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Haikyuu!! Karasuno Koukou vs. Shiratorizawa Gakuen Koukou
Nov 27, 2018 6:49 PM
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Hey Everybody, very serious message from le Creator of RACE
Please read carefully
Hello Fabulous member of RACE!!
Thank you so much to Dj for helping me send this out x_x
i think i would seriously die if i did it myself ._.
I really wanted to send it out but omg 1631 people @_@
bows deeply please know i wanted to send this to you in person and its from my heart conveyed through this beautiful person
I'm really sorry to not be sending out individual messages to you all, but unfortunately I don't know all of you ... and im lazy x'D
BUT i made this Valentines Day Event in order to get the chance to tell people how much they mean to me :)
Every single person in RACE means so much to me, I'm so happy you joined the club even if you aren't active (though you should be :P)
It means so much that you've stuck with me even when the club died for a bit.
I never imagined that my club would get so big. When i first started it I was hoping to even get 10 people. 20 was beyond my wildest dreams xD Now I'm above 1600!! I opened it just because i had joined mal and seen cards and wanted to try.
I probably shouldn't have made the club as early as i did .... but now I am so glad that I did C: Thank you to everyone that has joined the club, it's been such a pleasure to me watching the club grow and seeing the new people join.
Especially thank you to the people that joined at the very beginning. I'm not giving you a special message because i dont have time but I know who you are and you mean the world to me <3
Thank you all for joining my family ^^ And I hope you'll stick with me for much longer ^^ You're all the best C:
And Happy Belated Valentines Day!!
I have a vacation now of a week, but then tons of exams >.> it's like exam each 2 days because it's against law give everyday, that sucks xD
Snk is the new season of Sword Art Online? and I'm still planning watch Attack on Titan but I think watch some romance short series before it, because I heard it's good and it's short too only 12 eps, and well to be honest I'm mood more for romance or some slice of life simple anime, I don't feel like watch action, I watched Guilty Crown already with action so I want to change a bit, though it got a romance in it also xD
Guilty Crown got a great op in my opinion, the second op was good too and sang by same singer, I loved the song inside it more too, which were about 2-3 only hehe
Ranma is super funny, you should watch it, Gintama I heard is good too but I won't recommend on something that I didn't watch yet.
How many times did you re-watch Kaleido Star? if you did? I watched it 2 times on tv, actually I re-watched the 2 eps I watched on Friday on Saturday, so I re-watched it while watched it first time, I watched this series for 2 times while it was same eps for the next day, so you can say I watched it 4 times, now add 1 more time on comp, I watched 5 times, I remember it so good, really, everything in it, because I don't think there is anime that made me more focused than this one, I just couldn't take off my eyes from it, watch it was like study, I felt I study everything from there, that tought me so much, I didn't want to miss any moment ^^
Yeah when I was in age 10 most of chars were age 14-17 and so old and me so young, and I loved looked at them so high because they were older with more experience and taller, I wanted be like them when I will be older, and now..everyone are in my age or older in 1-2 years or even younger than me, and I feel like they're so much better yet even though we're same age T.T
Think when you finish high school, most of animes are around high schoool life, and you will be a collage student :P
I'm 11th grade, and usually I see the chars in 10th grade >.> and wahh now I feel old damn xD
Haha I see, I didn't watch anime for about 2 weeks I think, just not really mood for it since I back from trip, I more play and focus on reply to comments, maybe I will watch again later, I hope I will have the chance to watch at least 2 series in this vacation .-.
Hmm what about Usagi Drop? or Anohana? (it's sad just warning) Chi's sweet home (only 3 mins per ep and there, 104 eps, you can watch anytime, really cute, funny thigns that cat can do xD), Brothers Conflict is 12 eps, it's short but not really good, it's enjoyable if you're a fan of sexy guys and reverse harem xD
Code Breaker is pretty nice, it's good for a short anime in my opinion.
