Just a few things about me....
Hello! TeaPoppy here!
1st anime- Shakugan no shana
1st manga- Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle
current favorite song- Kiss kiss kiss by SHINee
proud to be born the year of the rat <3 (go yuki!!)
I have a great interest in the Japanese culture which started my love for anime. Now I feel I have become quite the otaku (and fujoshi fufu~). ^^ I hope that one day I can go to Japan and experience some of the daily things that my favorite characters have(the ones from authentic Japan with a semi-normal lifestyle that is). One of the biggest things would be to try all there good sounding foods (especially curry, melon bread, and dango) :D and of course see all the great sights. ^^
So now you know a little about me. thanks for taking some time to read this! Feel free to say hi or something I would love someone to talk to. ^^
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❅Secret Santa 2012 has started!
It'll end on Christmas day, so hurry up and go grab your Christmas goodies now!!
❅Christmas LE will be starting today or tomorrow, so stay tuned.
❅Lastly, go check out the banner competition and vote!
I guess it's time to revive Fai D. Flourite Fanclub a bit.
Would you like to join What would you say to Fai if in person? or Fai crossover pairing(s) discussions?
If not, it would be fantastic if you could make any other topic you like.
Hope to see you in the club! Best!
Oh, Im happy you did well o nthem...im fighting for doing well right now :/
and i start vacations till.....november....great T3T
how do you get bored in vacations? xD (just sleep....that always helps)
Who doesnt? :P and thx
kinda sad....
I've been weeks without watching anime (I've been watching some episodes of various animes....just when exams started) and so far....life has been what i expected.. sad and happy moments :D
What about you Kayla? Already in vacations?
well its like I expected....average studies, average effort...normal compared to junir year (that's a horrible year TT_TT) D:
I love it cause its shows Kira's two faces xD
Still you flunk your math test.... >_>... go study...NOW!
So your bro is just half way from suffering :3
*Hero Laugh*
Dont worry....everything is possible if I decide to do it xD
P.S ---> you failed your math test..... >=(
Well basically....I already started school (11th grade is hell...>.>), my long beautiful hair....was destroyed TT_TT (even teachers were praising my long hair)...Im going to aplly for a scholarshipp in Canada, USA, Germany or Japan... and finally....I flunk my first math quiz xD (its was so different from my answer) but I only lost 3 points