progression of the story is good and can be better if the writer touch more grass or handed to the better director. And maybe headed in the wrong direction (E.g: It could’ve been good SoL show but tried too hard to be in a serious tone)
5.A filler anime, with basically nothing in it. Not bad nor good either way. Has a lot of questionable scene that can be totally removed to make the anime better. Not recommend for new comers/ the ones with less experience in anime. I don’t remember anything about this, at all.
4.Subjectively bad anime, it is not for me/ has bad animation/ bad plot/ insanely rushed ending/ pacing is questionable. I do remember most of its. If I finished 70% of a show then dropped it, I might be from this point or lower.
3.Watchable but require a lot of patient to sit through the whole thing. Gives me pain (in the cringy way whenever I hear its name)
2.Hot garbage that made me quit watching anime for months, bad at almost everything. Nothing is delivered nor makes sense. Completely threw away every charater it built up.
1.A horrible shit that makes no sense, the characters are unrealistic in everyway possible, the writing sucks so bad that I’d rather eat grass than watching this/ completely ruins the whole franchise. Cannot be replicate by any means cause it is so bad. Not recommend for everyone, just stay away from it. (Unless you really like to eat trashy stuff)
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