Corpse Party, the best creepy horror anime, recommend xD you will start think like a sadist after that >:D
Hiyokoi, it's only 1 ova, the manga is longer but it's just show you what will be in the manga I guess, anyway it's really cute, I loved it, kinda remind all those romance animes like Kimi ni Todoke, very enjoyable ^^
Isuukan Friends, really really really recommend, start with that even first, the ed of it in 1 word AWESOME you will can't stop listen to it! ^^ the chars and storyplot and everything so cute and pure, it's so simple and yes so good :D
K is nice anime, not one of the best but the ost and op/ed are good, worth watching :)
White Album 2, MUST WATCH (warning might make you cry in some parts, in the ending for sure xD)
Yami Shibai= collection of creepy stories of 5 mins, should be horror but it's not that scary, still enjoyable xD
Say I love you is a good romance anime that is short
Tasogare Otome x Amnesia is a very good anime also, should be horror but it's not, I liked it, espcially ep10-12 :3
Hope you will enjoy those animes :D tell me if you started one of them, sorry if it's too much xD I recommend you almost all the short animes that I watched and liked xD
Btw I didn't tell you about my trip yet so I will do it now in spoiler, no need to reply to all of it, just read xD
Pics of Halloween in Dragon Nest the game I play :D
Hope you will like them :3 sorry for so many pics xD
I hate school but lucky I started a vacation yesterday until Saturday, then a trip from army for 1 week there we learn how aim with guns and all that xD I think the only thing I love in school is the fact we watch movies in history lessons =w= and maybe literature can be interesting sometimes xD
Well me love most of the genres, my fav would be mystery, romance, drama, action I guess, I love other genres also, I'm love comedy sometimes really a lot, but I think I prefer more drama it makes the anime more interesting, but animes like Ranma 1/2 are super good with comedy so I really recommend ^^ it makes you laugh non stop :)
I watch depend on my mood also, right now it's Guilty Crown, really good songs and ost, I love the storyplpt and the chars but sometimes I don't have an idea what heppens there, and how it's related to the story but still it's good xD I don't have an idea who are the bad guys only see some bad guys that want destroy Japan against the good guys =w=
Still it might be one of my fav though, got romance and rama with slice of life and action, kind of like Code Geass :3
I watch Action only when in mood for that and same goes to horror, usually I prefer slice of life and romance but if get mood for other genre I will change, I just watch few animes from each genre each time according to my mood xD
Yeah it's awesome how so many people rated it 10 and said it was one of the best animes and got tons of good reviews still this anime not even popular and known among most of people T.T first time I watched it was 6 years ago, I'm 16 now and in the age of the main char there Sora, that kinda give me a weird feeling, I feel now in her age, I think what would heppen if I could visit her, I finally in her age now, I'm "old" and "adult" and can do what she can, I'm not a child anymore like in age 10 when I looked on her as like big sister, I re-watched this anime for 5 times and still I want again, one of the few animes that I remember each moment and moment from it, you can say I can read it like from a book tell everything that heppend there xD
I got so addict to it each time I watched it, I was thinking about it all day, and even re-watch it day after that the same eps on tv, I watched it 2 times on week only 2 eps and the same eps, you know, it was on Friday the the same eps on Saturday at the same hour, this anime gave me so many life lessons T_T really one of the best, I just couldn't take off my eyes when I watched it ^^
Clannad was sweet and cute and sad yeah, second season was the best though, the first season got only some eps really good and the others avarage xD still I really loved it though :3
Here a pic that I made from Clannad After Story, hope you will like it ^^
Air was good, for me it was even a bit better than Kannon even though most of people won't agree with me, just my personal opinion I loved all the chars there and the storyplot, for a short anime it was very good I think you should give it a try, some people said it was boring for some reason, I don't know why but they said it only talks about dreams and nothing really heppen there, still I think it was very good and I loved it, you should try it, it's a work of Key after all :) the creators of Clannad, Angel Beats, Kannon, Little Buters ^^
I come here a lot, almost always online but usually updat list or just check stuff not really reply to comments ^^;
Hahaha it's good :D I wonder what kind of animes you like *_*
It's fine don't worry I reply late also :D and hmm I'm fine I think, I have summer vacation now, so hot outside if I go out during the day I feel sucks and fall asleep for 3-4 hours after that so I just stay at home and watch anime or play games all day haha btw...YOU GOT KALEIDO STAR IN YOUR FAV ANIME OMG IT'S MY NUMBER 1 I LOVE IT SO MUCH ;_;
Did you watch Clannad or Air already? :)
I just noticed we never actually talked even though I got you in the friends list :O I guess I just saw you always not active and never log so thought you will never reply me >.>
Anyway, how are you?:)
Hello Everyone of RACE!
Yes I mean everyone! This is a special delivery being sent out to everyone in the club! Whether you signed up for the newsletter or not :P (You should do that btw, if you haven't)
I'm the creator of Random Anime Cards Emporium, Miyuki (formerly Rozzimandias11), if you didn't know....
Special thanks to all my staff that helped with this delivery, it means a lot!
Now for the news
Greetings from Kaleido Star Fans!~
The winner of the 2nd match of the KSF Character Tournament Semi-Finals is, Sora! Thanks for voting!
And now, it's time for the final match, the Finals! Who shall be the champion? The Angel or the Phoenix? You can vote here.
-KSF Admins and newsletter team